soooo, andy, are you trying to say that its the gift that keeps' on giving?
Soooo, essentially my hunch was right; profiteering is the only thing worth morally supporting in the product/service market... At least to you guys...
is that you have a copy of ps 8 that normally sells for hundreds of dollars. you paid $0 for it. i'm not concerned with how you got it, rather that you got it. i think it's stealing, plain and simple.
See? I find that to be a bit contradictory to one of your earlier posts... Share my deal if Im buying it? What difference does it make how much it costs then, right? Therefore, to formally appease your bleeding, capitalist heart, I propose that if it makes you feel better, I will offer to paya grand total of $2 (its a two-dollar bill that Ive had for 7 years [supposedly lucky]) for said software, and peice of mind to use it!
Also, the above quote is fairly telling of your opinion of me; you dont care how a broke guy like me gets what he has. Just the fact that he has it--I guess--bugs you, but I guess this is only case I really know of, and I dont really know you, so I wont judge... People cant give gifts? Or is it cops dont take bribes? Is the glass half empty or half full? At this point Im going to ask that if anyone thinks I am breeding unnecessary animosity, please stop me.
Just ask, and I shall never mention anything like this again, and even stop posting here if it should please people/make things better.
In any case, the CD was totaled. I havent seen my CD scratch remover in over a year, so I told him to "hang on" to it... The downloaded file was a farce in any case; I didnt really have very high expectations of what it would be anyway... So Im back to square one, nothing but Jasc PSP and my crappy skills. 'Been an eventful day!
soooo, andy, are you trying to say that its the gift that keeps' on giving?
Soooo, essentially my hunch was right; profiteering is the only thing worth morally supporting in the product/service market... At least to you guys...
See? I find that to be a bit contradictory to one of your earlier posts... Share my deal if Im buying it? What difference does it make how much it costs then, right? Therefore, to formally appease your bleeding, capitalist heart, I propose that if it makes you feel better, I will offer to paya grand total of $2 (its a two-dollar bill that Ive had for 7 years [supposedly lucky]) for said software, and peice of mind to use it!
Also, the above quote is fairly telling of your opinion of me; you dont care how a broke guy like me gets what he has. Just the fact that he has it--I guess--bugs you, but I guess this is only case I really know of, and I dont really know you, so I wont judge... People cant give gifts? Or is it cops dont take bribes? Is the glass half empty or half full? At this point Im going to ask that if anyone thinks I am breeding unnecessary animosity, please stop me.
Just ask, and I shall never mention anything like this again, and even stop posting here if it should please people/make things better.
In any case, the CD was totaled. I havent seen my CD scratch remover in over a year, so I told him to "hang on" to it... The downloaded file was a farce in any case; I didnt really have very high expectations of what it would be anyway... So Im back to square one, nothing but Jasc PSP and my crappy skills. 'Been an eventful day!
i've been in the intellectual and artistic property business for 20 years. it's a moral thing for me. don't take what you haven't paid for, that's all.
i know several pros that only use jasc paintshop pro. it's fine software.
Dewr, I understand where you're coming from with the 'faceless corporations' thing. Problem is, what they make and sell is software. Unfortunately, Adobe's software doesn't have the same heft as Chrysler's cars or a Maurice Barninka diamond. Also unlike a car or a diamond, software is easily copied. As a result, it's easy to feel like no crime is being committed when one acquires software for free. And I'm no angel, I've illegally used copies of software myself.
However, it is illegal. It is theft. And when you made public your intent... well, you're in a community where copyright law actually has some personal implications, so you can expect a passionate defense of the law. Folks here are sensitive enough about it that we don't link to photos that are protected by copyright - and that covers about every image on the 'net that isn't in the public domain. So you don't see a lot of shots here that we didn't shoot ourselves.
