Ch.47 RAAF Pilot

Just toying with the idea based on the old WWII B&W photos. Thought perhaps a sepia tone print might be nice also. Still a long way from being finished. I originally shot the palm trees in the background....because the flight gear was that of a Royal Australian Air Force pilot stationed in the tropics (probably N. Africa?). I am thinking of perhaps heading out to the airport and see if I can find something more appropriate for a background. They have a restaurant out there that is an old WWII hanger. They also have some trucks and jeeps out there. Maybe just a dramatic cloudy sky will work better also? Just wanted to throw this out and test the waters (see what it looks like uploaded/posted.) I had toyed with the PP trying to get that old(ish) looking print feel. The PP still needs some work.
Might completely change my mind on the approach to the self portrait. Have some other ....wilder ideas that may or may not be able to be shot.
Thoughts/comments ?? :uhoh :huh
Talley Ho.. :thumb



or perhaps a color version?
Not sure on these. It's difficult shooting myself. Don't like posting pics of me to be photoshopped on the internet. :rofl :uhoh Just for the record.....I don't usually parade around in WWII military garb. I collect WWII militaria and happened to have some items out to document. Thought...why not make a fool of myself and put this flight gear on. Sit outside in the 100* heat index Florida weatehr and take pictures of myself. :rofl :rofl I'm sure the neighbors are really wondering about me now.:scratch Just hope the men in the white coats don't come to take me away. :dunno :huh
Might completely change my mind on the approach to the self portrait. Have some other ....wilder ideas that may or may not be able to be shot.
Thoughts/comments ?? :uhoh :huh
Talley Ho.. :thumb



