Mini Challenge #98 - Right Place & Right Time

Your theme is: The Right Place & The Right Time
Mini Challenge #98 begins June 30th, 2010 and ends July 15th, 2010 (noon Eastern Daylight Time).
One of the many secrets of effective photography is being in the right place at the right time. This challenge is to post up to three examples of such pictures. I'm not looking for pictures which have been set up or contrived, but ones which are quite unique and have been grabbed by keeping your eyes open and noticing what is going on around you; of course having a camera always with you really helps!
For instance:

(…by the way this one wasn't really contrived - it took all of 10 seconds to execute). I was chatting with a friend at a party, and she was just standing there, and I suddenly noticed the painting and just got her to raise her hand until it was in exactly the right position; she wondered what on earth I was doing…
1. Have fun sharing and seeing what others share!
2. The host supplies a topic and you post 1-3 images. The host judges the winners (1st, 2nd and 3rd) and is not eligible to enter.
The 1st place winner then chooses the next topic, judges the winner and then passes on the baton to the new champion.
3. Any photo you’ve taken is eligible, regardless of when taken or camera used.
4. Any amount of post-processing is allowed. However, it is helpful if you list your camera and lens along with your photo.
You may comment on other contestant's images. If you want someone to leave you some critique or criticism, just ask within your post.
5. The winner has up to three days (72 hours) to begin a new mini-challenge, or the honor goes to the #2 finisher and so forth.
1. Enter 1-3 photos and put them in a single post.
2. Either embed your image in the thread or, if you must, supply a link to it. Keep in mind, however, most people don't want to click to open photos hosted elsewhere (i.e. on your website).
3. Also try and resize your photos prior to posting so they're sized appropriately for viewing without having to scroll (~800 pixels on the longest side works best.)
4. Give each image you enter a title.
5. Enjoy discussion with members about their images, don't let this just be an entry thread!
6. Don't be hesitant, share'em and enter!
(…bits of this page nicked from JAG's #94 start page)
Good Luck!
- Wil
Mini Challenge #98 begins June 30th, 2010 and ends July 15th, 2010 (noon Eastern Daylight Time).
One of the many secrets of effective photography is being in the right place at the right time. This challenge is to post up to three examples of such pictures. I'm not looking for pictures which have been set up or contrived, but ones which are quite unique and have been grabbed by keeping your eyes open and noticing what is going on around you; of course having a camera always with you really helps!
For instance:

(…by the way this one wasn't really contrived - it took all of 10 seconds to execute). I was chatting with a friend at a party, and she was just standing there, and I suddenly noticed the painting and just got her to raise her hand until it was in exactly the right position; she wondered what on earth I was doing…

