I backup all mu Smugmug Gallery with windownload to my hard drive
As a test I uploaded some files back up to a test folder in my Smugmug gallery and Smugmug rejects them as invalid unrecognizable file format
Bummer !!!
Also they are renumbered ie windownload puts 9 digits with underscore in front of the file name
DEspite using the setting original file the downloaded files are not usable by Smugmug..
The jpegs will need re-numbering and repairing
Dont use Windownload
USe a free Firefox plugin to transfer files from Smugmug to your computer for backup it works well and files are ORIGINAL
I am sorry that you are having trouble, but I doubt that Windownload is the cause of your jpegs needing repairing. Thousands and thousands of files have been downloaded using windownload and you are the first to report this. More likely you have a disk drive issue. What is the error message that you are getting from smugmug when you upload? Can you open the image on your hard drive?
I do add smugmug's unique identifier to the beginning of the filename. This is done in case you are copying files from different galleries, with the same filename, to the same destination folder.
There are free utilities, such as renamemaster out there if you have kept your foldername/filename unique and you want to get rid of the prefix.
Why do you want to upload the downloaded files? Are you simply planning for the possibility of a disaster where smugmug goes down? Seems like a very remote possibility. I'm curious.
I am sorry that you are having trouble, but I doubt that Windownload is the cause of your jpegs needing repairing. Thousands and thousands of files have been downloaded using windownload and you are the first to report this. More likely you have a disk drive issue. What is the error message that you are getting from smugmug when you upload? Can you open the image on your hard drive?
I do add smugmug's unique identifier to the beginning of the filename. This is done in case you are copying files from different galleries, with the same filename, to the same destination folder.
There are free utilities, such as renamemaster out there if you have kept your foldername/filename unique and you want to get rid of the prefix.
Why do you want to upload the downloaded files? Are you simply planning for the possibility of a disaster where smugmug goes down? Seems like a very remote possibility. I'm curious.
Hi there
Here is the error msg typical for all the other files d/load with windownload
<> upload problem: Info: upload 'unknown file type. Would you like a SmugVault?' using POST to http://upload.smugmug.com/photos/picasa/upload.mg with Picasa/115.529999 (gzip) from in /var/www/bzr/SmugMug/live/include/mgphotos.mgi on line 38
I simply wanted to get back my whole gallery as a backup
When I tried to upload to a test gallery I got errors
I also deleted a folder on Smugmug after I had downloaded my gallery with windownload
I though no problems I have it --- windownlaod retrieved all the gallery
But no the files I wanted to upload back (that were lost -- deleted)
were rejected by smugmug
See error msg above
I fixed the jpegs with Lighroom
My HD has no issues
The FF plugin retrieves ALL my gallery easily and as original and CAN be uploaded back to smugmug with no probs.
Windownload did something to the retrieved files YES any jpeg viewer or editor PS CS5 or Picasa viewed them fine but damn Smugmug did NOT want them back
I'll give that a shot
I do have great success with the FF plugin FireUploader its called
Hey Boyzo, I will tell you what I have told all of the FireUploader marketing personnel on other threads - FireUploader is not at all what we were looking for. (Had already looked at it, and passed. It needs a more polished user interface. It tries too hard to be anything anyone might ever need for anything, and misses on the KISS design idea. Also, I'm a Chrome user. on a multi core system, firefox is too clunky.)
I am sure there is a "FireUploader is the answer to all the worlds problems" thread. This is a thread about WinDownloader.
Ok tried the version above but same problem Smugmug wont accept the files I download back up to a test directory
running windows 7
I tried a diff HD for the download
is microsoft .net framework a factor
What is windownload doing to the files besides the 9 digit no
Ok tried the version above but same problem Smugmug wont accept the files I download back up to a test directory
running windows 7
I tried a diff HD for the download
is microsoft .net framework a factor
What is windownload doing to the files besides the 9 digit no
If I am interpreting the error message from smugmug correctly, it looks like you are not uploading a jpg, png, or .mp4 file. Are you trying to upload a zip file? Windownload doesn't create zip files, so I don't know where that came from.
Here is an approach:
1. Download one of your galleries. One that has a few jpgs.
2. Locate the jpgs you just downloaded on your HD using windows explorer. Double click on it. Can you view it? If so, then windownload worked.
It looks to me like you have other files, that were not from windownload in the folder and when you upload these to smugmug it is reporting that the file you are trying to upload is not a jpg, png, gif, or video.
Windownload does not change the contents of the picture. It does modify some of the files, metadata as described on the windowload web page. But that metadata does not prevent smugmug from uploading the file.
