Not able to tag with a two letter "word"?

For instance, I do a lot of DJ events and would like to tag photos with "DJ" so my clients can easily find the photos of the DJ's rather than have to sort through patron photos as well. But I noticed when I tag with "DJ" and search, the photos do not show in the search results.
Perhaps use "DJ's" as the keyword with or without quotes.
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i would like to be able to tag: DJ
if i have to tell every client to use DJ's it could easily be forgotten or used incorrectly
so is it a safe assumption that the search function will not work with two letter words? one of my clients is RA and i would like to tag their photos with "RA" (no quotes) so this is a bit frustrating if so.
and look at your keyword page to see if they showed up?
Remember, keywords are not visible or searchable from passworded or unlisted
galleries, only to you when logged in.
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DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
single quotes inside the double quotes? The single quotes will show and they'll
sort first on your keyword page. Don't know of any other work-a-round.
I added 07 and Mo to photo keywords and they show on keyword page.
Search doesn't work but they might not be indexed yet.
Will remove these later.
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Indeed they do. Go here search for qq or ra or dj or pa in the search box.
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DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
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and search for "dj" (no quotes) no photos are found even though i have photos with dj in the keywords
Are those statements wrong?
The last time I checked my keywords in-depth (which was within the last 3-4 weeks) I still found a whole bunch of galleries with keywords such as PA or NJ or NY in them, and they were all still indexing, after months or years. I "knew" 2-letter words were no longer acceptable. So I cleaned up a bunch of them; i.e. got rid of the 2-letter ones!! According to the Help section, they were never going to index. (I didn't know about adding quotes around them, but mine didn't have quotes, so it would not have helped) Are you telling me I JUST got rid of these, and now they're going to index?? Oh Lord help me.
So.... uh... I'm just completely confused now. I got 00 minutes ago when you told me to check results. Now I get 1 keyword result for those keywords you gave.
And I just added a few test keywords to some files. They don't even say "indexing" beside them... I mean, not even immediately!! Normally, if you check your keywords under the photo, they will all still say "indexing" for at least a few minutes while they get added to the system. Eventually, only the unacceptable ones will say "indexing" What's going on ????
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) is a two-letter keyword, indexed on your site. It's not findable by public search because the photo is in an unlisted gallery.
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But having said all that... according to Keyword Help, your 2-letter word such as DJ should only be showing up if you enclose it in quotes. It sounds like Keyword Help needs to be gone through with a fine-toothed comb though, so we'd better sit tight & find out what Andy learns.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
I don't know for certain that's the latest word on this. It makes me think, however, that what happened on my site, and presumably most sites, is that the photos that were keyworded before this change were, indeed, "stuck"... if that's what you meant by "stuck", Andy. (you didn't explain, so I'm deducing here). In other words, they were saying "indexing" if they were keyworded with something like PA back before the change took place? And they were in that case not searchable?
So it sounds like if we would do what Andy is saying and toggle the "Hello Smuggers" setting, those words following old rules would now learn to follow the new rules? I'm not going to do it before I hear back though. I wonder if this would also help my photos that still have ancient filenames on them, long after I have disabled filename keywording in my global settings? Please let me know, as I would love to finally be rid of those filename keywords.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
sort together in the KW listing and will be very obvious they are states. Not
strung out throughout.
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It is true that no photos are found but
a keyword with dj is found and it has 22 photos
Keywords-- Results: 22 Photos
Galleries-- Results: 3 Galleries
Captions-- Results: 15 Photos etc.
My point is that the average visitor would be wondering what the difference is, and when they see the results saying 22 keywords, they have no reason to know they should click on that result to realize that means 22 photos have come up that use that keyword.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
I would agree with that. Me being used to the results knew what it meant.
A new first time user would be totally confused unless they started randomly clicking around.
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I think they need to be in quotes. I typically enclose all my numbers in quotes since this was required at one time for years to show up properly.
Thanks so much for letting us know because John's right... It's really a very confusing UI.
SmugMug forever
I would also like to know how the 30-word limit on keywords is taken. (from the top of my lists down, or alphabetically, or what?) This makes a difference to me, because any shots I've keyworded for stock may have up to 50 keywords, since that's my typical limit on the stock agencies I'm with. Lately, I've tried to put the most important ones first, but earlier files may not be listed that way. So, I thank you for anything you could find out about that.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
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Could we please get a definitive word on this two-letter keyword thing? I still don't know what is correct on this issue, and last night would have used state abbreviations, had I gotten an answer. I thought we were going to hear back:
(see posts #25, 18, 14 for a refresher on the confusion, if needed)
1. Do two-letter English words need to be in quotes in order to be indexed and searchable?
2. Is the Keyword Help section wrong or right? (it says 2-letter English words will not index)
3. Why were 2-letter keywords still showing as "indexing" until recently? (did something just change with the 2-letter thing?)
4. Could I have an explanation of exactly what "stuck" keywords are? I have an idea what you mean, but not precisely. I need to know precisely before I go changing something.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
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