The Fair Use Doctrine does not apply to software, as far as I'm aware. It covers use of creative and editorial content. Specifically, it allows a media outlet to use copyright material from another outlet, if the use is different from the original use. e.g. A movie is the subject of a critique, or the butt of humor - the original work is now part of a completely different work. That's how Letterman gets away with lifting clips and logos from other shows and channels. Even then, there are tight restrictions.
Software, however, can only be used one way. So the suggestion is to speak softly and be discrete when dealing with copyright issues.
But still, I have this itch in my memmory that says that the fair usage rights "doctrine" was fairly large, and that it had had an appendage made to cover software, relevant to the way people are conducting their affairs on the net now, while still catering to industry... I dont know where I read that, just that it was on the net at some government site... Anyone got a link? And dont disguise it as text! I missed two links before I went back and moved my cursor over "here" (I have the lines turned off...)...
Doesnt matter anymore; all the downloadable PS CSs look like fakes, my "uncle's" CD is ruined, and Ill never be able to pay that much for software! That and the fact that it would be utterly immoral for me to receive the program as a gift for some occasion, as well as the fact that I must, absolutely pay hundreds of dollars for the program, even when its been thoroughly outdated and the price has dropped for the rest of moral America, ensure that bottom dwellers like me will never legally, morally, or legitimately own this software. Amen to that, white Christian America!
Now Ive gone and depressed myself with all this magnanimous totalitarianism, as wells as my own sarcasm... :
But still, I have this itch in my memmory that says that the fair usage rights "doctrine" was fairly large, and that it had had an appendage made to cover software, relevant to the way people are conducting their affairs on the net now, while still catering to industry... I dont know where I read that, just that it was on the net at some government site... Anyone got a link? And dont disguise it as text! I missed two links before I went back and moved my cursor over "here" (I have the lines turned off...)...
Doesnt matter anymore; all the downloadable PS CSs look like fakes, my "uncle's" CD is ruined, and Ill never be able to pay that much for software! That and the fact that it would be utterly immoral for me to receive the program as a gift for some occasion, as well as the fact that I must, absolutely pay hundreds of dollars for the program, even when its been thoroughly outdated and the price has dropped for the rest of moral America, ensure that bottom dwellers like me will never legally, morally, or legitimately own this software. Amen to that, white Christian America!
Now Ive gone and depressed myself with all this magnanimous totalitarianism, as wells as my own sarcasm... :
what do white christians have to do with software? that's ott - and who says you can't get it as a gift? if someone pays for ps cs, and gives you the license, then everything is legit.
what do white christians have to do with software? that's ott - and who says you can't get it as a gift? if someone pays for ps cs, and gives you the license, then everything is legit.
I dont know, I just saw wxwax's location and was reminded about the prevailing demographic inherent in the South-Eastern United States, so I guess it just reminded me of the whole totalitarianism thing...
And by the way, since I dont know what its like to use good software (yet; Ill get there someday...), Id ask you this: does good software make your pictures better or worse? Spare me the photographer schpiel; I know my way around a film camera enough to take great pictures, but the digital world is still confounding me a bit... See, the thing is, even though I pretty much know how to manipulate Jasc PSP to the point where whatever Im looking at can look very different, it usually always is in a bad way. It seems to make my pictures look nastier, like Ive been blowing it up and draining the life and color from it or something, and I just cant explain it! If what you say is true about PSP being at least decent software, then the only thing I have left to consider is A)my knowledge of the program is behind--which I doubt from spending many hours on it--and my camera may be the culprit... I guess I can never win.
A)my knowledge of the program is behind--which I doubt from spending many hours on it--and my camera may be the culprit... I guess I can never win.
I vote A.
How many books have you read on PSP? How many technical exercises have you tried on it? Show me a layer mask. Cleanly remove your red Ferrari from its background. Or try any one of the other Digital Darkroom Assignments in this forum (when it's underlined, that means it's a link.) Help yourself. You might just discover how to win.
If the program isn't producing results, I'd strongly suggest that the workman not blame his tools, but figure out how to improve his skills.
Ok, so I never had a real "book" on the program; the manual I lost in the move...
