600-800 pixels?! Man! Thats kinda small, isnt it?! I mean, what good is an 8MP pic shrunk down like that? Everytime I try to resize my pics to a smaller size, I always get artifacts and other garbage... Then again, the only software I have right now is Jasc Paint Shop Pro... I need better software......
But yeah, Im definitely looking into the smugmug thing! Looks very tantilizing... Mmmmm... Tasty... :slurp
Thanks for your help though!
600-800 pixels?! Man! Thats kinda small, isnt it?! I mean, what good is an 8MP pic shrunk down like that? Everytime I try to resize my pics to a smaller size, I always get artifacts and other garbage... Then again, the only software I have right now is Jasc Paint Shop Pro... I need better software......
But yeah, Im definitely looking into the smugmug thing! Looks very tantilizing... Mmmmm... Tasty... :slurp
Thanks for your help though!
Well then along those lines, why display a 300+dpi image on a medium that only shows 72dpi (monitors)? Right there you make a significant savings in the size of the image. But yea, sometinges images are lost on the computer screen, it is not until it s printed that you see its true colors (so to speak).
600-800 pixels?! Man! Thats kinda small, isnt it?! I mean, what good is an 8MP pic shrunk down like that? Everytime I try to resize my pics to a smaller size, I always get artifacts and other garbage... Then again, the only software I have right now is Jasc Paint Shop Pro... I need better software......
But yeah, Im definitely looking into the smugmug thing! Looks very tantilizing... Mmmmm... Tasty... :slurp
Thanks for your help though!
psp is a very very powerful image editor. don't count it out! i know several pros who use it and use it very well.
as far as web usage - use psp's "save for web" setting and you'll be fine. btw 800px on the longest side is great for dgrin viewing ;-)
If I'm catching your drift correctly.... you might want to not openly solicit illegal program sharing. Just a suggestion - could lead to problems! If I have your drift wrong, sorry about that!
WRT photo size... I've tripped up before on the difference between ppi and dpi... I think you might be too.
Alright then, I yeild! Monitors only do 72 dpi?! Then whats all this about resolutions and such? Doesnt a higher resolution imply denser elements and thus a higher dpi? I have my monitor set at 1280x768 (its a Dell widescreen LCD/TV); is my dpi the same at this resolution as it is at, say, 600x800?
Hey, is anyone here part of a file-sharing program? I love Morpheus; got Paint Shop Pro--the latest version--and an update patch for free! Legally, I might add! So, anybody have it on their PC and want to share? Please?
If anyone wants to know the best place to get Morpheus, try www.morpheus.com , and theyll send you to the best mirror site (usually downloads.com)... Come one people! Fight the corporate profiteers! You know the programmers get paid the same anyway!:D
DPI or dots per inch, relates to printing. With monitors, it's PPI or pixels per inch.
Another one of the fine members here gave me a "tutorial" on how to get Adobe on the cheap. Ebay the old version, pay for the most recent upgrade.
I like Irfanview to do basic-basic stuff in Windows, and because I can't lay out the cashola for Adobe, I'm using GIMP here in my Linux platform. However, my real goal is to get stuff looking GREAT right off the shot, rather than having to do anything more than crop or resize.
Been too busy getting ready for the move up north to do much of anything with my camera lately, though.. argh.
Youth and Enthusiasm
Are No Match For
Age and Treachery
Youre moving north? Whereabouts? Not as far north as I, right?
I want what most people use now and can swear by... I dont know much about Adobe... I do know its a pretty big/good name though...
Yeah, I wish I could tweak the camera a bit more and get stuff dialed in so that I need minimal computer tuning... But youre not gonna need to do that, damn you! YOURE getting the 10D, you jerk! I sat next to a Sikh on the plane trip back from Heathrow (the worst airport in history), so Im learning how to be thankful and junk, but thats the camera I asked/wanted/lusted after for a good long time!!!! AAAARRRGGGGGHHHHH It undoubtedly takes better pictures and is more versatile than my f828! But... I got better resolution/MPs...
I dont know what it feeds off of, and I dont want to dump chemicals in the tank cause I got my lovely rBTA in there now ($50 bucks! Beat that deal for a rarer coloration!!!)
Ahh, thats the price I was cringing for in the first place!no wonder... Whats so much better about 8 for it to cost so much!?!? free camera with it or something?!
Right now Im about 66% into the download of Photoshop 8.0! I didnt know that it was until I checked back here after I had started the download!
Im gonna wait and see if it works before I jump to conclusions, but its a zipped file so far...
If I get it and it works, anybody who wants to know more about how I got it can PM me, cause I think theres some sort of "Big Brother" post-shark deleting my posts that apparently pertain to A)file sharing, and realizing that someone is deleting my posts! Of course, I could just be insane...
Im holding my breath to see if this post makes it!
