well it looks like I'll have an extra $400 for lenses if I get one through the CL Program. bringing my budget to $1550. Yay! Mmm now I want to throw my gear on ebay to get rid of it faster.
I have sold both lenses and the auction for my D700 ends tonight. I got the Canon 135L from someone on Fred Miranda and I bought a broken Canon P&S on Ebay for $12. So I will have my 5DMKII sometime this week if all works out with the auction and the Canon Loyalty Program.
My next question to you guys is if you were to choose between the Canon 50mm f/1.4 USM and the 85mm f/1.8 USM. Which would you prioritize getting?
I have both, the 85 just doesn't seem to get any use.
Would you say getting like a Sigma 105 Macro would be more beneficial over the 85? There are often times that I wish I had one for detail shots at weddings and during portrait sessions.
(you may be wondering why I would want detail shots during a portrait session? Coffee Table Books and Albums are becoming a popular add-on)
24-105 does enough macro for me at weddings, especially on a 7d. YMMV, but given I already needed the lens it meant no macros need for me. If its on your list of lenses then you may not want \ need a true macro.
the 24-105 is not on my list. I only want 2.8 or faster lenses.. I do too much low light work to spend $800+ on an f/4L
Would you say getting like a Sigma 105 Macro would be more beneficial over the 85? There are often times that I wish I had one for detail shots at weddings and during portrait sessions.
(you may be wondering why I would want detail shots during a portrait session? Coffee Table Books and Albums are becoming a popular add-on)
depends on what you need? I do detail shots as well, not sure how close you want to get. I use the 50 and the 24-105 for them, mainly.
If you are asking 50&105 OR 50&85, I'd go for the 50 & 105.
depends on what you need? I do detail shots as well, not sure how close you want to get. I use the 50 and the 24-105 for them, mainly.
If you are asking 50&105 OR 50&85, I'd go for the 50 & 105.
This close. Took these with a friends Sigma 55mm macro on my D700 at a wedding earlier this year.
Well, I did get the 135L. you think that would work well enough as a fake macro? Probably not considering how close I like my macros to be.
I have decided to skip on getting the 85 or 100 macro and am going to get a 580EXII. I realized having a small flash comes in handy when doing on location shoots by myself. And I will need one if I ever get booked to shoot another wedding... hopefully I will.
I tried using one of my AB800's with my vegabond on my last senior session.. didn't go so well. So I ditched it in my SUV and had her boyfriend hold a reflector. Now, if I had an assistant - they're gonna carry the big damn light to make nice pictures! :whip
Waiting for the Refurbished 5DMKII's to be in stock over at Canon so I can purchase it in time to shoot a party next weekend Once I get that I'll be happy for a while.
Does the Canon Loyalty program apply ONLY to refurb gear? I use Nikon, but my sister has a Canon, and I just happen to have a couple of old Canon P&S's in the basement. Just curious if it works on new gear as well?
Does the Canon Loyalty program apply ONLY to refurb gear? I use Nikon, but my sister has a Canon, and I just happen to have a couple of old Canon P&S's in the basement. Just curious if it works on new gear as well?
Waiting for the Refurbished 5DMKII's to be in stock over at Canon so I can purchase it in time to shoot a party next weekend Once I get that I'll be happy for a while.
ANOTHER 135L FANATIC!!! [or at least in your case, soon to be...]
Waiting for the Refurbished 5DMKII's to be in stock over at Canon so I can purchase it in time to shoot a party next weekend Once I get that I'll be happy for a while.
Are they out of stock, now? Bummer. I guess the buzz on these forums got too many people jumping on the deal. Hope you get one soon!
One of them is an 8GB x600 CF Card.. I think that'll work just fine.
The last time I bumped into a team of videographers at a wedding, they were using 7D's and they said between just two cameras they go through about 120+ GB of CF at a wedding. Good luck with that! :-P
The last time I bumped into a team of videographers at a wedding, they were using 7D's and they said between just two cameras they go through about 120+ GB of CF at a wedding. Good luck with that! :-P
Lol, well.. I wont be doing THAT much video work right now. I'm talking like.. a few 2 minute clips here and there.
The last time I bumped into a team of videographers at a wedding, they were using 7D's and they said between just two cameras they go through about 120+ GB of CF at a wedding. Good luck with that! :-P
D3x? Of course, you'll need to go ahead and get a BMW to haul it around.
Let's just say I am looking for the KLR way to get high resolution in the studio.
My next question to you guys is if you were to choose between the Canon 50mm f/1.4 USM and the 85mm f/1.8 USM. Which would you prioritize getting?
I have both, the 85 just doesn't seem to get any use.
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
Would you say getting like a Sigma 105 Macro would be more beneficial over the 85? There are often times that I wish I had one for detail shots at weddings and during portrait sessions.
(you may be wondering why I would want detail shots during a portrait session? Coffee Table Books and Albums are becoming a popular add-on)
the 24-105 is not on my list. I only want 2.8 or faster lenses.. I do too much low light work to spend $800+ on an f/4L
If you are asking 50&105 OR 50&85, I'd go for the 50 & 105.
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
Well, I did get the 135L. you think that would work well enough as a fake macro? Probably not considering how close I like my macros to be.
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
I tried using one of my AB800's with my vegabond on my last senior session.. didn't go so well. So I ditched it in my SUV and had her boyfriend hold a reflector. Now, if I had an assistant - they're gonna carry the big damn light to make nice pictures! :whip
So far I've purchased:
- 135 f/2L
- 50 f/1.4
- 580EXII
- 77mm Expodisc (got a good deal on a used one)
Waiting for the Refurbished 5DMKII's to be in stock over at Canon so I can purchase it in time to shoot a party next weekendMy site 365 Project
Only refurbished.
ANOTHER 135L FANATIC!!! [or at least in your case, soon to be...]
I take it you have one too? I've been drooling about getting one for over a year now. Even when I was shooting nikon I wanted it.
(been a 135L user since 2008)
I hope you have real fast CF cards if you want to do video.
One of them is an 8GB x600 CF Card.. I think that'll work just fine.
Are they out of stock, now? Bummer. I guess the buzz on these forums got too many people jumping on the deal. Hope you get one soon!
http://shop.usa.canon.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_10051_10051_214217_-1 In stock. I placed my order earlier today. I will have it on Wednesday!
My SmugMug Portfolio • My Astro-Landscape Photo Blog • Dgrin Weddings Forum
Lol, well.. I wont be doing THAT much video work right now. I'm talking like.. a few 2 minute clips here and there.
Ouch! 120+ gb?