The thing is, the basic functions I want the damn thing to perform seem to foul the shots more than help in some cases, or are essentially ineffectual.
The hours Ive spent have been my own brand of trial and error, so of course I dont know how to use it for mask layers or removing backrounds (actuall, I believe Ive figured the backround thing out, but I still use the automatic selector mode ["magic wand", as they call it]). I told you, I have the lines turned off for links (ok?). I think Ill turn em' on now, since you guys just cant post a link without labeling it with whatever.
Dont mind if I do! Havent really looked through that board much, and I dont really recall there being anything PSP-related there, but I guess I need to look again.
Yeah, yeah; spare me the fortune-cookie wisdom. If it were me, then I would have said the same thing, and I have to myself! I knew I wasnt fully realizing the potential of the program; its just that early on, I sort of discounted an in-depth knowledge of computer-tweaking as necessary for good photos! Man was I wrong! The thing that really tells me how different digital is from film is that I took great shots with my old film SLR, and everything digital seems to be so bloody shaded that extracting a good shot really does now require a knowledge of manipulating them with a program! So I do blame my tools, for being so shady and concealing what I thought was a good shot from me! Its like Im swiming up-stream here!
DG, you're not going to be able to get much help if you insist the problem isn't what lies between the keyboard and the monitor. No one's going to be very willing to help someone who won't accept it.
Over the years, especially since I came of computer age (less than four years now), I've learned to look to myself as the source and the answer to problems I'm experiencing - first, last, and always.
Youth and Enthusiasm
Are No Match For
Age and Treachery
... The computer? Thats what lies between the keyboard and the monitor...?
I accept my faults, but I dont accept those that truly arent mine, or turn a blind eye to what a machine is doing, because believe it or not, machines arent perfect or fool-proof. Just look at the Matrix. So there.
I accept my faults, but I dont accept those that truly arent mine, or turn a blind eye to what a machine is doing, because believe it or not, machines arent perfect or fool-proof. Just look at the Matrix. So there.
Online research, books... Maybe buying some S/W so you get a manual and company support. I am sorry to say this to you but in the real world, your attitude is a major turnoff.
Charles Richmond IT & Security Consultant
Operating System Design, Drivers, Software
Villa Del Rio II, Talamban, Pit-os, Cebu, Ph
Thats the other thing Ive wondered about the whole online world...:
I am sorry to say this to you but in the real world, your attitude is a major turnoff.
How does a block of text convey my attitude in any accurate way? Is it just what I write, or the manner and consistency of how I write it? Is it because I dont leave many stones unturned, or submit to the different hierarchies the online world has established by means too simple to accurately do so? What then?
The other slightly comical anomaly that you added was "in the real world", which is even funnier when you consider--if you will--what I just wrote!
There might be some discrepancy here between what is "real", and what is perceived; most people join a forum to discuss and share, but its interesting how different levels of "opinionation" show themselves...
Ummm... Turnoff? What was that movie where the guy kept on saying "that word--I do not think it means what you think it means"?...
Thats it, Im gonna buy some "S/W", but do you think the manual will be as comprehensive as I need it? I mean, look at the manual I got with my camera! I hate to pester the customer support people... And I think you guys just plain hate me anyway, so forget asking you guys... A camera book would be nice; I picked up an issue of "eDigitalPhotography", which I had read a bit before loosing it on my trip through that blasted Heathrow airport(!). I like magazine format publications, but I like the detail of books, so would anyone reccomend a book or magazine that covers these software issues?
Well, you all probably think everything I "say" now is representative of my character, that my attitude is just what you guess it is, and that whatever I ask is now considered pestering, so why dont I just wait for you all to tell me to leave? All I seem to do is agravate people or stir up issues people would rather keep sedimentary anyway.
Thats the other thing Ive wondered about the whole online world...:
How does a block of text convey my attitude in any accurate way? Is it just what I write, or the manner and consistency of how I write it? Is it because I dont leave many stones unturned, or submit to the different hierarchies the online world has established by means too simple to accurately do so? What then?