I am moving up to Lake Tahoe - you tell me if it's further north than you, cuzza I don't know. I believe it was Rutt who told me about getting an old version of Adobe, then buying the upgrade. That is, if I recollect correctly, a good way to get the full Monty, so to speak.
It isn't me who's getting the 10D, it's the s.o. He'll share, though. I am pretty sure he's going to get the U.W. housing, I wish Ben would stop in.. gonna have to pm him via RDO I think. He's a bigtime scuba-dude.
As for the cyano, I haven't kept track of your efforts to erradicate, but you've been gone, so a few really big water changes should help. If you can AT ALL, get natural (filtered) seawater.
Youth and Enthusiasm
Are No Match For
Age and Treachery
Dood, seamaiden! Im in NAPA! Tahoe is south of me and to the east. Beautiful place, as I take it you know! Hey, if Im up there snowboarding, can I crash at your place?
Ive been pondering that for a while now... How could I get seawater, and somehow filter it to a point where it is natural and pure again? Like MEGA loads of carbon and other chemical filtrations or something over like a day period? Or is there an established way to get it? Im not that far fromt the coast, and Id be willing to make the drive (its one of the most gorgeous drives to ever motor on!)... PM me if you have significant info...!
wxwax, it says Photoshop 8.0, so thats what Ill call it until I open the file and snoop around!
By the way, did you ever see my post explaining the whole file-sharing thing? It seems to have vanished, and I wont call it a dead issue, since thats how Im getting the file...
Right now Im about 66% into the download of Photoshop 8.0! I didnt know that it was until I checked back here after I had started the download!
Im gonna wait and see if it works before I jump to conclusions, but its a zipped file so far...
If I get it and it works, anybody who wants to know more about how I got it can PM me, cause I think theres some sort of "Big Brother" post-shark deleting my posts that apparently pertain to A)file sharing, and realizing that someone is deleting my posts! Of course, I could just be insane...
Im holding my breath to see if this post makes it!
dewr - if you are paying for photoshop, please feel free to share the deal you got. if not, please keep it to yourself, not on the forum.
i'm a photographer who cares deeply about intellectual property and copyrights. the last thing i'd hate to see is my images printed up and being distributed by someone else.
Yes, I saw your post, dewr. Someone pointed out that although it's freeware, it's still against the user's license for one user to share it with another. Seems silly, but it's an agreement each users enters into if they acquire the freeware legitmately.
For reasons best known to themselves, Adobe moved away from the numbering with their latest release. Instead of Photoshop 8, they offically called it Photoshop CS. Something to do with trumpeting its web capabilities, or its ability to work with other Adobe programs, or something.
Yes, I saw your post, dewr. Someone pointed out that although it's freeware, it's still against the user's license for one user to share it with another. Seems silly, but it's an agreement each users enters into if they acquire the freeware legitmately.
For reasons best known to themselves, Adobe moved away from the numbering with their latest release. Instead of Photoshop 8, they offically called it Photoshop CS. Something to do with trumpeting its web capabilities, or its ability to work with other Adobe programs, or something.
wait, are you saying that there's an actual freeware version? i'm confused
Hold on there; Im also confused... Youre talking about Morpheus, right wxwax? Thats the freeware? Or Photoshop CS/8? Adobe said it was freeware to begin with? And if its freeware, its against Adobe's will and whim to share it with others?! Then why call it freeware?!
andy, youre confusing your apples with oranges. A picture taken by an individual is unique. I agree, and completely concur with your view on intellectual rights and copyright laws. But what Im talking about is downloading a program that costs almost nothing to produce, is not individual or truly artistic by any official sense, is essentially a very wide profit margin for a company that will eventually turn that extra money into advertising, and is even labeled freeware yet is misleadingly done so--according to their own rules. A computer-nerd friend of mine told me that the programmers and writers get paid essentially the same through a range of period-based sales and revenue margins, so I dont really feel that bad about getting a freaking program for free once in a while... Besides, it wasnt stolen or taken illegally in any way; someone already paid the premiums, and sees fit to share in their investment by making it available to those who pay for a service with patience by watching *literally* millions of advertisments, sometimes of the very company we speak of here.
Sorry if that comes accross as overly defensive and/or backhanded, but those are my feelings on sharing software, not even touching the whole "fair usage rights" thing, pertaining to something else though...
Sorry if that comes accross as overly defensive and/or backhanded, but those are my feelings on sharing software, not even touching the whole "fair usage rights" thing, pertaining to something else though...
Dewr, bottom line, it's illegal. We may disagree about whether it should or should not be illegal. That's a separate issue. Right now, it is. And so it's poor form for one to broadcast about illegally sharing software. If you're going to do it, at least be discrete.
