personal challenge galleries?
Hi Folks:
I'm wondering if there's an easy way to see all the entries by one individual in the challenges? My first goal is to just do this for my own entries. But, my second goal is to see all the different entries from someone whose work I admire, juxtaposed.
Oh, and, it really is for learning, and not to collect or otherwise abuse the pictures.
If any of you keep galleries of your entries (I'm starting to put one together), I'd love to see those links.
I'm wondering if there's an easy way to see all the entries by one individual in the challenges? My first goal is to just do this for my own entries. But, my second goal is to see all the different entries from someone whose work I admire, juxtaposed.
Oh, and, it really is for learning, and not to collect or otherwise abuse the pictures.
If any of you keep galleries of your entries (I'm starting to put one together), I'd love to see those links.
Funny you should say this.
I just opened mine up and oddly enough called it "dgrin photo challenges/contests"
I got mine here:
I still have to upload the last 2 contests... ...... Facebook
i tend to dump everything i'm working on for the challenge at hand in there. images i post to the forum for feedback and such.
i've only just captioned the ones i actually entered.
it was good looking back and seeing some good progress. i know i didn't know enough to take my last entries when i first started on this road.
- Diana
My collection is located here for DSS, The first gallery is all of them and the other galleries are there for showing all the elements that went into creating an image for EXIF purposes.
Here for the long ago LPS
Thanks folks -- this is what I was looking for. I like seeing the out-takes (for those of you who post your non-entry versions, too). I also like seeing how the challenge theme affects the natural style/inclinations of an individual (oh, and to see all of you practicing something that isn't your standard subject or technique).
Thanks for the kick in the pants for me to finish my gallery of challenges--still working on mine--
I could kick myself. I have this highly original and never thought about before concept
Thanks Sunflower--I hope to be done this weekend.
Here is the list of all the challenges...
Creepy or Crawly?
**edit: AH HA! found it here... #34
My SmugMug
AHA! Inside out or upside down! Thank you thank you and for the list too.
Creepy Crawly was a shot of my psychotic sister crying with smeared mascara and and a sharp knife! Love her for it--I'm trying to figure out how I can kick her a** for the next challenge, lol.
Thank you.
Looking through the gallery, I also really appreciate the "critical" comments -- the ones that look at the picture and try to fix it (even if it's already fabulous to start with). It's especially useful to see that criticism for pictures that really are fabulous to start out with. The picture catches your eye, but then, when you read the comments, you see how it could be improved, as well.
BTW, here's mine:
Quarks are one of the two basic constituents of matter in the Standard Model of particle physics.
I add my entries on a regular basis, but haven't taken the the time to really look at them all.
It is nice to see all of one photographers entries in one place, so this was a great idea!
So I'll share mine as well, if anyone is interested...
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
I'm wondering if it's worth to create a new gallery for the Images you entry for the challenges, don't read my wrong I'm talking to my self.
Personally I have a gallery on smugmug currently Unlisted and i keep the entries there. I attach to each image file number the challenge # so I can remember were they were sent.
Any thought?
It's a personal choice. Not everyone wants that in their gallery probably, but some people already have one. I think those are the people sunflowerstudio was thinking of.
My SmugMug
My SmugMug
My Challenge Gallery
— Kevin
My Site, My Book
I guess that you have more time than I have. Good for you and your pictures.
A very nice gallery! Glad to see you're still around
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
:wow oh! my post didn't look right! I'm sorry if you thought that was directed at you.I meant that for sunflowerstudio. I had been meaning to organize them for a while and was procrastinating. I didn't realize no one else had posted below my post to you.
I'm also sorry if I came off wrong in the other post. I didn't mean to sound rude. I just meant that I understood what you meant. Not everyone has the time or even wants to post everything in a gallery. Everyone has their own way of doing things that works for them. Mine wasn't working. I hadn't labeled anything at the time the way I should have, and just threw them in one gallery. It was a mess.
Again, I'm sorry if I came off wrong....
My SmugMug
Thank you Karin. It means a lot to me that someone, besides me, likes my art. Also, I've been here, just haven't been participating due to lack of time and inspiration to pick up the camera. I'm confident that the Muses will speak to me soon and that there will be a flurry of creativity. Thanks again.
— Kevin
My Site, My Book