Winners of mini challenge #106...

First off let me say I am astounded by all of your work! So many awesome pictures! But like I had said in my original write up, I am first looking for the attitude showing, then composition. So many cute animals pictures that were very outstanding composition wise but just the animal didn't show enough attitude. But I so enjoyed looking at your pics as I am sure others have too.
So I have narrowed down with much consideration. Here is the HONORABLE MENTIONS...(in extremely random order)
Sherstone #1 come on I dare ya!
Although this one is very weak on theme its extremely awesome on just shear tenacity of the photographer getting the shot! Hats off to you Sean..I also really enjoyed your other pictures as they had great lighting and composition.

orb9220 #1 Whatcha Look'in at?
Although the quality is grainy on this...I just love the expression on this squirrels face! Kudos on the capture!:thumb

racer #1 and #2... Mom, Mom! Mom I'm Hungry! MOM!, Alright SHUT UP ALREADY! You just ate 5 minutes ago!
Love your sense of humor on these and the titles. Great captures!

Patti #1 I have never been so humiliated in my life!
Although slightly grainy and the dof is a tad off I really love this picture for just the sweetness and the attitude that makes you want to go 'aaawwweee poor baby!'

tropico #2 I love yoga.
I know how hard it is to capture cats. They are usually sleeping or avoiding you when you pull out the camera. The fact that this cat happened to feel comfortable enough for you to be there with a camera in its face and stretch is pretty nice capture! My only nit would have wished that you got the whole cat in the shot.

KevXman #2 do you mind? I was sleeping!
This is just an awesome photograph. I love everything about it and who knows what the bird was truely thinking...the attitude is definatly saying disgruntled that his sleep was disturbed. Wonderful capture Kevin!

anonymouscuban #3 I'm cool as ice!
Whats not to love with this face! I bet he carries that attitude around everywhere all the time. Love the bw treatment and the compositional crop and clarity of the image.:thumb

Tdcompton #2 Untitled
definately showing attitude its best not to give it a title as I am sure that kind of language would not be tolerated here....LOL! But nicely caught slobber fest going on here and I do hope the animal is not tramatized by the shoot. Great lighting and the focus could have been better but kudos on the effort of an interesting photo.:thumb

ghinson #2 who are you calling Squab?
Although this feels like deja Vu in more than one way, I think this image just screams attitude and its a great composition to boot!:thumb

photosthatgive #3 Guilty as Charged
An attitude of guilt or shyness is on this dogs face and the composition of cropping, sepia tone, the moody lighting and dof is great! Bringing into focus the eyes which scream the theme!:thumb:thumb I personally would have cloned out the shiney tag on the dogs collar but no big deal.

StueveShots #1 Go Away!
Congrates on your win! This image speaks volumes with attitude and your composition is great! I know there is some background noise but that sometimes cannot be helped when shooting wild life in natural settings (or even captured wild life) as I know flash is not used most of the time in these settings (can scare the animals). So do overs are not always possible and you caught this owl in a moment of time that expresses the attitude I was looking for! So now its your turn to come up with the next challenge. You can find the rules and instructions at

As I said earlier there were so many wonderful shots and I wish I could have list all the ones that blew me away. But then all you have to do is look at the thread and be blown away yourself! Awesome work everyone!!!
So I have narrowed down with much consideration. Here is the HONORABLE MENTIONS...(in extremely random order)
Sherstone #1 come on I dare ya!
Although this one is very weak on theme its extremely awesome on just shear tenacity of the photographer getting the shot! Hats off to you Sean..I also really enjoyed your other pictures as they had great lighting and composition.

orb9220 #1 Whatcha Look'in at?
Although the quality is grainy on this...I just love the expression on this squirrels face! Kudos on the capture!:thumb

racer #1 and #2... Mom, Mom! Mom I'm Hungry! MOM!, Alright SHUT UP ALREADY! You just ate 5 minutes ago!
Love your sense of humor on these and the titles. Great captures!

Patti #1 I have never been so humiliated in my life!
Although slightly grainy and the dof is a tad off I really love this picture for just the sweetness and the attitude that makes you want to go 'aaawwweee poor baby!'

tropico #2 I love yoga.
I know how hard it is to capture cats. They are usually sleeping or avoiding you when you pull out the camera. The fact that this cat happened to feel comfortable enough for you to be there with a camera in its face and stretch is pretty nice capture! My only nit would have wished that you got the whole cat in the shot.

KevXman #2 do you mind? I was sleeping!
This is just an awesome photograph. I love everything about it and who knows what the bird was truely thinking...the attitude is definatly saying disgruntled that his sleep was disturbed. Wonderful capture Kevin!

anonymouscuban #3 I'm cool as ice!
Whats not to love with this face! I bet he carries that attitude around everywhere all the time. Love the bw treatment and the compositional crop and clarity of the image.:thumb

Tdcompton #2 Untitled
definately showing attitude its best not to give it a title as I am sure that kind of language would not be tolerated here....LOL! But nicely caught slobber fest going on here and I do hope the animal is not tramatized by the shoot. Great lighting and the focus could have been better but kudos on the effort of an interesting photo.:thumb

ghinson #2 who are you calling Squab?
Although this feels like deja Vu in more than one way, I think this image just screams attitude and its a great composition to boot!:thumb

photosthatgive #3 Guilty as Charged
An attitude of guilt or shyness is on this dogs face and the composition of cropping, sepia tone, the moody lighting and dof is great! Bringing into focus the eyes which scream the theme!:thumb:thumb I personally would have cloned out the shiney tag on the dogs collar but no big deal.

StueveShots #1 Go Away!
Congrates on your win! This image speaks volumes with attitude and your composition is great! I know there is some background noise but that sometimes cannot be helped when shooting wild life in natural settings (or even captured wild life) as I know flash is not used most of the time in these settings (can scare the animals). So do overs are not always possible and you caught this owl in a moment of time that expresses the attitude I was looking for! So now its your turn to come up with the next challenge. You can find the rules and instructions at

As I said earlier there were so many wonderful shots and I wish I could have list all the ones that blew me away. But then all you have to do is look at the thread and be blown away yourself! Awesome work everyone!!!
My Site, My Book
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
I am really surprised and grateful. I just ran through all the animal pictures with my family and they said "These pictures are awesome!" in the kind of tone that also suggested "How did you win?" And I have to all did great!
That owl did have an attitude. It was taken at an outdoor museum named Skansen in Stockholm and try as I might, I could not get a picture of him with his face straight on...until the end, when he gave me that look. I think if owls could talk, my ears would be blistering. I have to think. I've never done this before. I'll take a look at the list of past topics and see if I can come up with something fun. I'll post it tomorrow.
This was a fun round. Thanks, JAG!
Especially congratulations to the winners and StueveShots - fantastic! ...... Facebook
Thanks also for the honourable mention. My poor Guinness (Never Been So Humiliated) is terminally ill with pancreatic cancer so this is extra special to me.
... I'm still peeling potatoes.
patti hinton photography
Did you think one up?
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
Patti, I am sorry to hear about Guinness. We lost our beautiful golden retriever a couple of years ago to cancer, so my heart goes out to you... Guinness looks like a dog a person couldn't fail to love.
Thanks Heather and for your PM. I appreciate your kind words.
... I'm still peeling potatoes.
patti hinton photography
Photographer/Founder - Photos That Give