Mini Challenge #108 - Food or Drink

The Mini Challenge 108 is Food or Drink
There's just no way around it, we spend much of our lives involved in activities involving food. Planning meals, shopping for ingredients, worrying about eating what we should instead of what we like, preparing, cleaning up, or simply dining out at our favorite place. Most of our celebrations involve food or drink along with lots of family and friends. So for this challenge you can enter up to 3 images that include food or drink as a primary element.
It can be a favorite desert -

or fruit -

or just your morning coffee (Diet Coke in my case) -

They don't have to be still life shots like this -

Your images DO NOT have to be like the ones I've shown. It could be a meal with friends, preparing food in the kitchen, a celebration centered around a meal, or anything you like. The only rule is that Food and/or Drink has to be a significant element in the shot.
This challenge will begin now and ends at 7:00 am EST on October 30th.
See this link for additional Mini-Challenge rules.
I had to choose this topic since I've been working in the attic all day and am starving!:D I'm going to eat now. Hope you'll enjoy the challenge.
There's just no way around it, we spend much of our lives involved in activities involving food. Planning meals, shopping for ingredients, worrying about eating what we should instead of what we like, preparing, cleaning up, or simply dining out at our favorite place. Most of our celebrations involve food or drink along with lots of family and friends. So for this challenge you can enter up to 3 images that include food or drink as a primary element.
It can be a favorite desert -

or fruit -

or just your morning coffee (Diet Coke in my case) -

They don't have to be still life shots like this -

Your images DO NOT have to be like the ones I've shown. It could be a meal with friends, preparing food in the kitchen, a celebration centered around a meal, or anything you like. The only rule is that Food and/or Drink has to be a significant element in the shot.
This challenge will begin now and ends at 7:00 am EST on October 30th.
See this link for additional Mini-Challenge rules.
I had to choose this topic since I've been working in the attic all day and am starving!:D I'm going to eat now. Hope you'll enjoy the challenge.
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ETA: Added two more
Hair of the Dog
Die Hard
Apple Bobbing
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
peas in a pod
odd man out
moody orange
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
I just LOVE this one!!!!
#2 Want a full rack?
#3 Cheers! ...... Facebook
Looks good Karin. Gotta love those Bloody Marys.
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Fantastic. I really like the Odd Man Out. Very creative.
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Thanks Linda. I originally had the idea that I was going to use some other images as textures to add to this. That's why there's so much white space on the left. Just never got around to it.
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Tatiana, I love the atmosphere in #2, great environmental shot. Also like the lighting on #3. Very well done.
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Thank you Dave ...... Facebook
Banana Bath
It Was Good
Thanks for the comments. I love to play with my food!
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
... I'm still peeling potatoes.
patti hinton photography
Love the colors here and the lighting/textures in the second. Ok, it's probably obvious to everyone else, but what is that second one?
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2) Tent City Pie-Eating Contest
This next one certainly has an entertaining story to go with it! I will post the story in a new thread.
An Upset Of Alice's Queen??
Orange peel - specifically, Clementine. I originally took it for the WTH challenge, but some of the commenters thought it was too obvious.
Great set! And wonderful story on the last one.
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Quite the party animal in this shot. Great story by the way. Very nice job on the photos you submitted LadyKate. Love the Mertini!
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#2 - Making a Pie
#3 - Making Butter ...... Facebook
Banana Hair
Thanks, Tatiana!
This is hilarious!
1. Multiple generations preparing dinner!
2. Outdoor dinner party on the farm!
3. The blue caught my eye
Lauren Blackwell
This was/is a great subject matter ;-)
Edan - Welcome to Dgrin!!! Thanks for participating. Great set of entries you've got there. I love the paprika shot, nice DOF, color and textures. The banana hat cracks me up.
Lauren - You're gonna think I'm crazy, but when I first glanced at your post I thought the tent was on fire! What a beautiful setting to share a meal in (now that I know it's not burning down). I especially like the generations shot.
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