The other slightly comical anomaly that you added was "in the real world", which is even funnier when you consider--if you will--what I just wrote!
There might be some discrepancy here between what is "real", and what is perceived; most people join a forum to discuss and share, but its interesting how different levels of "opinionation" show themselves...
Ummm... Turnoff? What was that movie where the guy kept on saying "that word--I do not think it means what you think it means"?...
Thats it, Im gonna buy some "S/W", but do you think the manual will be as comprehensive as I need it? I mean, look at the manual I got with my camera! I hate to pester the customer support people... And I think you guys just plain hate me anyway, so forget asking you guys... A camera book would be nice; I picked up an issue of "eDigitalPhotography", which I had read a bit before loosing it on my trip through that blasted Heathrow airport(!). I like magazine format publications, but I like the detail of books, so would anyone reccomend a book or magazine that covers these software issues?
Well, you all probably think everything I "say" now is representative of my character, that my attitude is just what you guess it is, and that whatever I ask is now considered pestering, so why dont I just wait for you all to tell me to leave? All I seem to do is agravate people or stir up issues people would rather keep sedimentary anyway.
Hi Dewr,
I've been listening to you... sounds like you are used to "stiring people up"? We are really all here to try to learn from each other? not to argue or antagonize.. we are not here to judge you, we are just here. You are very welcome to stay and learn along with us all. Why don't you stop being so angry and just chill and take some pictures and let us see what you have, as we all have done. We are all at different levels but there are some great photographers here very willing to freely give us their advice and help... IF we want it and ask for it.
I am totally self taught and had to read a lot of boring manuals and ask a lot of stupid questions to get what I so desperately wanted to know. A lot of people in this forum have helped me so much, it's really a great forum. We do however try to be civil and polite (why not??) just as you would in a classroom or family or on the street? its called respect? We will gladly respect your work and gladly help you in any way we can but only if you really want help and are not just looking for an outlet for your anger and frustration.
Looking forward to seeing some fish pics dewr...
DG, whether you want to see this or not, the 'net world is in many respects part and parcel of the real world. The issue is one very much of semantics, and coupled with the idea of "How would this sound if I heard it sitting in my kitchen?" gives folks an overall impression of a person.
If you are still having a hard time understanding what it is "about you", then I'd like to link you to a site that I think is very helpful for folks in our (collective) positions. It's geared towards people asking OS/computer questions, but is amazingly helpful in all areas, in my opinion at least.
Nice post Lynn, very perceptive. Cool link, 'maiden.
Dewr, making photos better with software takes some skill and some practice. There are many places online where you can find tips and advice for enhancing your photos with PSP.
And here comes a link for you. This is a link. Please take its message to heart, and realize that it's meant in the most positive way.
Making photos better with software is a PITA for me, I have to be honest. I don't like messing about with it, because I don't understand what I'm doing. Because of that, I don't always care for my end results. <looking behind me>
(Need to remember to post some pics that did a weird thing with the despeckle feature from my GIMP.)
But, I figure I have a HUGE learning curve going on, I don't know much about photography, let alone SLR photography, let alone digital photography.
I know what I like when I see it, though! Then there's learning the program, and good lord, I've been doing a LOT of difficult learning these past few years. Fish and reefkeeping and all of that is SO much easier for me... speaking of which, I got my avocado seeds to sprout, now I need to learn how to plant them so they'll continue growing. Sheesh. Wish I could grow 'cados in Tahoe.
I still can't figure out what "S/W" means. Hrm.
Youth and Enthusiasm
Are No Match For
Age and Treachery
I think S/W means software... as in, buy some software to get the manual.
One of the many things I've learned from Andy's posts is that to get the most out of the photo software, it helps to have an idea of what you want the end product to look like. And it takes a good eye and a lot of exposure to good images, to get a feel for what a good "end product" might look like.