or perhaps a color version?
Not sure on these. It's difficult shooting myself. Don't like posting pics of me to be photoshopped on the internet. :rofl :uhoh Just for the record.....I don't usually parade around in WWII military garb. I collect WWII militaria and happened to have some items out to document. Thought...why not make a fool of myself and put this flight gear on. Sit outside in the 100* heat index Florida weatehr and take pictures of myself. :rofl :rofl I'm sure the neighbors are really wondering about me now.:scratch Just hope the men in the white coats don't come to take me away. :dunno :huh
Something WWII-looking. Maybe try sepia, too? And artificiall dust and scratches?
Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds - and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of - wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. ...
I prefer it in the black and white version. Wonderful portrait of someone who loves flying. It says a lot to me.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
My favourite is #2 since it looks more like a candid. However, it's too sharp to be authentic, and in kinda bothers me. Mayebe you can soften the details a wee bit?
approximation to the complete truth..."
-- Richard Feynman (1918-1988)
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Thanks for taking a look. I'm thinking I'll reshoot in B&W (used RAW) My PP skills are limited. Not sure I'm doing that color to B&W conversion correctly. Need to go back and check out some of the posts/pointers on this site. I did think the sepia toned print would work well. Still need to do one of those. I'll post the progress.
Couple things bothering me...what do you think?
Does the oxygen mask straps hanging out in front of my face...bother anyone?
Palm trees (background) work? Think dramatic cloudy sky would work better? (might also shoot at a lower angle....shooting upwards towards sky)?
The B&W conversion working? Not sure if having too many midtones....or quality exposure will give that "old" feel...but might?
What about lighting? I shot almost mid day (harsh). First thought was to give impression of the desert/tropics? Thinking about shooting late evening...with lots of dramatic castshadows...and most of background fading to black?
** makes note to use original image before an example**
"Osprey Whisperer"
Maybe you could use a bird as the pilot and you could "co" pilot. (but for gosh sake, stay in the backyard with the thing)
They allow any and all pS, but make sure they LIKE it, they don't like all photoshop. Mine won as a collage, but it was kind of like putting the bird in the scene. I don't think a super collage would win, don't even know if it would be picked, just my HO.
"they" do not like type on the page.
As far as I know, in my most humble opinion, of course!
ginger (the ones where you are NOT looking at the camera, I agree on that.)
Glad I asked...'cause I like the "sort of" looking at the camera shot..better. Thought it was.....more pilot looking?
Historically inaccurate photo. :uhoh
Too much thinking going on today. Know a fellow that's writing/publishing a WWII aviation book. THe use of some of my photos was brought this is kind of double time work.
Here is a special version for the BLUES BROTHERS (Harry, Ben, Jeff) that like those flight shots and purdy blues.
BMP (still liking #4 best for some reason?)
"Osprey Whisperer"
There are many more sites and books on this topic. It just doesn't seem WWII if it's not in B&W. Funny that I had no idea that the U.S. officer's tunics were chocolate brown in color...until I had been collecting for a bout a year.
Thanks again for all the comments. Much appreciated.
Now...if I can just find a spitfire or P-51 mustang.
"Osprey Whisperer"
I'm currently working on a version..... using my medium format TLR Yashica. I was going to line up my digital above the (open) viewfinder of the old TTL camera. Inside the viewfinder would be ...the pilot (me). Sort of a twist on the typical portrait. I had thought about doing the camera in color..and selective B&W on the pilot (me)...or visa versa ..color me..and B&W camera/viewfinder? Im having a bit of trouble getting things lined up correctly without cutting off my head or nose.
I'll get the old camera version up ASAP.
Thanks again for looking.
"Osprey Whisperer"
I don't care for the off color ones. Sepia might work?
I really like the color versions, the B&W may need a bit more contrast, JMHO though
The one thing that keeps bugging me is he is squinting from alot to a little, but that a personal thing.
Hope that helps a little
What's a challenge anyway ??? :lol4
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I was squinting because I was blinded by some guys blue water in his bird shots.
Thanks for looking, Ben.
Well...the TLR viewfinder idea needs a lot more work.
You kind of get the idea.......
"Osprey Whisperer"
Oh those were pictures of You !!! I'm so sorry didn't know you were part Oriental
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"Osprey Whisperer"
Looking away from the camera is good.
I'd like to see more of the face filling the viewfinder..
Just a thought..
Keep it on!
So...would some photoshop work like this fly? Or is this taboo trouble (big no no)?
"Osprey Whisperer"
well that certainly wasn't my intention
and besides I'm only one toke over the line :lol4
that last one works very well actually
My Galleries
I'm going to egrat posting this.....
**best Billy Idol impression**
"It's a nice day for a white wedding ....." **lip quiver**
Thanks for looking, Jeff.
Cheers guys.
"Osprey Whisperer"
I meant something like that, just without PS. My personal understanding (I could be wrong
And I still would like to see some sepia, especially if we're going WWII style:-)
Nice going so far!
One of the reasons the colors shots don't work is that the blue in the sky has no oomph. I'll have Ben PM you a tutorial on that. :lol4 NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
So do you like the "traditional" portraits...or the old camera viewfinder image of pilot?
Here are a few I reworked in PS for the sepia tone. Used the photo filters ---Sepia filter setting. Not sure if I boosted them too much? WHat do you think? Too much sepia toning?
Thanks again for looking and input.
BMP (Blind Mustang Pilot)
"Osprey Whisperer"
Sam NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
"Osprey Whisperer"
But I hate the pose where you are looking at the viewer. I absolutely hate it! It looks weak, in a time where everyone looked handsome and strong, ideally. You do look handsome and strong in the first shot, for instance. Would be a good ad for a movie, or enlistment, or a dance at the where ever they danced in those days.
The sepia sucks, sorry, you have been nicer to me than that. But I love sepia, just hate that sepia. Fortunately, sepia is not good for that photo, done that way, of that era, IMO.
If you have to look at us, I would prefer a closed mouth, unless a big silly grin which wouldn't work either.
Sorry, I don't mean to be "mean". Early morning, maybe.
Love that first one!
Thanks for the thrashin......ughm comments.
:uhoh That snowy egret hairdo shot wasn't going to be used. It's a bit fowl...I'll admit.
Why don't you tell me how you really feel?
That's alright. No problem or hurt feelings. If it doesn't fly it will crash.
BMP (back to the drawing board (camera))
"Osprey Whisperer"
Just FYI Birdman, this is the kind of sepia I like. Very understated. The one you used was too orange, IMO.
Yes, it is funny the diff reactions to that other photo. Smile.
I gotta get ready to be somewhere,
(how are the backyard birds??) Did you scare them away?
Dohh. Now...what do you think?
Thanks for correcting that poorly sepia toned shot. I'm sure I boosted the sepia effect too much. Honestly...I can't tell the brown tint to yours? Probably why mine were so orange. I used the effect at 100%
"Osprey Whisperer"
I think I like the #1 b/w better. I actually meant some "other sepia pp", maybe towards WWI era - you know, those manually retouched one, when photogs actually used razors to fix the print..
Anyway, you seem to get a good collection now, definitely something to choose from:-)