Hi there
Here is the error msg typical for all the other files d/load with windownload
<> upload problem: Info: upload 'unknown file type. Would you like a SmugVault?' using POST to http://upload.smugmug.com/photos/picasa/upload.mg with Picasa/115.529999 (gzip) from in /var/www/bzr/SmugMug/live/include/mgphotos.mgi on line 38
I simply wanted to get back my whole gallery as a backup
When I tried to upload to a test gallery I got errors
I also deleted a folder on Smugmug after I had downloaded my gallery with windownload
I though no problems I have it --- windownlaod retrieved all the gallery
But no the files I wanted to upload back (that were lost -- deleted)
were rejected by smugmug
See error msg above
I fixed the jpegs with Lighroom
My HD has no issues
The FF plugin retrieves ALL my gallery easily and as original and CAN be uploaded back to smugmug with no probs.
Windownload did something to the retrieved files YES any jpeg viewer or editor PS CS5 or Picasa viewed them fine but damn Smugmug did NOT want them back
I just downloaded and then uploaded with no problems using windownload. Windownload is not the issue here. It works fine. Is there a way to post or send me the file you are trying to upload? The problem lies somewhere else besides windownload.
Hi David -- great tool, and woot, Keyword support, just what I was looking for.
I found what may be a minor bug. The "header row" at the top of the lists of albums has a checkbox in the top-left corner. I thought checking it would trigger a "select all" and check all of the albums, but right now it just toggles the first album off or on.
Ideally I would be able to select all albums and then Load Keywords and just grab the photos of one particular child. (This is for my son's preschool.)
Let me know if you know about this bug already, and if there's a fix. But even without the fix, it's a tremendous tool. Thanks a lot!!
Album Descriptions
Hi, is there any way to save the album description along with everything else? I get how the image captions are saved in metadata in the images, but what about the description for the album as a whole? Is there any way to save this text in the same folder as all the images, perhaps as a text file?
"Original" images not downloading
WinDownload is a great tool, exactly what I needed! However, I'm having one problem: When I select "Original" for SmugMug Image Size, I am not getting the full-size images. They all seem to be coming down as X3Large size, in that the portrait ones are all exactly 1200 pixels tall, and the landscape ones are all 1600 pixels wide.
I have my galleries set to a maximum size of X3Large for visitors, but I am logging in to WinDownload with my owner password, so I assume WinDownload should be able to access my Original images. Any ideas?
Great program! However, at the moment I can only download public galleries. Attempting to pass an owner password to get my private galleries gives me the following error:
Error Login in. SmugMug Error calling smugmug.albums.get: invalid API key
Great program! However, at the moment I can only download public galleries. Attempting to pass an owner password to get my private galleries gives me the following error:
Error Login in. SmugMug Error calling smugmug.albums.get: invalid API key
Any idea of what is wrong?
It looks like you found a bug. I will be releasing a new version soon.
How to get to a password required album
First let me say that I really dig Windownload and appreciate the time taken to code it!!!! It is the ONLY mass downloader that I have gotten to work.
I have come across one thing that I can't figure out...
For the site - the main site has no password but the single album does. I can't figure out what is to be entered in the login screens to get to this album. For example's sake, let's say...
Nickname = Test123 (which comes from http://trip123.smugmug.com)
Album Name= Group 1/Trip to Vegas 2012
Password = ABC123
On the "Load a User's Album List" dialog box, I enter as follows:
> click the Album List radio button; put Test123 in the Nickname field; click the No Password radio button
> click the Single Album radio button; put Group-1/Trip-to-Vegas-2012 in Album Key field; put ABC123 in the Album Password field
> click Retrieve Album List
Windownload then pauses for a moment, then pops the dialog box, "Error Logging in. Index was outside the bounds of the array."
I'm guessing this software is exactly what I am needing (download all of my photos that is on my smugmug site)
but when I run the software it says "Load a users album list" enter Nickname, I've tried my login details, my album name, my name etc but keeps saying "error invalid user"
what do I enter to download photos?
btw my site has no passwords
have to say I'm less than impressed with the inability to download more than one gallery at a time without 3rd party software.
Getting the same 'API error' message on this one, and most of the others don't let you sort by gallery name, which after 8 years here has become a LONG list for me.
If only the Lightroom plugin worked in both ways....
winDownload problem...
why does WinDownLoad download the watermarks on my images...instead of clean originals?
I have until 12-12 to get all my galleries downloaded.
downloading as galleries will help with the next upload as they will all be gallery order and much more easily found rather than looking thru 10 yrs of files on various hard drives.
I think i was only getting my non-passworded photos/movies also. So i tried to make everything non-password and i am trying a full Windownload again. I hope this password removal trick works and it gets all files now.