1. Have fun sharing and seeing what others share!
2. The host supplies a topic and you post 1-3 images. The host judges the winners (1st, 2nd and 3rd) and is not eligible to enter.
The 1st place winner then chooses the next topic, judges the winner and then passes on the baton to the new champion.
3. Any photo you’ve taken is eligible, regardless of when taken or camera used.
4. Any amount of post-processing is allowed. However, it is helpful if you list your camera and lens along with your photo.
You may comment on other contestant's images. If you want someone to leave you some critique or criticism, just ask within your post.
5. The winner has up to three days (72 hours) to begin a new mini-challenge, or the honor goes to the #2 finisher and so forth.
1. Enter 1-3 photos and put them in a single post.
2. Either embed your image in the thread or, if you must, supply a link to it. Keep in mind, however, most people don't want to click to open photos hosted elsewhere (i.e. on your website).
3. Also try and resize your photos prior to posting so they're sized appropriately for viewing without having to scroll (~800 pixels on the longest side works best.)
4. Give each image you enter a title.
5. Enjoy discussion with members about their images, don't let this just be an entry thread!
6. Don't be hesitant, share'em and enter!
(…bits of this page nicked from JAG's #94 start page)
Good Luck!
- Wil
"…………………" - Marcel Marceau
Street Performers - Florence, Italy
"Town Council" - Urbino, Italy
Entering St. Peter's Square - Vatican City, Italy
— Kevin
My Site, My Book
"In step"
"Sharks and Jets"
"Play that funky music white bear"
Facebook Fan Page
"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
1) Red bus cut in half in Notre Dame square of Paris
2) Bird Girl
3) Away from tourists of Venice
Los Angeles dance photographer
Class in session
Killdeer Cheerleading practice
Right place right time Bad Smell
Wine Country Vulture dines I think I would suggest a Cabernet
2. Canadian Rules Football
3. Farm rainbow
1. Don't turn your back....
2. Pass the chips
3. Reflecting
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
…I think this is going to take some real Deep Thought to come up with only 3 winners!
There are so many of these I wish I'd taken!
Nice job!
…keep 'em coming!
- Wil
2. "Miller time!" (Key Largo sunset)
3. "Ghosts" (DisneyWorld Orlando, Florida)
#2 Birds attack
#3 Ducks fight - I just got this 2 days ago, so I thought to use it here ...... Facebook
1. Heard my kids arguing with each other. My 2 yo daughter had interrupted my son's military engagement. He didn't think this particular "woman" was fit for duty. I managed to zoom in as she placed the princess square in the middle and about 3 seconds before her demise.
2.Didn't know I had this shot til I downloaded it. He is proudly showing off his first "missing" teeth and there she is, the everpresent little sister always underfoot and stealing the show. I have a serious belly laugh everytime I see this shot.
3.My first (and last) paparazzi shot.
Ethel (I'd had the SLR for a week or two and was taking some shots on my walk home from work. A guy passing by randomly stopped me in the street and asked me to take his picture, then he asked if I wanted to go meet his grandmother and take her picture... so he walked me to her house and she let me snap a few frames. This is my favorite. She was 96 and would be almost 98 now.)
Teenage Mutant Yoga Turtles (found these heros in a half shell doing their thing while kayaking last weekend)
Spread the love! Go comment on something!
#1 Bicycles Built for Tall...out for a walk in the park, these guys came riding up...
#2 Old Tree Sunset...another walk in the park...
#3 Up A Creek Without A Paddle...Lassen National Forest, he was just out for an inflatable float, I was just there...
My Aunt's horse making faces at her sister
Zach not fully enjoying his first birthday
My brother at his second wedding. He had to blow his nose to get the cake out
"If you saw a man drowning and you could either save him or photograph the event...what kind of film would you use?" - Anonymous
So keep 'em coming, and as I said earlier, it'll be one helluva job to pick some winners!
…also feel free to discuss the pictures posted so far; I think it says something in the rules about being encourage to do so! (Just checked: Gen rules #4, and Guidelines #5)
So, keep posting and commenting!
- Wil
#1 The sun had just come out after a week of rain...and then went away. Lucky to catch this nice light.
#2 I went down with my nephew on this was fine.
#3 My daughter losing a tooth at a theme park...while eating cotton candy of all things.
"In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun..." Mary Poppins
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
These are all great! I especially like Sharks and Jets!
This is classic on so many levels! Good thing you had your camera at hand.
I like the 2nd, also. The pride in his face with her in the BG.
This one is really special!
This one cracks me up!
The others are also very nice.
Funny captions for both of these! I especially like the 2nd.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
Red Sky Over The YP.
Sunset Sails:
A bubble? While you're playing??
And he never missed a beat!
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
…you're doing pretty good so far!
Need more entries…
…and more comments!
- Wil
Night Magic!
Nice job!
V. difficult to be in exactly the right place at the right time! Well seen!
I'm curious as to where that one was taken… …must be way up north if I'm not mistaken.
…looks like you might have some "hot-pixels" on your sensor
…unless they're nav-lights on the water
BTW Welcome to DGPF!
- Wil
Smugger for life!
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My Photo Gallery:Northern Focus Photography
I wish I was half the man that my dog thinks I am...
Canon 40D
lens 28-135 mm (this was around 100mm)
iso 100