What was it that helped most?

The art of photography like many other arts is certainly a mixture of many things. I'd say the foundation is a good understanding of the technical aspects of how to produce a good image. It's certainly not the only thing. As I attempt to grow and improve as a photographer and artist I take every opportunity available to me to expand and grow. I often wonder just what it is for most photographers that really helped improve your skills the most (aside, of course, from being a member of this forum :rofl).
Was it formal training in a classroom setting? Seminars? Being a member of a photography club or forum? Valid critique of your work by talented and knowledgeable photographers? Shooting a lot? I know all of the mentioned are valid routes toward that goal but what was it that really put you over the top as an artist? What allowed you to go to the next level? What took you past technique and into the realm of art? ( I realize the philosophers or followers of Zen in the group may want to cite the qualities of "artlessness" but we'll save that for another discussion
Like any art there is a certain subjectivity to the answer but I'd love to hear from those of you who feel you've reached that tipping point in your work and what it was that really helped you achieve that. Makes no difference how long you've been shooting.
Was it formal training in a classroom setting? Seminars? Being a member of a photography club or forum? Valid critique of your work by talented and knowledgeable photographers? Shooting a lot? I know all of the mentioned are valid routes toward that goal but what was it that really put you over the top as an artist? What allowed you to go to the next level? What took you past technique and into the realm of art? ( I realize the philosophers or followers of Zen in the group may want to cite the qualities of "artlessness" but we'll save that for another discussion

Like any art there is a certain subjectivity to the answer but I'd love to hear from those of you who feel you've reached that tipping point in your work and what it was that really helped you achieve that. Makes no difference how long you've been shooting.
I think it varies per person. I'm going to guess 'go out and shoot' is going to be near the top, but I'm sure you are going to get just about all answers possible.
You need to find what works for you.
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
Back to your original question:
* Hanging around smart, knowledgeable and talented people (too many to list), esp. at SM shootouts
* Forums (originally dpreview/stf, now dgrin)
* Shooting a lot
* Reading/learning a lot
Richard, when I have asked this question in person (many times) with most photographers I've met and admired that answer is, by far, the one that I have received the most. It doesn't surprise me that it came up so quickly as a response here.
Thank you,
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"Thou shalt know thy gear"
It is also not all about art. When we capture our family moments or those of others, it is not only about technical excellence, it is about capturing that expression and that moment. I like to look at the wedding thread. The really great images - for me - are those that capture the love.
I learn a lot from this community - both from their inspiration and their genuine technical knowledge.
This reminds me of someone on the DPReview forums, they went on a trip (Grand Canyon, I think) and bought some photos at a photo booth. I think he got 3 8x10s for $10 each. The person selling them was some guy named Adams.
GB that is, in my opinion, exactly what elevates an image to"art". Capturing a moment. Even with the best I think those don't happen as often as we'd like. A timelessness or an entire world in one shot. Loosely quoting Ansel Adams; Three significant shots in a year is a pretty good crop so I'm not yet sure how realistic it might be to expect very many of those in one's shooting career. What allows us those moments? What training or insight takes a photographer to that next level? Thanks for your insight.
I think that is going to be the "Golden Duo" out of the responses CG
Asking questions and listening. And then ignoring the answers and seeing what works and what doesn't.
In other words learning from mistakes.
Digital is the best teacher there is - you can get it desperately wrong without spending a bean. And exif ftw! Even if you don't write settings down, the camera stores most of them for you so you can continue to process what did and didn't work as you review the shots.
Add to that the amazing input from folks here at dgrin - the best teachers I've had, without a doubt - and an insatiable desire to learn as much as I can and, more importantly, to put that knowledge into practice. I have a very - VERY - long way to go, but I've covered a lot of ground from where I started from too.
Oh, and I like Nik's martini theory too (although I prefer Blue Sapphire myself
Divamum, lovely points and you express them very well. Now I think you should figure out the formula for the martini theory....
Thank you...
I hate to disagree but it would be:
Spinach, Nigiri, and Chopin martini desert dry
Sorry, Divamum the Blue Sapphire is right out unless served with Bleu Cheese Stuffed Olives.
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Well, there's one thing for sure here...this group would make for one fascinating dinner party...I really mean that. Fascinating conversation and wonderful tastes in food.
Fabulous Richy, very, very well said. You sound as though you are an eternal student (high praise I assure you) and I guess that is an underlying theme here isn't it? Eugen Herrigel at it's best. That last line truly hits the mark. Thank you.
I would pack my extra liver. And trust me you don't want me to perform karaoke.
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1) The art of looking at pictures can only be properly acquired by constantly looking at pictures....Dr S.D.Jouhar
I like that perspective DL, it did take reading it a couple of times
Agreed. In fact, I think that's going to become my new favorite quote
I've thought on those words often...Richy, you need to write a book just so you can use that as a title. Marvelous
This thread is turning out better than I could have hoped....really thoughtful and thought provoking responses. Thanks to one and all. Keep it coming