I tried a different program, PicBackMan, but it would not download the movies. I've been waiting for a fix/update for over 2 months. But in the meantime, I found this program, Windownload, and it is FAST. (PicBackMan was SLOW).
With most of the messages here being so old, i didn't think Windownload would work on the new SmugMug. And i was pretty excited when it did.
As a sidebar: it is pretty lame and unprofessional of SmugMug to list upload/download tools on their website, when MOST of them do not work! I think that this program, Windownload, is the only program in their download list that actually works.
OK, back on topic - this WinDownload program is awesome and thank you so much for developing it!
I am getting a few "generic error in GDI+" and so far they all are showing up as 1KB files with nothing in them.
Does anyone know root cause on this error? Is there something goofy with my Smugmug? Or is this a "Busy Network" kind of error?
example message:
1826859204_IMG_0438.jpg: A generic error occurred in GDI+.
Hi David -- great tool, and woot, Keyword support, just what I was looking for.
I found what may be a minor bug. The "header row" at the top of the lists of albums has a checkbox in the top-left corner. I thought checking it would trigger a "select all" and check all of the albums, but right now it just toggles the first album off or on.
Ideally I would be able to select all albums and then Load Keywords and just grab the photos of one particular child. (This is for my son's preschool.)
Let me know if you know about this bug already, and if there's a fix. But even without the fix, it's a tremendous tool. Thanks a lot!!
To try this check a row, hold the shift key down and then check another row several rows down, all the selected rows should now be select (hilighted (blue)). Now click the header check box and all the selected rows will be set to the header check box value.
I am sorry that you are having trouble, but I doubt that Windownload is the cause of your jpegs needing repairing. Thousands and thousands of files have been downloaded using windownload and you are the first to report this. More likely you have a disk drive issue. What is the error message that you are getting from smugmug when you upload? Can you open the image on your hard drive?
I do add smugmug's unique identifier to the beginning of the filename. This is done in case you are copying files from different galleries, with the same filename, to the same destination folder.
There are free utilities, such as renamemaster out there if you have kept your foldername/filename unique and you want to get rid of the prefix.
Why do you want to upload the downloaded files? Are you simply planning for the possibility of a disaster where smugmug goes down? Seems like a very remote possibility. I'm curious.
This new beta version should take care of it...
Here is the error msg typical for all the other files d/load with windownload
I simply wanted to get back my whole gallery as a backup
When I tried to upload to a test gallery I got errors
I also deleted a folder on Smugmug after I had downloaded my gallery with windownload
I though no problems I have it --- windownlaod retrieved all the gallery
But no the files I wanted to upload back (that were lost -- deleted)
were rejected by smugmug
See error msg above
I fixed the jpegs with Lighroom
My HD has no issues
The FF plugin retrieves ALL my gallery easily and as original and CAN be uploaded back to smugmug with no probs.
Windownload did something to the retrieved files YES any jpeg viewer or editor PS CS5 or Picasa viewed them fine but damn Smugmug did NOT want them back
I'll give that a shot
I do have great success with the FF plugin FireUploader its called
Hey Boyzo, I will tell you what I have told all of the FireUploader marketing personnel on other threads - FireUploader is not at all what we were looking for. (Had already looked at it, and passed. It needs a more polished user interface. It tries too hard to be anything anyone might ever need for anything, and misses on the KISS design idea. Also, I'm a Chrome user. on a multi core system, firefox is too clunky.)
I am sure there is a "FireUploader is the answer to all the worlds problems" thread. This is a thread about WinDownloader.
I'll give it a try tonight.
EDIT: Actualy, got a chance to try it and that fixed it.
Ok tried the version above but same problem Smugmug wont accept the files I download back up to a test directory
running windows 7
I tried a diff HD for the download
is microsoft .net framework a factor
What is windownload doing to the files besides the 9 digit no
If I am interpreting the error message from smugmug correctly, it looks like you are not uploading a jpg, png, or .mp4 file. Are you trying to upload a zip file? Windownload doesn't create zip files, so I don't know where that came from.
Here is an approach:
1. Download one of your galleries. One that has a few jpgs.
2. Locate the jpgs you just downloaded on your HD using windows explorer. Double click on it. Can you view it? If so, then windownload worked.
It looks to me like you have other files, that were not from windownload in the folder and when you upload these to smugmug it is reporting that the file you are trying to upload is not a jpg, png, gif, or video.
Windownload does not change the contents of the picture. It does modify some of the files, metadata as described on the windowload web page. But that metadata does not prevent smugmug from uploading the file.
I just downloaded and then uploaded with no problems using windownload. Windownload is not the issue here. It works fine. Is there a way to post or send me the file you are trying to upload? The problem lies somewhere else besides windownload.
Thanks for your help.
Another 132 downloads in November, now over 775 downloads!
