it actually makes quoting posts like yours very hard. It'd be great if you just left stuff be black, it's much easier for us to handle - thanks!
Ok, well-- um, I couldn't quote yours either! It just ended up with all your responses all squashed together! So the only thing I could figure was to use the handy color-picker to distinguish your answers from mine. Not sure what else I was s'posed to do. Bear with me... I was late at night, far from home on a strange computer just doin' what I could do. Another handy tool that we're not supposed to want to use. Mmmph.
I'm trying to be responsive to you, Anna Lisa. When you're ready, just dive in.
??? Um, I did. It gets rather confusing if you tell us one thing when some other Smug hero has already told us something different. I'm not wanting to cause any arguments. Just telling it like it is.
P.S. On the watermarking thing, besides the issues with trying to change one's watermark, there's also this: I know, these things may seem miniscule to you if you have 20 galleries or something. But try going into settings, and then tools, on each & every gallery on hundreds of galleries - 4 actions, one at a time, per gallery. You change the settings. Then you go to the other tool, unwater-mark them all with the old watermark. You wait, perhaps half a day. Then you go back, unwater-mark them again in tools. Wait some more. Then go back and finally watermark them with your new mark once you're sure all the old ones have disappeared. Yes, you have to leave your photos unwatermarked for awhile in order to do this correctly.
Got several bad gateway errors when trying to use the Share on FB features on my Android phone. Successive retries eventually got past the bad gateway problem, but I saw it several times.
I am getting this problem for the past hour. Created a new gallery and uploaded images to it. Nothing that i've uploaded shows up after a bad gateway message. Uploading the images again and waiting several minutes still shows nothing.
What IS a Bad Gateway, anyway? I don't recall seeing that before, on or off this site. Why are we seeing it so much? The thing with refreshing is that I don't always end up back in the same place. And sometimes the tool I'd been trying to use at the time has worked, while sometimes it hasn't.
What IS a Bad Gateway, anyway? I don't recall seeing that before, on or off this site. Why are we seeing it so much? The thing with refreshing is that I don't always end up back in the same place. And sometimes the tool I'd been trying to use at the time has worked, while sometimes it hasn't.
We're continuing to chase this down. Sorry for the hassle.
We think we fixed the slow-create-gallery that some users were experiencing. Those of you that had this happen, please let us know if it's better now, thanks!
Still have the problem. I created a gallery and uploaded pics via jf's smugmug plugin about 8 minutes ago and see this when i click on the gallery on my homepage:
502 Bad Gateway
The server returned an invalid or incomplete response.
I also tried to click on the gallery to which i uploaded pics yesterday morning and i see nothing there, so it isn't just slow. After 24 hours, it should have had more than enough time to create the gallery and process the uploaded images. It says:
We think we fixed the slow-create-gallery that some users were experiencing. Those of you that had this happen, please let us know if it's better now, thanks!
Getting tons of these periodically 502 Bad Gateway
The server returned an invalid or incomplete response.
Going into or out of various galleries and sub-galleries; after visiting or making changes in galleries. Not particular to any gallery, but random galleries or as I move through the site.:cry
glad its working now but 15s is still unacceptable to us. we will get it fixed.
Well, 15 seconds doesn't sound bad to me, but I won't argue. BigWebGuy, I just had to say I love your signature with the loose/lose thing. That's fantastic. I see that at least a couple times a week & it makes me crazy. Now, could you just add something about when to use apostrophes?! I also get depressed at how often I see "its" and "it's" used incorrectly. Aaargh! Will Americans ever figure out that the apostrophe is replacing a letter, and that if "it is" doesn't fit where they're using the apostrophe, then it does not belong?! "The cat ate its food." No apostrophe needed, people. The sentence is correct as stated!! We cannot say "The cat ate it is food." We only need the apostrophe when a name is being made possessive. Ok, before I start on "their, they're, and there", or "affect, effect" I'll get off my grammar soapbox. Don't want smoke pouring out my ears! Thanks again, BigWebGuy! :soapbox P.S. You may enjoy this blog on unneccessary quotation marks too:
Oh Andy, don't even get me started. Youse guy's and I will be guilty of multiple's of thread's hijacking's and erroneously badnesses of grammar's quoting's. Aaaurgggthhhh!! :splat
I have this error (or none at all (blank screen)) for every RSS feed of my Smugmug galleries.
My smugmug website is working ( but the RSS feeds aren't.
Saw it again just now while switching to a different tab on my Navbar. (was going from "Travel" to "Nature", and got the 502. That's not when I was seeing it before.
Folks, what you are seeing today may be related to the down time troubles we are working on. Hopefully we will have them fixed soon. Please watch here for updates.
I'm trying to be responsive to you, Anna Lisa. When you're ready, just dive in.
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Yes, you can do it another way-- just go into tools & change your watermark the way you said, Andy. Does this work? No, not thoroughly, even though on the face of it you might think it does. But you'll keep finding photos with watermarks that didn't behave. For instance, this week I happened upon a photo that had the big ugly "PROOF" default watermark on it. It was the larger viewing size. This is over a yr. since I changed my watermark, and I actually never did use that PROOF one. Why was it like this? Because I haven't gotten around to doing the process I described with hundreds of galleries. It's no fun, and keeping track of which gallery you did what to is even worse. Not only that, I'd already spent time putting new watermarks on my galleries before I learned that I should have gone through this whole process that hardly anyone knows about, & no one tells you. So that means I actually should do one more step besides those I listed! Aaaaugh! I'd also spent time placing some individually-- at top, center, or bottom....I'd have to re-do that. I actually wanted to make a different watermark with a © symbol on it, but now the thought of that is just completely daunting. I never want to have to change it again, ever.
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502 Bad Gateway
The server returned an invalid or incomplete response.
I also tried to click on the gallery to which i uploaded pics yesterday morning and i see nothing there, so it isn't just slow. After 24 hours, it should have had more than enough time to create the gallery and process the uploaded images. It says:
This gallery needs photos!
Upload from your computer
or display some by making this gallery smart.
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glad its working now but 15s is still unacceptable to us. we will get it fixed.
502 Bad Gateway
The server returned an invalid or incomplete response.
Going into or out of various galleries and sub-galleries; after visiting or making changes in galleries. Not particular to any gallery, but random galleries or as I move through the site.:cry
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
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DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
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My smugmug website is working ( but the RSS feeds aren't.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
"503 Service Unavailable
No server is available to handle this request."
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