Just curious if anyone uses the ipad for meeting with potential/current clients? and if it had an impact on the meeting. I'm seriously considering getting one cause it almost makes more sense than lugging my laptop with me. Plus Its just really cool product!:D
I do. I have the SmugMug app installed and can use it to show my photos to prospective clients. And, I can capture their contact info. right away. i even have draft contracts on it that I can edit in Pages and then email to them for signature and return. On shoots I have a Release app that they can actually sign right on the screen.
Translation, I love my iPad! I just got the WiFi version because I a) couldn't afford the 3G and b) didn't want to have to pay for a data plan. The downside of WiFi of course is that it only accesses the on-line galleries when I have access to a network
Picadilly, NB, Canada
I'm using the iPad for so much more than I initially thought I would:
- Connect to SmugMug to show my galleries
- Connect to my website so I can show them what it looks like, especially the button that will take them to their private gallery
- I create Animoto slideshows for my clients, so I can show them what that will look like (I show high-res versions).
- I found a great app for photographers that puts together contracts like model releases and session contracts (it pops in their info and fills in mine automatically). During a client meeting or after a session, I can create a contract on the spot and have it signed while on location. (Takes less than 30 seconds.) I can then e-mail it to them as a PDF file while we're still talkiing. (Did you know that the iPad has the ability to sign things with your finger? (I was wow'd!) And the clients are pretty impressed, too. As a note, the sample contracts (templates) in the app can be easily customized to your needs or you can create your own.
- I'm using the same app to create custom receipts which I can sign and e-mail right from the session. Takes me 30 seconds to do.
- I also have my schedule on my iPad wirelessly synced with my desktop, laptop, and my iPhone (using MobileMe) so my contacts and schedule are always in sync on any of my devices. I no longer need to worry about hooking each device up to get them to sync. (I'm finding I don't really need my laptop anymore.)
- Instead of carrying around a notebook, I put a notepad on my iPad and use it to take notes during client meetings. I just got the iPad keyboard, that's an additional timesaver since I've never been good at using those in-device keyboards.
In a nutshelll, I bought the iPad thinking it'd be a great way to show my images rather than having everyone crowd around my iPhone. I found that I'm using the iPad in so many more ways to support my business than I thought I would. I've shown these features to many of my business associates in various professions (realtors, for example) and they've immediately gone out to get one. I should get a commission....
My only wish is that the 400 page book "Photography" by London would be available as an e-book so I could download it and put it on my iPad. Then I'd really be a happy camper!
Success Coach, Motivational Speaker, Professional Photographer
"Enriching Lives through Images and Inspiration"
Picadilly, NB, Canada
Success Coach, Motivational Speaker, Professional Photographer
"Enriching Lives through Images and Inspiration"
Thanks very much. Will do.
Picadilly, NB, Canada
Lakewood, Colorado, USA
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Just had a quick look. Do you use it? What's the advantage vs. SmugMug where we already have galleries, etc.?
Picadilly, NB, Canada
I don't because it is $45. I had the same idea for an app and am working to get it developed at a much more reasonable price tag. The benefit is that you can denote right on the screen what pics you want prints of. If I am going to have a one on one with people, then I may as well handle the print order myself and maximize my return. I like Smug, but the markup they take on the print prices doesn't make sense to me if I am in person with the people who want to write a check.
Lakewood, Colorado, USA
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I think the iPad can be a great proofing tool, especially for photographers that don't have their own studios, but if you really want to sell your images, you need to do in home proofing.
You need:
Now, let me preface this by saying that I no longer do this. I no longer actively run a portrait photography business.
An iPad is nice (I don't have one), but does it show the image at ACTUAL size? Projection allows for this. If you have a projector, then you can show a 16 x 24 image at actual 16 x 24 on the client's wall.
An iPad is only (approximately) 9 x 7 inches.
Okay, yes, an iPad is more portable than a projector and a laptop, but if you want to sell prints, then you need to do projection.
Neal Jacob
Excellent point. You could also project off the iPad.
Lakewood, Colorado, USA
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Good to know.
Can you please outline how you would do projection with an iPad?
IMHO, an iPad is a must have for anyone running a photography business. I think the cost of an iPad will be paid for through photography sales. I'm not in the position to run out and get an iPad right now and as I have mentioned, I'm not actively running a photography business and can't justify the $$$
Just because an iPad isn't for me (right now) doesn't mean it isn't for you (or someone else reading this thread). If I find $600 under my seat cushions, then I'll get an iPad.
Neal Jacob
Still need a projector of course, and then you buy one of the video connection kits, depending on the connections the projector takes.
My iPad was paid for by the day job. I honestly would not have bought this. Having used it now though, I would absolutely buy another if I changed jobs.
Lakewood, Colorado, USA
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So, they just need "ProSelect" for iPad.
The following was posted to ProSelect's user forum:
Neal Jacob
Perhaps, but that is a fairly steep price for the non-full-time shooter. This iPad app may not have all the bells and whistles of ProSelect, but it does enough for the market I just described and is not prohibitively priced.
Lakewood, Colorado, USA
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.... and make sure you're selling to the lady of the house!
Neal Jacob
Love the ideas, have heard similar things, need to try.
Lakewood, Colorado, USA
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Wouldn't selling a 30 x 40 pay for ProSelect?
Neal Jacob
Yeah, how many of those have I sold lately?
Lakewood, Colorado, USA
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Does the iPhone app SmugWallet have an iPad version? Because the great thing about SmugWallet on the iPhone is that it mirrors your entire Smugmug account (except for galleries you exclude) to your iPhone, so even if you are not connected to the Internet all the images are on board. If I had an iPad I would want that app.
The Smugmug iPad app allows for this.
Lakewood, Colorado, USA
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Anyhow, I'm thinking of getting a WiFi iPad, simply because my smart phone (a Palm Pre Plus) can serve as a WiFi hotspot. As long as the phone and iPad are near each other (and I have a cell signal) I can access the internet with the iPad.
While it would be tempting to drop my phone's data plan and use the bucks towards a data plan for an iPad, there are still times when internet access via the phone is still more convenient. So, the phone will keep the data plan and the iPad will feed off the phone.
The only question is when do I place the order...
The Railroad Photographer
I do that with my WinMo phone...
Lakewood, Colorado, USA
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