S95 arrived
Mr. UPS dropped my S95 off a bit too late, so by the time the battery charged it was dark outside. Nothing special here, but below are a few test shots showing somewhat macro at f/2.0 and f/8.0
Overall, I love the camera so far. Manual mode, along with RAW and tons of built-in "toys" (HDR, simulated tilt-shift, vintage mode, etc) make it a pretty fun little camera.
My only complaint (and not the camera's fault) is that the lowest flash power setting isn't enough to trigger my LumoPro LP120's in optical slave mode...so OCF is a bit tricky with it. I have to set the built-in flash to Medium to get it to trigger, which then makes for too much direct lighting. I'll have to get some type of filter on it to block all but IR I suppose.
Overall, I love the camera so far. Manual mode, along with RAW and tons of built-in "toys" (HDR, simulated tilt-shift, vintage mode, etc) make it a pretty fun little camera.
My only complaint (and not the camera's fault) is that the lowest flash power setting isn't enough to trigger my LumoPro LP120's in optical slave mode...so OCF is a bit tricky with it. I have to set the built-in flash to Medium to get it to trigger, which then makes for too much direct lighting. I'll have to get some type of filter on it to block all but IR I suppose.
Canon 7D and some stuff that sticks on the end of it.
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Oops...I typed too fast...I meant LumoPro LP120. Fixing now...
I like the sound of the HDR mode.
Ahhhh I see how that could happen............ :-}}
Will do! I'm hoping to spend some time this weekend taking various types of shots and will share them. The pics above were only processed in DPP (minor crop, histogram tweak, etc).
a small compact like this before. I love using the fake miniature effect for
selective focus. Here are some random snapshots from last week:
― Edward Weston
I'm liking it more and more, but don't take my word for it.
Any special requests for example pics? I can try to add that to my list. I'll probably get some more food shots tonight, as I'll be at a dinner party. It's been raining out today, so that's limiting my fun outside.
I am thinking to part with my 24mm 2.8 and 50mm 1.8 because the S95 is
all I need when I want a lightweight kit for taking shots on the go. btw.
the S95 has improved in serveral aspects over the S90. The rear dial is much
better and you cant accidentaly change the camera settings anymore. The
cam now has a mate finish that is much more comfortable to hold than
the glossy S90. It does not slip anymore
― Edward Weston
I would love to see some pics using the automatic hdr mode - perhaps when the sun shines again.
Canon PowerShot S95 test photos gallery
...and a quick test video. Disclaimer is I know pretty much nothing about video editing, so this is barebones stuff. I'll have to double-check, but I think the zoom during video is digital and not optical, so it pixelates a bit when I zoom in.
<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/14913438?byline=0&portrait=0" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0"></iframe><p><a href=" S95 HD Video Test - Low Light (No Audio)</a></p>
My B&W Photos
Motorcycles in B&W
I really like to thank you for sharing your experiences and enthusiasm.
However, there is nothing about the shots - and I realise these are spontaneous first efforts - that would persuade me to trade my dslr or even my G9. Looks like I would struggle with depth of field in particular, and then focus. The HDR pops and is the future imo. The low light performance is impressive.
But I am not being fair. I should be comparing apples with apples. It is a lot better than my mobile phone and equally portable and convenient.
We should have dinner someday - looks good!
twin Mark IV's & a bunch of "L" glass
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I can't imagine anybody would replace their dSLR for a pns, even a good one - as you say, apples and oranges.
As for the G9.... the S series is way smaller, which is the attraction for me, and I think Canon has finally released *exactly* what I want in a pns. It has the kind of "real photography" controls I crave now, but can still fit into my handbag or a pocket.
Thanks again for the report and shots - this is really an impressive little beast. I can't WAIT to get my hands on one of these and finally retire the pns I have now, a camera which I have never liked!
twin Mark IV's & a bunch of "L" glass
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The MF is "ok"...you can adjust it by using the settings ring around the lens. It is far from perfect, as it's a bit difficult to tell if you're getting things perfectly in focus by looking at the LCD screen. A smaller zoomed-in zone opens at the center of the screen to assist with focus, but depending on the lighting, etc, it's not much help. Still better than no MF, of course.
Question for those of you with the S90 or 95 - is the rear control dial as touchy as I read in reviews? Or can you quickly get used to handling it without messing up the settings accidently? Any of you have the metal Richard Franiec Custom Grip? Thanks.
Am I going to need to change my username to David_S95?
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
The back wheel is improved in the S95 and does not turn by accident any more.
Like you I bought the S95 because it had RAW ... I have yet to shoot my
first frame in RAW with it. It is such a joy to just snap pics in JPEG and not
have to fiddle around with the images later much because the Camera
takes care of distorion correction (which is dramatic in RAW files imo)
and CA before saving the image to disk. I only give the JPEGs a slight
boost in Saturation, contrast.
― Edward Weston
Great to know. Thanks!
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
I love the handling of this camera. Once it's set up how you want it it's easy to alter the settings to suit. I have it set to C mode and auto ISO. with -2/3 exp comp. This is perfect for me and it's quick to use, which is the point of having a camera in your pocket. With it in C mode every time you switch the camera on or it times out and you wake it up it reverts to your base settings. I can then alter the exp comp and aperture with the dials and a quick prod of the function button in the centre of the rear wheel gives me access to alter the ISO.
The major problem with this camera is how slippery it feels in your hand. I always have the strap around my wrist as it doesn't feel secure in your hand. If the finish of the S95 is more grippy then this will be a good improvement.
The S90 is still around and if you can get one for a bargain price I'd go for it. However, all of the upgrades to the S95 seem to be worth having and they all add up to making it the perfect pocket camera.
It isn't. That's why this accessory exists.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
I really like my S95. It's a nice little pocket camera & I have not experienced any issues with the rear control. I can't comment on the grip....
twin Mark IV's & a bunch of "L" glass
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