Oh no! You took away my thumbnails for Facebook!!! :::banging head:::

As you can see in the image from my previous thread:
When linking to a gallery on facebook, I used to be able to choose a thumbnail from all the photos on my page.
Now, in the same (thumbnail style) gallery if I try to link to the gallery, it gives me a choice of only 5 photos - NONE of which are photos in the gallery.

Additionally, it appears as if in the SmugMug style gallery, you have a choice of more photos than Thumbnail style, but not as many photos as before.
When linking to a gallery on facebook, I used to be able to choose a thumbnail from all the photos on my page.
Now, in the same (thumbnail style) gallery if I try to link to the gallery, it gives me a choice of only 5 photos - NONE of which are photos in the gallery.

Additionally, it appears as if in the SmugMug style gallery, you have a choice of more photos than Thumbnail style, but not as many photos as before.
(The first two galleries)
This is what someone else wrote to me, maybe this helps:
"This happens probably because the pictures are displaying from a java script.
You can see the Thumbnail's option Facebook gives you are only pictures you have on your html code. "
I would think that if you had it right at one point, it works in other gallery styles, and facebook does allow developer's to code what facebook does and does not see, that there should be a way to resolve this issue, no?
I know from reading through other threads on here that control over the Facebook link is something that is important to me and other users as well.
The visual aspect on Facebook plays a huge role in if someone clicks through or not.
Pasted gallery link in for two galleries, one with right click on and one off.
Only the one with right click off did the thumbnail selection show, although it
only gave a me choice of 17 out of 37.
I'm thinking "right click protection" on for personal/hobby type sites is a pita
so might toggle it off everywhere. This will allow the dummies to steal my
photos like everyone else.
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Damn! You got me all excited that would be a simple fix!
However, still the same problem.
Go to this gallery and/or try to post this link on Facebook and it is still the same five thumbnails that aren't photos in the gallery.
I think you are wrong. Probably something else.
I have a gallery in SmugMug style without the customizations. I just took off the password and made it public to test it. When I tried to post the link on Facebook it had NO thumbnail options at all.
Here is the gallery link (I put the password back and made it unlisted but let me know if you need me to change it for you)
This time I took off the password, made it public, disabled right click....
still no thumbnail option at all
Anyway, I'll wait and see if there's any resolution in this thread that I can try too.
Film/TV Stills Photography
"When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt." ~ Henry J. Kaiser
No, it still doesn't work. Still no thumbnails.
Here's the link I tested it on --- this gallery currently has Right-click protect "Off".
Prior to that, I'd also tried enabling "External Links", but that didn't work either, so I disabled that.
I had never changed my gallery settings (always "protected"), and it had worked fine. The thumbnails just disappeared only recently.
Film/TV Stills Photography
"When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt." ~ Henry J. Kaiser
Does it work for you if I turned right-clicking off too?
Film/TV Stills Photography
"When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt." ~ Henry J. Kaiser
As an interesting clue, the generic URLs (with no customization) are all giving me thumbnails in Facebook:
So what breaks the Facebook thumbnails? I have lots of customization, but in the galleries themselves, it's pretty much just a non-complicated custom header.
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Wow... this is really bizarre!! Mine don't work for me, but yet for others it does.
If I have to choose between having thumbnails in Facebook, vs. leaving my stuff unprotected, I'd just leave things as they are, with my images protected and live without the thumbnails. Hopefully we can find out what's going on though...
ETA: I think it's arbritary though, because one time, a while back... I had a single thumbnail of myself show up (the one in "About Me" page). I was used to just that when I put my root URL up....no gallery. Even that doesn't happen anymore now.
Film/TV Stills Photography
"When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt." ~ Henry J. Kaiser
THAT is the image I'm used to seeing when I just post my main URL www.pmbimages.com. That was showing up randomly a while back. Now it showed up using that other gallery link (you can see the URL posted in the window of this shot)!
ETA: Right Click protection was off, still, when I did this shot...
I've put Right Click protection back on now.
Film/TV Stills Photography
"When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt." ~ Henry J. Kaiser
I narrowed it down to one particular meta tag. I can confirm that when I remove the tag:
then, all my galleries produce thumbnails. So for me, the problem appears solved. I don't see this offending meta tag in the other sites having problems so this may be a one off problem for me.
And with further testing, if I put a correct value for that property (it's supposed to point to an image URL, not a page URL) in the page then I get that and only that image for the page. So, this is what was causing my issue and is clearly NOT what I want so I'm removing that meta tag. It appears that this tag is what can be used to specify the one and only image that should represent that page. If it has an error in the image URL, then you get nothing. If it points to a valid image, you get only that image. When I remove it, I get 10 images from each gallery page.
My problem is solved for now. I don't think this is the issue for the other people in this thread as I caused my own problem by not understanding the FB meta tags properly.
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