Additionally, you'll find folks here who are quite passionate about defending copyrights. So you can anticipate getting a chilly reception when you propose violating a copyright. Feel it getting a little nippy?
wxwax, where did you get the info on the copyright laws? Is it something specific to Photoshop? Ive never owned Photoshop (no version), so Ive never read any of the user agreements... Did Morpheus say it was illegal to share files like that? I never read anything like that in the user agreement, and all I remember being told by my geek buddies is that its the one legal way to share files. Why would it be so widely distributed by a reputable download site if it condoned illegal activity? These laws are screwy. Well fine then; I will submit to the whims of a software giant because I dont know any better, and it now seems to have become a telling factor of my morality...
I defend copyright laws too! Im not stealing anything and putting my name on it, essentially one of the main definitions of a copyright. That and selling it/making some sort of profit with other people's hard work; what ever happened to the fair usage rights? Not covered by the software barons? I guess Ive just been conditioned by my buddies to distrust large, faceless corporations, but I still respect the laws. So until things change, Im gonna drop this before I get myself digitally lynched, since this is one of those forums where people can do that...
wxwax; I love the chill air of passionate debate, but turn the other way for passionate assault or insult...
Wait a second; what if someone gave me the software? The same guy that gave me the camera said he wants to get rid of a version of PS CS he has. Would you guys still beat me bloody if I accepted? I mean, sure, he paid for it, but he doesnt want it anymore (I suspect he either doesnt know how to use it [of which I am also guilty], or its somehow defective...)... Is that fair to you guys? Ill just delete the one I downloaded, should any of this be fine and dandy...
Wait a second; what if someone gave me the software? The same guy that gave me the camera said he wants to get rid of a version of PS CS he has. Would you guys still beat me bloody if I accepted? I mean, sure, he paid for it, but he doesnt want it anymore (I suspect he either doesnt know how to use it [of which I am also guilty], or its somehow defective...)... Is that fair to you guys? Ill just delete the one I downloaded, should any of this be fine and dandy...
is that you have a copy of ps 8 that normally sells for hundreds of dollars. you paid $0 for it. i'm not concerned with how you got it, rather that you got it. i think it's stealing, plain and simple. the gift thing doesn't fly, becuase it's being "gifted" over and over and over....
Wait a second; what if someone gave me the software? The same guy that gave me the camera said he wants to get rid of a version of PS CS he has. Would you guys still beat me bloody if I accepted? I mean, sure, he paid for it, but he doesnt want it anymore (I suspect he either doesnt know how to use it [of which I am also guilty], or its somehow defective...)... Is that fair to you guys? Ill just delete the one I downloaded, should any of this be fine and dandy...
Adobe covers that in the EULA. All of the EULA can be found for Adobe's products here. So if all of the terms of transfer are followed, I do not see why someone could not give away (transfer for free) their copy of PS CS.
You can resize the pictures to be 600-800 pixels on the longest side. It makes it easy for people browsing the forums.
Another thought would be to get a basic smugmug account. With a referral code, it is only $25/year.
If you already have a smugmug account, you can link the medium (-M) photo to the thread.
Let me know if you need more help.
http://www.lifekapptured.com (gallery)
But yeah, Im definitely looking into the smugmug thing! Looks very tantilizing... Mmmmm... Tasty... :slurp
Thanks for your help though!
psp is a very very powerful image editor. don't count it out! i know several pros who use it and use it very well.
as far as web usage - use psp's "save for web" setting and you'll be fine. btw 800px on the longest side is great for dgrin viewing ;-)
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If I'm catching your drift correctly.... you might want to not openly solicit illegal program sharing. Just a suggestion - could lead to problems! If I have your drift wrong, sorry about that!
WRT photo size... I've tripped up before on the difference between ppi and dpi... I think you might be too.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
How much does good software cost, anyway? Would anyone recommend newegg.com for that sort of thing (loyal customer here for computer hardware...)?
Another one of the fine members here gave me a "tutorial" on how to get Adobe on the cheap. Ebay the old version, pay for the most recent upgrade.
I like Irfanview to do basic-basic stuff in Windows, and because I can't lay out the cashola for Adobe, I'm using GIMP here in my Linux platform. However, my real goal is to get stuff looking GREAT right off the shot, rather than having to do anything more than crop or resize.
Been too busy getting ready for the move up north to do much of anything with my camera lately, though.. argh.
Are No Match For
Age and Treachery
I want what most people use now and can swear by... I dont know much about Adobe... I do know its a pretty big/good name though...
Yeah, I wish I could tweak the camera a bit more and get stuff dialed in so that I need minimal computer tuning... But youre not gonna need to do that, damn you! YOURE getting the 10D, you jerk! I sat next to a Sikh on the plane trip back from Heathrow (the worst airport in history), so Im learning how to be thankful and junk, but thats the camera I asked/wanted/lusted after for a good long time!!!! AAAARRRGGGGGHHHHH It undoubtedly takes better pictures and is more versatile than my f828! But... I got better resolution/MPs...
