V. difficult to be in exactly the right place at the right time! Well seen!
I'm curious as to where that one was taken… …must be way up north if I'm not mistaken.
…looks like you might have some "hot-pixels" on your sensor
…unless they're nav-lights on the water
BTW Welcome to DGPF!
- Wil
Cheers Will, finding DGBF good so far. I've just bought my first digital SLR so am just starting out in a sense.
This pic was taken on the west coast of Scotland a few years back, I was so lucky to see the northern lights, I've been back there many times but have only ever seen them that one time. I took it with my first ever digital camera, a Minolta Dimage F100. It was only 4 mega pixels but I loved that camera (a good amount of manual controls for a compact), I've since lost it following a few too many beers at a wedding. I think the green pixel in the middle of the loch is a duff pixel, the bunch of lights to the side is a few houses in the distance. Here's a google maps link if you want to check out the location, I think those lights in the distance are of Camas Inus... http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=loch+sunart&sll=56.680185,-5.809021&sspn=0.108251,0.307274&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Loch+Sunart&ll=56.677356,-5.811768&spn=0.225948,0.614548&t=h&z=11
Just got back from a trip to Viet Nam. Here is just a few.
1) "Playful Hats" = On a MeKong Delta tour, had a few Chinese families on the tour as well. These kids were playing with their new hats they just purchased before getting on the boat.
2) "Flower in Window" - Walked thru a house in Viet Nam that was under construction. How many construction workers would wear an orange hat with a flower?
3) "New Bike" - So what do you do when you buy a new bicycle in Vietnam and your only transportation is a scooter? How do you get it home?
I'm going to take each submission, and select just one picture which strikes me as being closest to the spirit of the original competition. That's not to say that the others aren't any good, it's just that the ones I selected jumped right out at me with very little effort on my part:
BTW: For the ones hosted by SmugMug, I've been able to point to the small versions but for those hosted elsewhere, I could only use the links to the originals, and some didn't seem to work at all (sorry in advance…)
^ I think this one is brilliant! I can't help thinking that the turtle in the front row is desperate to be excused! (it even has its hand up!) …and also the expressions on the turtles' faces are priceless!!!
^ Mmmm, well I don't know about this one; I think I'd be more interested in the next frame (the one taken as she socked him in the face…) …a bit far away, almost like a voyeur!
2.Didn't know I had this shot til I downloaded it. He is proudly showing off his first "missing" teeth and there she is, the everpresent little sister always underfoot and stealing the show. I have a serious belly laugh everytime I see this shot.
^ This one needs no explanation! I think the expression is priceless! (and there's that cute scene-stealer about to pounce!!!)
^ Well seen, and demonstrates how important it is to have a camera with you at all times! Unusual to get such a great photo of what is a very elusive subject!!!!
^ This was the one of the Osprey with its catch. Nice picture and well captured! (sorry, don't have link to small version…)
I think the ducks being frightened off by the sandpiper is a great picture; well seen and good grab!!!
The dragonfly BTW - great focus, but a bit near the edge of the frame, and the frame looks a bit empty - it looks like there are two flies near the bottom of the frame… …I dread to think what mischief they might be getting up to down there in the corner (!!!!!)
I don't have 3 at the moment so I guess I'm not in the running. Thought I'd share though!
^ These are the "Motorcycle Crash" pics, and the timing is superb, and the catch is great; the only problem is that none of the important bits are in focus, on any of them, which is a shame!!!
3) "New Bike" - So what do you do when you buy a new bicycle in Vietnam and your only transportation is a scooter? How do you get it home?
We used to move bikes that way when we were kids; the important thing to remember is to steer the non-ridden bike from the middle of the bars (still got the scars from wounds suffered when I attempted to do the same trick by holding on to one end of the handlebars!!!)
Thanks again to all of you who took the time and trouble to enter; it's been great fun, and as I said before, these three winners are my opinion only, and as we all know, opinions are like noses…
That's a lot of snow geese!!
My SmugMug
Cheers Will, finding DGBF good so far. I've just bought my first digital SLR so am just starting out in a sense.
This pic was taken on the west coast of Scotland a few years back, I was so lucky to see the northern lights, I've been back there many times but have only ever seen them that one time. I took it with my first ever digital camera, a Minolta Dimage F100. It was only 4 mega pixels but I loved that camera (a good amount of manual controls for a compact), I've since lost it following a few too many beers at a wedding. I think the green pixel in the middle of the loch is a duff pixel, the bunch of lights to the side is a few houses in the distance. Here's a google maps link if you want to check out the location, I think those lights in the distance are of Camas Inus... http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=loch+sunart&sll=56.680185,-5.809021&sspn=0.108251,0.307274&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Loch+Sunart&ll=56.677356,-5.811768&spn=0.225948,0.614548&t=h&z=11
My Photo Gallery:Northern Focus Photography
I wish I was half the man that my dog thinks I am...
2) Seeing little sister for the first time
3) Kissing the "Big Sister Spot"
2.Back Off!
3. Mom's Proud Moment (Yep, my daughters first official recital, and she's picking her nose)!
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
This last winter our local refuge had about 10,000 at one time, but I have never seen them so thick in one takeoff that they blocked out everything.
My SmugMug
Ironically, this was the first time that I ever saw a big flock of snows ...
My Photo Gallery:Northern Focus Photography
I wish I was half the man that my dog thinks I am...
Hey, timing is everything!
…but she's going to hate you for that one in about 10 years time!
Nice job!
OK chaps, you're all doing great…
…keep 'em coming!
