Well, I finally got back in range of my computer so here's my 207 photo. Actually 407 local time, the equivalent of US Central time. The sun was getting more in the way every second and I was wishing for a well placed cloud but no luck (It was cloudy all but one of the other nine days though). I compensated for the washout with some judicious editing, the kind that really grates on my wife's conservative sensibilities. I can live with it though and I don't remember any rule against mangling photos. At the very least it should be another sign that spring is almost here.
Well, I finally got back in range of my computer so here's my 207 photo. Actually 407 local time, the equivalent of US Central time. The sun was getting more in the way every second and I was wishing for a well placed cloud but no luck (It was cloudy all but one of the other nine days though). I compensated for the washout with some judicious editing, the kind that really grates on my wife's conservative sensibilities. I can live with it though and I don't remember any rule against mangling photos. At the very least it should be another sign that spring is almost here.
What a beautiful place to be at the time to take a photo. I would of loved it
I'm going to be doing another "My Experiment" here soon, with some other variables, and other requirements. Hopefully we can get some more shots this round.
A great thanks to everyone to participated...clapclap
I enjoyed it. It was a simple challenge, but kind of hard to since I wanted to be in a certain place at the time to take it. Looking forward to your next experiment
What a beautiful place to be at the time to take a photo. I would of loved it
I'm going to be doing another "My Experiment" here soon, with some other variables, and other requirements. Hopefully we can get some more shots this round.
A great thanks to everyone to participated...clapclap
OneTwoFiftieth | Portland, Oregon | Modern Portraiture
My Equipment:
Bodies: Canon 50D, Canon EOS 1
Lenses: Canon 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5, Canon 24-105mm f/4L IS, Canon 50mm f/1.4, Canon 100mm f/2.8 Macro, Canon MP-E 65mm f/2.8
Lighting: Canon 580EXII, Canon 420 EX, 12" Reflector, Pocket Wizard Plus II (3), AB800 (3), Large Softbox
Stability: Manfrotto 190CXPRO3 Tripod, Manfrotto 488RC4 Ball Head, Manfrotto 679B Monopod