I dont know what it feeds off of, and I dont want to dump chemicals in the tank cause I got my lovely rBTA in there now ($50 bucks! Beat that deal for a rarer coloration!!!)
you can buy paintshop pro or photoshop elements for between $30 and $90 usd. check online.
and there's gimp, which i believe is freeware or shareware.
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Hey seamaiden, how do you like my new avatar? I call it, "Ghost of Budo's W00tness"! Artistic license? I think so!
better? with psp or pse, you can accomplish so much! they're both quite powerful. the next step up would be photoshop 8, at $650 +
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Right now Im about 66% into the download of Photoshop 8.0! I didnt know that it was until I checked back here after I had started the download!
Im gonna wait and see if it works before I jump to conclusions, but its a zipped file so far...
If I get it and it works, anybody who wants to know more about how I got it can PM me, cause I think theres some sort of "Big Brother" post-shark deleting my posts that apparently pertain to A)file sharing, and
Im holding my breath to see if this post makes it!
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
It isn't me who's getting the 10D, it's the s.o. He'll share, though.
As for the cyano, I haven't kept track of your efforts to erradicate, but you've been gone, so a few really big water changes should help. If you can AT ALL, get natural (filtered) seawater.
Are No Match For
Age and Treachery
Ive been pondering that for a while now... How could I get seawater, and somehow filter it to a point where it is natural and pure again? Like MEGA loads of carbon and other chemical filtrations or something over like a day period? Or is there an established way to get it? Im not that far fromt the coast, and Id be willing to make the drive (its one of the most gorgeous drives to ever motor on!)... PM me if you have significant info...!
wxwax, it says Photoshop 8.0, so thats what Ill call it until I open the file and snoop around!
By the way, did you ever see my post explaining the whole file-sharing thing? It seems to have vanished, and I wont call it a dead issue, since thats how Im getting the file...
dewr - if you are paying for photoshop, please feel free to share the deal you got. if not, please keep it to yourself, not on the forum.
i'm a photographer who cares deeply about intellectual property and copyrights. the last thing i'd hate to see is my images printed up and being distributed by someone else.
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For reasons best known to themselves, Adobe moved away from the numbering with their latest release. Instead of Photoshop 8, they offically called it Photoshop CS. Something to do with trumpeting its web capabilities, or its ability to work with other Adobe programs, or something.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
wait, are you saying that there's an actual freeware version? i'm confused
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andy, youre confusing your apples with oranges. A picture taken by an individual is unique. I agree, and completely concur with your view on intellectual rights and copyright laws. But what Im talking about is downloading a program that costs almost nothing to produce, is not individual or truly artistic by any official sense, is essentially a very wide profit margin for a company that will eventually turn that extra money into advertising, and is even labeled freeware yet is misleadingly done so--according to their own rules. A computer-nerd friend of mine told me that the programmers and writers get paid essentially the same through a range of period-based sales and revenue margins, so I dont really feel that bad about getting a freaking program for free once in a while... Besides, it wasnt stolen or taken illegally in any way; someone already paid the premiums, and sees fit to share in their investment by making it available to those who pay for a service with patience by watching *literally* millions of advertisments, sometimes of the very company we speak of here.
Sorry if that comes accross as overly defensive and/or backhanded, but those are my feelings on sharing software, not even touching the whole "fair usage rights" thing, pertaining to something else though...
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Dewr, bottom line, it's illegal. We may disagree about whether it should or should not be illegal. That's a separate issue. Right now, it is. And so it's poor form for one to broadcast about illegally sharing software. If you're going to do it, at least be discrete.
Additionally, you'll find folks here who are quite passionate about defending copyrights. So you can anticipate getting a chilly reception when you propose violating a copyright. Feel it getting a little nippy?
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
I defend copyright laws too! Im not stealing anything and putting my name on it, essentially one of the main definitions of a copyright. That and selling it/making some sort of profit with other people's hard work; what ever happened to the fair usage rights? Not covered by the software barons? I guess Ive just been conditioned by my buddies to distrust large, faceless corporations, but I still respect the laws. So until things change, Im gonna drop this before I get myself digitally lynched, since this is one of those forums where people can do that...
wxwax; I love the chill air of passionate debate, but turn the other way for passionate assault or insult...
is that you have a copy of ps 8 that normally sells for hundreds of dollars. you paid $0 for it. i'm not concerned with how you got it, rather that you got it. i think it's stealing, plain and simple. the gift thing doesn't fly, becuase it's being "gifted" over and over and over....
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Adobe covers that in the EULA. All of the EULA can be found for Adobe's products here. So if all of the terms of transfer are followed, I do not see why someone could not give away (transfer for free) their copy of PS CS.