Another 93 in December, so now over 868...
I found what may be a minor bug. The "header row" at the top of the lists of albums has a checkbox in the top-left corner. I thought checking it would trigger a "select all" and check all of the albums, but right now it just toggles the first album off or on.
Ideally I would be able to select all albums and then Load Keywords and just grab the photos of one particular child. (This is for my son's preschool.)
Let me know if you know about this bug already, and if there's a fix. But even without the fix, it's a tremendous tool. Thanks a lot!!
Hi, is there any way to save the album description along with everything else? I get how the image captions are saved in metadata in the images, but what about the description for the album as a whole? Is there any way to save this text in the same folder as all the images, perhaps as a text file?
WinDownload is a great tool, exactly what I needed! However, I'm having one problem: When I select "Original" for SmugMug Image Size, I am not getting the full-size images. They all seem to be coming down as X3Large size, in that the portrait ones are all exactly 1200 pixels tall, and the landscape ones are all 1600 pixels wide.
I have my galleries set to a maximum size of X3Large for visitors, but I am logging in to WinDownload with my owner password, so I assume WinDownload should be able to access my Original images. Any ideas?
Hi David,
Great program! However, at the moment I can only download public galleries. Attempting to pass an owner password to get my private galleries gives me the following error:
Error Login in. SmugMug Error calling smugmug.albums.get: invalid API key
Any idea of what is wrong?
It looks like you found a bug. I will be releasing a new version soon.
First let me say that I really dig Windownload and appreciate the time taken to code it!!!! It is the ONLY mass downloader that I have gotten to work.
I have come across one thing that I can't figure out...
For the site - the main site has no password but the single album does. I can't figure out what is to be entered in the login screens to get to this album. For example's sake, let's say...
Nickname = Test123 (which comes from http://trip123.smugmug.com)
Album Name= Group 1/Trip to Vegas 2012
Password = ABC123
On the "Load a User's Album List" dialog box, I enter as follows:
> click the Album List radio button; put Test123 in the Nickname field; click the No Password radio button
> click the Single Album radio button; put Group-1/Trip-to-Vegas-2012 in Album Key field; put ABC123 in the Album Password field
> click Retrieve Album List
Windownload then pauses for a moment, then pops the dialog box, "Error Logging in. Index was outside the bounds of the array."
So what am I doing wrong?
I'm guessing this software is exactly what I am needing (download all of my photos that is on my smugmug site)
but when I run the software it says "Load a users album list" enter Nickname, I've tried my login details, my album name, my name etc but keeps saying "error invalid user"
what do I enter to download photos?
btw my site has no passwords
I have found alternative software that actually works
have to say I'm less than impressed with the inability to download more than one gallery at a time without 3rd party software.
Getting the same 'API error' message on this one, and most of the others don't let you sort by gallery name, which after 8 years here has become a LONG list for me.
If only the Lightroom plugin worked in both ways....
Same happened to me. I wanted to use the "owner" password in order to get hidden images as well.
But aside from this bug I would like to thank the developer for all the effort put into this program. Really useful
why does WinDownLoad download the watermarks on my images...instead of clean originals?
I have until 12-12 to get all my galleries downloaded.
downloading as galleries will help with the next upload as they will all be gallery order and much more easily found rather than looking thru 10 yrs of files on various hard drives.
Any progress on getting a release that fixes this bug?
I'm using a fresh install of WinDownload v1.1.0.1 from http://cldownload.50webs.com/WinInstallation.html
On Windows 7 Enterprise
I think i was only getting my non-passworded photos/movies also. So i tried to make everything non-password and i am trying a full Windownload again. I hope this password removal trick works and it gets all files now.
I tried a different program, PicBackMan, but it would not download the movies. I've been waiting for a fix/update for over 2 months. But in the meantime, I found this program, Windownload, and it is FAST. (PicBackMan was SLOW).
With most of the messages here being so old, i didn't think Windownload would work on the new SmugMug. And i was pretty excited when it did.
As a sidebar: it is pretty lame and unprofessional of SmugMug to list upload/download tools on their website, when MOST of them do not work! I think that this program, Windownload, is the only program in their download list that actually works.
OK, back on topic - this WinDownload program is awesome and thank you so much for developing it!
Does anyone know root cause on this error? Is there something goofy with my Smugmug? Or is this a "Busy Network" kind of error?
example message:
1826859204_IMG_0438.jpg: A generic error occurred in GDI+.
To try this check a row, hold the shift key down and then check another row several rows down, all the selected rows should now be select (hilighted (blue)). Now click the header check box and all the selected rows will be set to the header check box value.
The new version addresses two of the requests from users:
1. Login as owner
2. Use the original file name.