Thanks for making me shoot out of my comfort zone with this challenge Sean.
I desperately tried to continue "street" shooting, but strangers were getting angry at my extreme close ups .
I shot the ring "ice" shot and I have to tell you though it didn't make the cut, I absolutely love how it came out. I also got some seriously nice compliments in the gallery, so thanks for that folks.
I continue to learn with each challenge--I'm sure the current one won't be an exception.
WhatSheSaw--I thought they might be letters but wasn't sure! Awesome.
And maybe I missed it but I want to know what Flyingina's entry is? Is it really not melted Kryptonite?
Really fun round guys--I enjoyed so many of the entries and my hats off to Nightpixels and Pyry for taking shots of your setups. Thanks for that. You guys go all out--love it!
Is part of the beard of Herakles, which is on display at the NC Museum of Art. (See attached image.) I have no experience with 'creating' shots. So, I just go around and see what jumps out at me. Something about the beard on this guy made me think about coral. Then when I was really looking at the photo in LR, I saw the shape that reminded me of 'The Scream' by Edvard Munch.
My photo would be more classified as interesting, but not beautiful. The shot was handheld and working with available light, which wasn't particularly good. I was fully aware that this photo did not have any wow factor and I am not really disappointed that it wasn't chosen. I had rented a macro lens and only had 2 days to come up with something. This was the first time I had ever attempted macro photography. It was fun, but I wish I could have come up with a better subject. I did try some focus stacks on some items around the house, but nothing said 'WTH' to me.
Oh my... I think I like the close-up better! I was sooo wondering what that was...and to think I thought it a milk soaked cheerio!!!
WOW!!! Such Great Photos!!! I have to agree that the photos in this round are some of the highest quality, well thought out images we've had for a while!!
I am learning some crazy things that I had never even thought about or heard of! I am not good at Macro, well actually I have never really done any Macro photography, and this concept of "Focus Stacking" is amazing to me!!
Great work everyone! Loving the reveals, lets see some more!!!
I know that this will be viewed as a sour grapes post, but I have to get this off my chest. If we have a theme, shouldn't we adhere to it? This isn't the first time I have seen a beautiful picture selected that is clearly not to theme.
Sorry to bring this up again, but I just have to add my support to Caius on this point. Otherwise, why bother?
Yes, I know judging is a hard job, I can wait for the day that I win a challenge to see first hand how hard it really is. (rare use of smiley icon for me!)
Mine probably won't come as a big surprise to anyone, but mine was
simply toothpicks! No fancy set up I'm sorry to say, just shot from above
using my macro at a shallow DOF. I used natural lighting, and shot it on a green plate
to compliment the colors.
Here is a quick snapshot of what it normally looks like....
This was a fun theme Sean! I think I used my macro lens more in the last two weeks than I have in the 2+ years I've had it!
I shot lots of different things, and felt pretty good about most of them, just couldn't seem to get any "wow" factor with them.
But all's good, happy with my entry, and ready to move on to the next round...which I think I'll have to have my son help me with the math
How sad is that!
Thanks to all who gave me feedback on my thread and in the gallery! Always much appreciated!
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
Awesome round. I loved SOOOOOO many of the photos. Thanks to the judges for nominating mine for the voting round.
My photo is of beads. the small ones are tubular beads about 1 cm long and 2 mm wide. They are made from dicroic glass. That means that they will transmit light through the glass in one color, but reflect light in many other colors. This is accomplished by using metals in the coating process. so I had to apolly a lot of light to get the effect that I was looking for.
the larger bead is sanded glass.
So I tediously stacked the beads between two dominoes for support on my kitchen counter. I tried many backgrounds with either solid paper colors or with colored light reflected off of those solid papers. I liked the dark effect best.
For those of you that followed my entries in the C&C thread, thanks for your feedback. I posted macros of rock candy, embossed metal, agates, green and red kayaks (with the black lacing), and dominoes. NOne roacked your worlds or mine either. I'm not sure where the bead idea came from.
Anyway, here are pics of the set up. I shot with and SB600, window light and flashilights in various shots.
This was the most fun round so far. What a journey. Thanks for the challenge Sean.
So I tediously stacked the beads between two dominoes for support on my kitchen counter. I tried many backgrounds with either solid paper colors or with colored light reflected off of those solid papers. I liked the dark effect best.
OK I think you get my vote for best effort for stacking beads. To tedious for me. I liked the shot a lot
is tree bark... not entirely sure what kind of tree; this kind for sure:
i was kinda surprised by some of the reactions, more than 3 people mentioned that the image "freaked or weirded or stressed them out"... a friend went as far as to say that the copper tones made her think of dried blood... maybe i'm just too close to it because all i see are some really cool shapes in the bark.