- Wil
was shooting dragonflies in flight then saw the fly so tried for both
1. Intimidation.
2. Moonbow at Upper Yosemite Falls
3. CraZy CanUcks on Robson Street, Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics
Remember, only another 3 days; this one closes July 15th, 2010 (noon Eastern Daylight Time)…
…that's this coming Thursday!
BTW - This challenge is to post up to three examples of such pictures.
- Wil
"I see her!"
both of us scored this day
Fish sez: Bugger!
Wil sez: …Nice job!
Good catch!
- Wil
1) "Playful Hats" = On a MeKong Delta tour, had a few Chinese families on the tour as well. These kids were playing with their new hats they just purchased before getting on the boat.
2) "Flower in Window" - Walked thru a house in Viet Nam that was under construction. How many construction workers would wear an orange hat with a flower?
3) "New Bike" - So what do you do when you buy a new bicycle in Vietnam and your only transportation is a scooter? How do you get it home?
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This is going to be difficult to find 3 winners! No critiques until over…
…not over until tomorrow (Thurs July 15th) at noon!
- Wil
Liberté, égalité, fraternité ou la mort!
Will it pop?
Flying brass
Behind the back...
Time's up!
…put your cameras down, and pass your photos to the front!
…do not pass GO! …do not collect $200!
28 entries… 75 pictures…
Thanks everyone! …got some great stuff here!
…I guess I'd better take a closer look!
…back soon!
- Wil
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
…now down to four!!!
…watch this space!!!!
- Wil
I'm going to take each submission, and select just one picture which strikes me as being closest to the spirit of the original competition. That's not to say that the others aren't any good, it's just that the ones I selected jumped right out at me with very little effort on my part:
BTW: For the ones hosted by SmugMug, I've been able to point to the small versions but for those hosted elsewhere, I could only use the links to the originals, and some didn't seem to work at all (sorry in advance…)
^ This one is surreal. A very "Pleasantville Moment"; it's almost like the seated guy is in a different dimension! Needs no context; great picture!
^ Nice, but it's difficult to sus out what is going on without the context…
^ I like the composition on this one, especially the differential focus!
^ I think this one is brilliant! I can't help thinking that the turtle in the front row is desperate to be excused! (it even has its hand up!) …and also the expressions on the turtles' faces are priceless!!!
^ Like this one! Full bow, great composition! Right Place, Right Time! Great composition! Nice!
^ Mmmm, well I don't know about this one; I think I'd be more interested in the next frame (the one taken as she socked him in the face…) …a bit far away, almost like a voyeur!
^ This one's great! …well seen and needs no explanation!
^ I love the intensity of the moment, and can just imagine him thinking "starting roll… V¹… V²… …rotate"
^ This one needs no explanation! I think the expression is priceless! (and there's that cute scene-stealer about to pounce!!!)
^ Haaaaa! Haaaaaa! This one is really great! I just can't help thinking that the one at the back might have just had a "Baked Bean" moment…
(back turtle:) "…hey buddy! Check this out… …wheeeewwweeee!"
(front turtle:) "…jeeze Mikey, what d'ja have in that pizza????"
Another caption might be: "Hi Mom!"
…again, the expressions are perfect! Great job!
^ Looks almost like a collage… …seems almost like part of a surreal dream sequence! …especially with the PP.
^ A "Mr. Ed" moment - I realise that it was grabbed, but I wish it were framed tighter; still, very well spotted and very nice job!
^ Arrrgghhh! Grosss! (but I love it!!!!) The tooth is in a perfect position, and the peripheral pride comes across very well!
^ Wayyyyy to go! Let's hear it for Big Mable!!!! Great timing!
^ Well seen, and demonstrates how important it is to have a camera with you at all times! Unusual to get such a great photo of what is a very elusive subject!!!!
^ Again, well seen - and timing is everything!
^ I like this one (almost missed it there!) great timing, and beautifully framed!
^ Again great timing! I can't help but wonder exactly what's going through their minds at that moment…
^ Heh heh! Well seen!
^ Cute kid! …paint still wet!
^ Haaaaaaa! Haaaaa! Great moment! Well seen and well captured! (…so what did your daughter think of it?)
^ This was the one of the Osprey with its catch. Nice picture and well captured! (sorry, don't have link to small version…)
I think the ducks being frightened off by the sandpiper is a great picture; well seen and good grab!!!
The dragonfly BTW - great focus, but a bit near the edge of the frame, and the frame looks a bit empty - it looks like there are two flies near the bottom of the frame… …I dread to think what mischief they might be getting up to down there in the corner (!!!!!)
^ These are the "Motorcycle Crash" pics, and the timing is superb, and the catch is great; the only problem is that none of the important bits are in focus, on any of them, which is a shame!!!
^ Interesting picture! Is it really lit by the moon???? (I'm totally confused…)
^ Caught at just the right time, and from an interesting angle! I hope you weren't hit!!!!
We used to move bikes that way when we were kids; the important thing to remember is to steer the non-ridden bike from the middle of the bars (still got the scars from wounds suffered when I attempted to do the same trick by holding on to one end of the handlebars!!!)
^ I had to really look to see the "brass" - I wish it had been more obvious!
^ I'm missing something here! Perhaps I'm just thick or something (my apologies…)
Well, that's it:
…more later!
Drum roll…
Third Place:
Drum roll…
Second Place:
…and now (drum roll…)
The Winner of Challenge #98:
…that's it chaps!
Congratulations to the three winners!
Thanks again to all of you who took the time and trouble to enter; it's been great fun, and as I said before, these three winners are my opinion only, and as we all know, opinions are like noses…
…everybody has one!!!!
- Wil
And a big thank you for the comments
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
Lots of great shots I am honored that the turtles came through on top.