Facebook "Like" button - several clarifications / questions

If this needs to be merged, that's fine. I couldn't figure out which thread to put it in exactly. Ok, so I'm confused about a couple things. Here's my questions, & a note as to why I'm asking. (yeah, I realize it's a vaca wkend; I can be patient!
1. Seems that a photo can only have one "like". Is this true? 'Cuz I was logged in, then "liked" my photo. The "Like" button switched to a button showing the thumbs-up & "one person" written on it. I went off, checked my FB wall & found the post down my wall under "Recent Activity". All good; links worked correctly and all :clap. But then, I went back, logged out of SmugMug, and looked to see what happened under the photo I'd "liked". Um, it still had the same icon-- thumbs-up. When I clicked on it (remember, Smug shouldn't know who I am at this point.... I'm logged out and had hit refresh as well) it un-did my "like". I could tell because I went back to FB and the post was no longer there! So there was no way to do a second "like". Once I'd "un-liked" it, then "liked" it again, it showed the thumbs-up and "one person" & the post appeared back on my FB wall. Anyway, I'm asking all this because I thought there was some talk of a thumbnail showing up at some point if more than one person liked it. But now it appear only one person can... :scratch
2. So that's question #2-- when, if ever, are thumbs supposed to show up on the FB "like" post? To me, the whole thing is basically pointless if it's missing a thumb. No one's ever going to care a hoot about checking out our sites with an all-text post.
3. Would there not at some point be a way to "like" a whole gallery, or even category page? This could be so much more useful at times, especially if some of the above issues are true.
4. How do these site-wide FB buttons interact with the buttons some people had already installed on their pages? Are those people having to change something or un-install the buttons they had? Or do they now have 2 "like" buttons, etc.?
5. If it's still possible to install one's own buttons, and they're able to be placed on category pages on our own, is there any problem with our doing that? (not that I know how yet anyway, but theoretically...)
Thanks a mil!
1. Seems that a photo can only have one "like". Is this true? 'Cuz I was logged in, then "liked" my photo. The "Like" button switched to a button showing the thumbs-up & "one person" written on it. I went off, checked my FB wall & found the post down my wall under "Recent Activity". All good; links worked correctly and all :clap. But then, I went back, logged out of SmugMug, and looked to see what happened under the photo I'd "liked". Um, it still had the same icon-- thumbs-up. When I clicked on it (remember, Smug shouldn't know who I am at this point.... I'm logged out and had hit refresh as well) it un-did my "like". I could tell because I went back to FB and the post was no longer there! So there was no way to do a second "like". Once I'd "un-liked" it, then "liked" it again, it showed the thumbs-up and "one person" & the post appeared back on my FB wall. Anyway, I'm asking all this because I thought there was some talk of a thumbnail showing up at some point if more than one person liked it. But now it appear only one person can... :scratch
2. So that's question #2-- when, if ever, are thumbs supposed to show up on the FB "like" post? To me, the whole thing is basically pointless if it's missing a thumb. No one's ever going to care a hoot about checking out our sites with an all-text post.
3. Would there not at some point be a way to "like" a whole gallery, or even category page? This could be so much more useful at times, especially if some of the above issues are true.
4. How do these site-wide FB buttons interact with the buttons some people had already installed on their pages? Are those people having to change something or un-install the buttons they had? Or do they now have 2 "like" buttons, etc.?
5. If it's still possible to install one's own buttons, and they're able to be placed on category pages on our own, is there any problem with our doing that? (not that I know how yet anyway, but theoretically...)
Thanks a mil!
Anna Lisa Yoder's Images - http://winsomeworks.com ... Handmade Photo Notecards: http://winsomeworks.etsy.com ... Framed/Matted work: http://anna-lisa-yoder.artistwebsites.com/galleries.html ... Scribbles: http://winsomeworks.blogspot.com
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
No clue, on when thumbs show up, sorry - it's up to FB.
Re cat page liking, or gallery liking, not yet, the FB api doesn't allow it.
You should only have our buttons or your own, but not both, that'd be confusing.
Re placing like buttons on your cat pages, sure, try it - no idea how it works though
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eventually shows?
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DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
Cute, Allen! Ok, you got it. This is embarrassing... I didn't even pick anything very special, just went eeenie meenie minie moe! Anyway, I liked this one in my PF gallery: http://www.winsomeworks.com/Portfolio/AnnaLisaYoder-PhotoFavorites/6704667_LAjfv#684756119_uT8A8 and this one in my Family at Sandy Hook gallery: http://www.winsomeworks.com/Family/Sightseeing-Excursions/Family-at-Sandy-Hook-09/10302613_DnQtz#975749620_utwK2 . On neither photo do I have see a "like" button anymore, whether I'm logged in or out. I only see the button that replaced it: "Thumbs up 1 person" and a Tweet button. Let me know if you see a regular "Like" button. Don't feel forced to actually "like" it!!
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
takes a few, have to wait and see if any more show up.
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DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
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DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
Anna: YOU can only like it once. But you can like it, Allen, John, Tom Dick and Harry too.
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liking it, not the four total. I was expecting to see "me and three others".
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There is this...
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though, on the manually added like button. This is all very confusing.
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DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
Smug Pro Acc - http://www.hdimages.net
All things Netball - http://www.netballonline.com
SmugUp or SmugDown, check it with SmugMonitor
That was a bug but we fixed it. Show me the page where you see this now?
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Hi Andy, cool, I removed the original link after posting as that wasnt the behaviour I was expecting. I'll give it another try now
Should it show a thumbnail or just the link?
Smug Pro Acc - http://www.hdimages.net
All things Netball - http://www.netballonline.com
SmugUp or SmugDown, check it with SmugMonitor
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humph, no way of showing a thumbnail? In the pipeline?
Smug Pro Acc - http://www.hdimages.net
All things Netball - http://www.netballonline.com
SmugUp or SmugDown, check it with SmugMonitor
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Suppose it forces you to use their gallery with that function.
A way to auto post a small/medium/large thumb would be fab as opposed to cut/paste.
Smug Pro Acc - http://www.hdimages.net
All things Netball - http://www.netballonline.com
SmugUp or SmugDown, check it with SmugMonitor
Use Be Social>Share on Facebook and you get the thumbnails
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I used to cut and paste links to photos in my galleries on facebook and I would get a choice of 1-4 thumbnails.
I was told this last week - "Okay so what I'm seeing with the cutting and pasting a link into facebook is that if you have right click protection on ('Protected') in your gallery settings, facebook can't see your thumbnails and you'll get no image rotator. Until we can come up with a work around, disabling right click protection will enable you to see thumbnails on facebook."
I just disabled right click protection to check this out and I still didn't get the thumbnail image rotator on Facebook.
I only get the like button showing up if I have chosen yes to external links. If I say no to external links and yes to sharing there are no FB or Twitter buttons under the photos. If I click on the link button under the photo it counts it as a like but it doesn't post it to my FB page.
Fillmore, California USA
Second, Smugmug has documented somewhere that external linking has to be ON in order to get the Like button to show. I'm not sure why.
Third, if you look at your Wall, not your news feed, you will see a small post that shows what you Liked. You will not see that in your own newsfeed. Your friends will see when you Like something in their newsfeed. So, if you look in the right place, it is showing up and it shows up automatically for your friends.
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