And maybe I missed it but I want to know what Flyingina's entry is? Is it really not melted Kryptonite?
No, not kyrptonite.
It is a picture of part of a bottle of Palmolive liquid dishwashing soup, lit with off camera flash. I used a 50mm macro lens at f11 ISO200. I cropped it, rotated it 90 degrees and did some PP on the original greens to give it a little drama.
I left in the dark area on the right because you can see some of the letters in "Palmolive" if you look carefully. A hint, if you will.
The heart is an anomoly. There was no heart visible and I could not reproduce it. Must have been how the flash and ambient hit the fluid in the clear plastic container.
Sorry I can't provide the original for comparison. I'm not at home and do not have the file with me.
I had a lot of fun with this challenge and got a lot of flower pix that I really love and that I wouldn't have gotten otherwise.
_______________________________________________ "A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
I did not get my image quality up to par with the rest posted, but I must say that I learned a lot about my camera & macro photography due to this competition. For anyone curious the final image I posted was a small Bic lighter.
Very cool description. Thanks. I would never have guessed how this was done and I'm very impressed with such ordinary objects (paper, pens) being used to create the image.
Really a different take on photography than I'm used to (i.e. not finding something interesting and taking a picture of it), but creating a sculpture with an eye towards what it will look like in an image.
Some truly beautiful images this round. I think this round more than any other deserves this thread. We are all eagerly waiting to find out what each and every entry is and how they were shot so I will go ahead and do my part for my entry, "Curves":]
OK I think you get my vote for best effort for stacking beads. To tedious for me. I liked the shot a lot
Wow. I had assumed that you were taking a picture of a cross section of wire. I love the creativity. Beads are beautiful, and I have lots and hadn't even thought of taking a picture of them for this challenge.
(of course, I can't imagine having succeeded in stacking the beads :-)
Wow. I had assumed that you were taking a picture of a cross section of wire. I love the creativity. Beads are beautiful, and I have lots and hadn't even thought of taking a picture of them for this challenge.
(of course, I can't imagine having succeeded in stacking the beads :-)
Thanks for your comments! Sometimes for these challenges, I walk around my house, looking at things with a 'challenge" eye. It's amazing what jumps out at me. These beads were jumping off the shelf at me and I kept shoving them back. When all my other ideas bombed, I gave in. I should've done it sooner!
BEADS!!! Dang, I have BEADS!!! And I had actually given them some thought...but the studio is torn apart and I didn't go lookng....can't say I would have stood them all up the way you did, however!! Its a GREAT shot!
BEADS!!! Dang, I have BEADS!!! And I had actually given them some thought...but the studio is torn apart and I didn't go lookng....can't say I would have stood them all up the way you did, however!! Its a GREAT shot!
As you can see, my studio is usually my kitchen. I wonder how many folks on dgrin actually have studios. I'd like to see where everyone shoots!
kitchen, living room, office, back yard, front yard, on rocks, in rivers, in the ocean, at the beach, on top of mountains, rooftops, basements, cellars, coffee shops, bathrooms, restaurants, on boats, on ships and yes a studio or two
My image was of an old plumbing pipe. There is nothing special about how I took the photo, it was hand held using my standard kit prime lens - I just had to be a little creative in the tight crop. I shot with no flash and with pop-up flash, the final image used the flash as the harsh light enhanced the texture. Of course, I also worked on the texture a little bit (too much) in Photoshop.
This was a last minute entry, as I was never happy with the focus on my intended entry (SIM card) - that I was shooting with a reverse positioned lens, hand held against the camera body. I am still waiting for my reverse mount ring from eBay!
I desperately tried to continue "street" shooting, but strangers were getting angry at my extreme close ups
I shot the ring "ice" shot and I have to tell you though it didn't make the cut, I absolutely love how it came out. I also got some seriously nice compliments in the gallery, so thanks for that folks.
I continue to learn with each challenge--I'm sure the current one won't be an exception.
WhatSheSaw--I thought they might be letters but wasn't sure! Awesome.
And maybe I missed it but I want to know what Flyingina's entry is? Is it really not melted Kryptonite?
Really fun round guys--I enjoyed so many of the entries and my hats off to Nightpixels and Pyry for taking shots of your setups. Thanks for that. You guys go all out--love it!
Oh my... I think I like the close-up better!
I am learning some crazy things that I had never even thought about or heard of! I am not good at Macro, well actually I have never really done any Macro photography, and this concept of "Focus Stacking" is amazing to me!!
Great work everyone! Loving the reveals, lets see some more!!!
Sorry to bring this up again, but I just have to add my support to Caius on this point. Otherwise, why bother?
Yes, I know judging is a hard job, I can wait for the day that I win a challenge to see first hand how hard it really is.