So first you sorta have to have an idea what you want, then figure out how to get there. Milling around trying things to see what looks good, may not be very successful. It sure hasn't been for me.
Im too lazy to respond the way I did before... I had this whole response typed up, explaining the defunctedness of seamaiden's belief that the online world is remotely similar to real life and person to person discussion, and how Im not all what you guys think I am, and blah blah blah... But the Dgrin site seemed to puke the whole thing back at me with a time-out ending in a mandatory re-login and the loss of the message (maybe that IE bug that was in another thread?)...
Im too tired these days to give a crap anymore... Is it ok with you guys if I just forget about this? I wont lie down and die with my convictions as you sense yourselves on the edge of for me... But I will accept my nation's general attitude for a while; apathy is the lazy cousin of ignorance, and theyre blissfully uncomplicated!
Enough of this "victim" garbage, "communications problems", and the rest of the fortune-cookie wisdom you limp prohpets are unloading on a man already sick to death with the austerities of your social dogma and its limited reach... Im just plain too tired now.
Please, if you want to beat me more senseless, do it in PM so we dont sully the board anymore...
PS. If anyone is feeling so, my disclaimer is in my sig-line.
Soooo, essentially my hunch was right; profiteering is the only thing worth morally supporting in the product/service market... At least to you guys...
See? I find that to be a bit contradictory to one of your earlier posts... Share my deal if Im buying it? What difference does it make how much it costs then, right? Therefore, to formally appease your bleeding, capitalist heart, I propose that if it makes you feel better, I will offer to paya grand total of $2 (its a two-dollar bill that Ive had for 7 years [supposedly lucky]) for said software, and peice of mind to use it!
Also, the above quote is fairly telling of your opinion of me; you dont care how a broke guy like me gets what he has. Just the fact that he has it--I guess--bugs you, but I guess this is only case I really know of, and I dont really know you, so I wont judge... People cant give gifts? Or is it cops dont take bribes? Is the glass half empty or half full? At this point Im going to ask that if anyone thinks I am breeding unnecessary animosity, please stop me.
Just ask, and I shall never mention anything like this again, and even stop posting here if it should please people/make things better.
In any case, the CD was totaled. I havent seen my CD scratch remover in over a year, so I told him to "hang on" to it... The downloaded file was a farce in any case; I didnt really have very high expectations of what it would be anyway... So Im back to square one, nothing but Jasc PSP and my crappy skills. 'Been an eventful day!
i've been in the intellectual and artistic property business for 20 years. it's a moral thing for me. don't take what you haven't paid for, that's all.
i know several pros that only use jasc paintshop pro. it's fine software.
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Yes, they did.
It's right here.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
However, it is illegal. It is theft. And when you made public your intent... well, you're in a community where copyright law actually has some personal implications, so you can expect a passionate defense of the law. Folks here are sensitive enough about it that we don't link to photos that are protected by copyright - and that covers about every image on the 'net that isn't in the public domain. So you don't see a lot of shots here that we didn't shoot ourselves.
The Fair Use Doctrine does not apply to software, as far as I'm aware. It covers use of creative and editorial content. Specifically, it allows a media outlet to use copyright material from another outlet, if the use is different from the original use. e.g. A movie is the subject of a critique, or the butt of humor - the original work is now part of a completely different work. That's how Letterman gets away with lifting clips and logos from other shows and channels. Even then, there are tight restrictions.
Software, however, can only be used one way. So the suggestion is to speak softly and be discrete when dealing with copyright issues.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
But still, I have this itch in my memmory that says that the fair usage rights "doctrine" was fairly large, and that it had had an appendage made to cover software, relevant to the way people are conducting their affairs on the net now, while still catering to industry... I dont know where I read that, just that it was on the net at some government site... Anyone got a link? And dont disguise it as text! I missed two links before I went back and moved my cursor over "here" (I have the lines turned off...)...