Until that day, I can easily be critical!
Stephen Marsh
simply toothpicks! No fancy set up I'm sorry to say, just shot from above
using my macro at a shallow DOF. I used natural lighting, and shot it on a green plate
to compliment the colors.
Here is a quick snapshot of what it normally looks like....
This was a fun theme Sean! I think I used my macro lens more in the last two weeks than I have in the 2+ years I've had it!
I shot lots of different things, and felt pretty good about most of them, just couldn't seem to get any "wow" factor with them.
But all's good, happy with my entry, and ready to move on to the next round...which I think I'll have to have my son help me with the math
How sad is that!
Thanks to all who gave me feedback on my thread and in the gallery! Always much appreciated!
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
My photo is of beads. the small ones are tubular beads about 1 cm long and 2 mm wide. They are made from dicroic glass. That means that they will transmit light through the glass in one color, but reflect light in many other colors. This is accomplished by using metals in the coating process. so I had to apolly a lot of light to get the effect that I was looking for.
the larger bead is sanded glass.
So I tediously stacked the beads between two dominoes for support on my kitchen counter. I tried many backgrounds with either solid paper colors or with colored light reflected off of those solid papers. I liked the dark effect best.
For those of you that followed my entries in the C&C thread, thanks for your feedback. I posted macros of rock candy, embossed metal, agates, green and red kayaks (with the black lacing), and dominoes. NOne roacked your worlds or mine either. I'm not sure where the bead idea came from.
Anyway, here are pics of the set up. I shot with and SB600, window light and flashilights in various shots.
This was the most fun round so far. What a journey. Thanks for the challenge Sean.
My entry- Anomaly
The beads
The setup
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
OK I think you get my vote for best effort for stacking beads. To tedious for me. I liked the shot a lot
is tree bark... not entirely sure what kind of tree; this kind for sure:
i was kinda surprised by some of the reactions, more than 3 people mentioned that the image "freaked or weirded or stressed them out"... a friend went as far as to say that the copper tones made her think of dried blood... maybe i'm just too close to it because all i see are some really cool shapes in the bark.
- Diana
No, not kyrptonite.
It is a picture of part of a bottle of Palmolive liquid dishwashing soup, lit with off camera flash. I used a 50mm macro lens at f11 ISO200. I cropped it, rotated it 90 degrees and did some PP on the original greens to give it a little drama.
I left in the dark area on the right because you can see some of the letters in "Palmolive" if you look carefully. A hint, if you will.
The heart is an anomoly. There was no heart visible and I could not reproduce it. Must have been how the flash and ambient hit the fluid in the clear plastic container.
Sorry I can't provide the original for comparison. I'm not at home and do not have the file with me.
I had a lot of fun with this challenge and got a lot of flower pix that I really love and that I wouldn't have gotten otherwise.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
^That was the back of a Rebel Serpent Iphone case.
If anybody wanted to know.
Really a different take on photography than I'm used to (i.e. not finding something interesting and taking a picture of it), but creating a sculpture with an eye towards what it will look like in an image.
Wow. I had assumed that you were taking a picture of a cross section of wire. I love the creativity. Beads are beautiful, and I have lots and hadn't even thought of taking a picture of them for this challenge.
(of course, I can't imagine having succeeded in stacking the beads :-)
Thanks for your comments! Sometimes for these challenges, I walk around my house, looking at things with a 'challenge" eye. It's amazing what jumps out at me. These beads were jumping off the shelf at me and I kept shoving them back. When all my other ideas bombed, I gave in. I should've done it sooner!
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
As you can see, my studio is usually my kitchen. I wonder how many folks on dgrin actually have studios. I'd like to see where everyone shoots!
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
kitchen, living room, office, back yard, front yard, on rocks, in rivers, in the ocean, at the beach, on top of mountains, rooftops, basements, cellars, coffee shops, bathrooms, restaurants, on boats, on ships and yes a studio or two
My image was of an old plumbing pipe. There is nothing special about how I took the photo, it was hand held using my standard kit prime lens - I just had to be a little creative in the tight crop. I shot with no flash and with pop-up flash, the final image used the flash as the harsh light enhanced the texture. Of course, I also worked on the texture a little bit (too much) in Photoshop.
This was a last minute entry, as I was never happy with the focus on my intended entry (SIM card) - that I was shooting with a reverse positioned lens, hand held against the camera body. I am still waiting for my reverse mount ring from eBay!
Stephen Marsh
My top 10 in no particular order...
Stephen Marsh
oh, the studio I was referring to was my fabric/quilt/craft studio...hence my beads were un-reachable.....
I do have my computer in here too, so technically its also my 'darkroom/studio'