Doesnt matter anymore; all the downloadable PS CSs look like fakes, my "uncle's" CD is ruined, and Ill never be able to pay that much for software! That and the fact that it would be utterly immoral for me to receive the program as a gift for some occasion, as well as the fact that I must, absolutely pay hundreds of dollars for the program, even when its been thoroughly outdated and the price has dropped for the rest of moral America, ensure that bottom dwellers like me will never legally, morally, or legitimately own this software. Amen to that, white Christian America!
Now Ive gone and depressed myself with all this magnanimous totalitarianism, as wells as my own sarcasm...
what do white christians have to do with software? that's ott - and who says you can't get it as a gift? if someone pays for ps cs, and gives you the license, then everything is legit.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Who says I cant get it as a gift? You did.
(D'oh! Did I just say that? Hee!)
Are No Match For
Age and Treachery
I vote A.
How many books have you read on PSP? How many technical exercises have you tried on it? Show me a layer mask. Cleanly remove your red Ferrari from its background. Or try any one of the other Digital Darkroom Assignments in this forum (when it's underlined, that means it's a link.) Help yourself. You might just discover how to win.
If the program isn't producing results, I'd strongly suggest that the workman not blame his tools, but figure out how to improve his skills.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
The thing is, the basic functions I want the damn thing to perform seem to foul the shots more than help in some cases, or are essentially ineffectual.
The hours Ive spent have been my own brand of trial and error, so of course I dont know how to use it for mask layers or removing backrounds (actuall, I believe Ive figured the backround thing out, but I still use the automatic selector mode ["magic wand", as they call it]). I told you, I have the lines turned off for links (ok?). I think Ill turn em' on now, since you guys just cant post a link without labeling it with whatever.
Dont mind if I do! Havent really looked through that board much, and I dont really recall there being anything PSP-related there, but I guess I need to look again.
Yeah, yeah; spare me the fortune-cookie wisdom. If it were me, then I would have said the same thing, and I have to myself! I knew I wasnt fully realizing the potential of the program; its just that early on, I sort of discounted an in-depth knowledge of computer-tweaking as necessary for good photos! Man was I wrong! The thing that really tells me how different digital is from film is that I took great shots with my old film SLR, and everything digital seems to be so bloody shaded that extracting a good shot really does now require a knowledge of manipulating them with a program! So I do blame my tools, for being so shady and concealing what I thought was a good shot from me! Its like Im swiming up-stream here!
Over the years, especially since I came of computer age (less than four years now), I've learned to look to myself as the source and the answer to problems I'm experiencing - first, last, and always.
Are No Match For
Age and Treachery
I accept my faults, but I dont accept those that truly arent mine, or turn a blind eye to what a machine is doing, because believe it or not, machines arent perfect or fool-proof. Just look at the Matrix. So there.
Online research, books... Maybe buying some S/W so you get a manual and company support. I am sorry to say this to you but in the real world, your attitude is a major turnoff.
Operating System Design, Drivers, Software
Villa Del Rio II, Talamban, Pit-os, Cebu, Ph
How does a block of text convey my attitude in any accurate way? Is it just what I write, or the manner and consistency of how I write it? Is it because I dont leave many stones unturned, or submit to the different hierarchies the online world has established by means too simple to accurately do so? What then?
The other slightly comical anomaly that you added was "in the real world", which is even funnier when you consider--if you will--what I just wrote!
There might be some discrepancy here between what is "real", and what is perceived; most people join a forum to discuss and share, but its interesting how different levels of "opinionation" show themselves...
Ummm... Turnoff? What was that movie where the guy kept on saying "that word--I do not think it means what you think it means"?...
Thats it, Im gonna buy some "S/W", but do you think the manual will be as comprehensive as I need it? I mean, look at the manual I got with my camera! I hate to pester the customer support people... And I think you guys just plain hate me anyway, so forget asking you guys... A camera book would be nice; I picked up an issue of "eDigitalPhotography", which I had read a bit before loosing it on my trip through that blasted Heathrow airport(!). I like magazine format publications, but I like the detail of books, so would anyone reccomend a book or magazine that covers these software issues?
Well, you all probably think everything I "say" now is representative of my character, that my attitude is just what you guess it is, and that whatever I ask is now considered pestering, so why dont I just wait for you all to tell me to leave? All I seem to do is agravate people or stir up issues people would rather keep sedimentary anyway.
I've been listening to you... sounds like you are used to "stiring people up"? We are really all here to try to learn from each other? not to argue or antagonize.. we are not here to judge you, we are just here. You are very welcome to stay and learn along with us all. Why don't you stop being so angry and just chill and take some pictures and let us see what you have, as we all have done. We are all at different levels but there are some great photographers here very willing to freely give us their advice and help... IF we want it and ask for it.
I am totally self taught and had to read a lot of boring manuals and ask a lot of stupid questions to get what I so desperately wanted to know. A lot of people in this forum have helped me so much, it's really a great forum. We do however try to be civil and polite (why not??) just as you would in a classroom or family or on the street? its called respect? We will gladly respect your work and gladly help you in any way we can but only if you really want help and are not just looking for an outlet for your anger and frustration.
Looking forward to seeing some fish pics dewr...
DG, whether you want to see this or not, the 'net world is in many respects part and parcel of the real world. The issue is one very much of semantics, and coupled with the idea of "How would this sound if I heard it sitting in my kitchen?" gives folks an overall impression of a person.
If you are still having a hard time understanding what it is "about you", then I'd like to link you to a site that I think is very helpful for folks in our (collective) positions. It's geared towards people asking OS/computer questions, but is amazingly helpful in all areas, in my opinion at least.
How to ask questions for most helpful responses.
Are No Match For
Age and Treachery
Dewr, making photos better with software takes some skill and some practice. There are many places online where you can find tips and advice for enhancing your photos with PSP.
And here comes a link for you. This is a link. Please take its message to heart, and realize that it's meant in the most positive way.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
(Need to remember to post some pics that did a weird thing with the despeckle feature from my GIMP.)
But, I figure I have a HUGE learning curve going on, I don't know much about photography, let alone SLR photography, let alone digital photography.
I know what I like when I see it, though! Then there's learning the program, and good lord, I've been doing a LOT of difficult learning these past few years. Fish and reefkeeping and all of that is SO much easier for me... speaking of which, I got my avocado seeds to sprout, now I need to learn how to plant them so they'll continue growing. Sheesh. Wish I could grow 'cados in Tahoe.
I still can't figure out what "S/W" means. Hrm.
Are No Match For
Age and Treachery
One of the many things I've learned from Andy's posts is that to get the most out of the photo software, it helps to have an idea of what you want the end product to look like. And it takes a good eye and a lot of exposure to good images, to get a feel for what a good "end product" might look like.
So first you sorta have to have an idea what you want, then figure out how to get there. Milling around trying things to see what looks good, may not be very successful.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Are No Match For
Age and Treachery
Im too lazy to respond the way I did before... I had this whole response typed up, explaining the defunctedness of seamaiden's belief that the online world is remotely similar to real life and person to person discussion, and how Im not all what you guys think I am, and blah blah blah... But the Dgrin site seemed to puke the whole thing back at me with a time-out ending in a mandatory re-login and the loss of the message (maybe that IE bug that was in another thread?)...
Im too tired these days to give a crap anymore... Is it ok with you guys if I just forget about this? I wont lie down and die with my convictions as you sense yourselves on the edge of for me... But I will accept my nation's general attitude for a while; apathy is the lazy cousin of ignorance, and theyre blissfully uncomplicated!
Enough of this "victim" garbage, "communications problems", and the rest of the fortune-cookie wisdom you limp prohpets are unloading on a man already sick to death with the austerities of your social dogma and its limited reach... Im just plain too tired now.
Please, if you want to beat me more senseless, do it in PM so we dont sully the board anymore...
PS. If anyone is feeling so, my disclaimer is in my sig-line.