Very nice use of negative space there, Mary. I wish you could have given the image some more texture on the snow.
Wish I could of given the snow more texture too but there was none to be had unfortunately. Out where I was the only texture were parts of the gravel road you can see in the photo, stubble from corn cut down and then some dirt peaking through the snow. That just looked like dark dust bunnies Most everything I could see was flat snow, fog and more flat snow.
My choice to stop wasn't the best place to stop. The road was almost completely covered with snow which made driving it not the best situation to be in. Wasn't even a ditch to go into .. that was filled level with the road
I did take a photo of a distant fence with some corn stubble sticking up. Having a hard time editing it because of the fog and sky. Some day when my skills are better I'll get it right and post it
jiro .. out here there's a whole lot of negative space and when winter arrives .. the negative space only seems more 'negative'
Thanks for your input. I always like knowing where I can improve.
Wish I could of given the snow more texture too but there was none to be had unfortunately. Out where I was the only texture were parts of the gravel road you can see in the photo, stubble from corn cut down and then some dirt peaking through the snow. That just looked like dark dust bunnies Most everything I could see was flat snow, fog and more flat snow.
My choice to stop wasn't the best place to stop. The road was almost completely covered with snow which made driving it not the best situation to be in. Wasn't even a ditch to go into .. that was filled level with the road
I did take a photo of a distant fence with some corn stubble sticking up. Having a hard time editing it because of the fog and sky. Some day when my skills are better I'll get it right and post it
jiro .. out here there's a whole lot of negative space and when winter arrives .. the negative space only seems more 'negative'
Thanks for your input. I always like knowing where I can improve.
You are already that good, Mary. It's hard to incorporate negative space properly in composing an image. But in your case you really made it a big part of your vision and I have to commend you for that. My initial reaction on the first image was about the friendship bond between the dog and his master. Next one would be about uncertainty wherein they are walking together but in no definite direction because there are no road cues to gaze upon. That is the beauty of a strong image - you create a reaction from your audience and you did that. It was smart of you to stop and take these shots. My request for some textures is not of a negative comment. It was more like an idea to make the image stronger (though I have no idea how bad that snowfall was. !). I say it again "these are all great shots." clap
Sitting quietly, doing nothing. Spring comes and the grass grows by itself.
I like number #1 also. Especially since I live on a gravel road, it has been snowing off and on for two weeks, and my neighbor walks his dog passed my house every morning.... and I never thought to go out and get a picture. Shame on me! :cry Thanks for the wake up call.
You are already that good, Mary. It's hard to incorporate negative space properly in composing an image. But in your case you really made it a big part of your vision and I have to commend you for that. My initial reaction on the first image was about friendship bond between the dog and "his/her" master. Next one would be about uncertainty wherein they are walking together but in no definite direction because there are no road cues to gaze upon. That is the beauty of a strong image - you create a reaction from your audience and you did that. It was smart of you to stop and take these shots. My request for some textures is not of a negative comment. It was more like an idea to make the image stronger (though I have no idea how bad that snowfall was. !). I say it again "these are all great shots." clap
I know you weren't being negative in your suggestion I love suggestions, but wish I could of obliged you and I with it.
There just wasn't anything to add to the shot since there wasn't anything there. Fog gave it a "white out" look.
I was hoping to represent the vastness of our state and for you not to see any road cues then I succeeded That's how our winter will look some days out in the country.
I like number #1 also. Especially since I live on a gravel road, it has been snowing off and on for two weeks, and my neighbor walks his dog passed my house every morning.... and I never thought to go out and get a picture. Shame on me! :cry Thanks for the wake up call.
Go out and get that picture Your neighbor would love a print of it too
I was hoping they would of walked further away from me, but it was cold, windy and the temp was in the minuses with the windchill.
Post your shot after you take it .. would love to see it.
Really a wonderful and touching series, I love all the white and then the colors of Ty and That Guy also the last one really show well and love the expression on her face.
Really a wonderful and touching series, I love all the white and then
the colors of Ty and That Guy<g> also the last one really show well and
love the expression on her face.
Wonderful series, Mary!! I first thought I'd choose #1 as my favorite, but the longer I looked at them the more I decided I like #2. I think it's the touch--one of the most beautiful experiences in the world to me is petting my dogs. You have really captured that for me in your second shot. As for #1, didn't you shoot something similar in summer last year, with your hubby wearing shorts? I'm not sure if it was your shot, but I remember a very hilarious thread about men's choices in clothing!
I am so glad you shared these with us. I think they are some of your very best work indeed!
"But ask the animals, and they will teach you." (Job 12:7)
Wonderful series, Mary!! I first thought I'd choose #1 as my favorite, but the longer I looked at them the more I decided I like #2. I think it's the touch--one of the most beautiful experiences in the world to me is petting my dogs. You have really captured that for me in your second shot. As for #1, didn't you shoot something similar in summer last year, with your hubby wearing shorts? I'm not sure if it was your shot, but I remember a very hilarious thread about men's choices in clothing!
I am so glad you shared these with us. I think they are some of your very best work indeed!
Mary, great captures. I love the wide open white with focus on the hub walking the dog. Very nicely done.
What are you talking about men's choice in clothing? We always choose the perfect outfit for all occasions. I can't imagine ever being out of fashion.
Wonderful series, Mary!! I first thought I'd choose #1 as my favorite, but the longer I looked at them the more I decided I like #2. I think it's the touch--one of the most beautiful experiences in the world to me is petting my dogs. You have really captured that for me in your second shot. As for #1, didn't you shoot something similar in summer last year, with your hubby wearing shorts? I'm not sure if it was your shot, but I remember a very hilarious thread about men's choices in clothing!
I am so glad you shared these with us. I think they are some of your very best work indeed!
Yes that was me -- I did post a photo with my hubby walking the dogs wearing 'his' choice of clothing
The 'touch' to a dog and his master .. it's all about the touch We do love our dogs
I echo all the others before me ... "I like 'em all ... well done ... number one is my favorite." Nits: #1 - I'd try a square crop and eliminate the tire tracks under the left arm of the human or possibly eliminate all road texture, #2 - Great use of negative space, I'd eliminate the right side road texture and maybe ... just maybe darken the remaining road texture just ever so slightly, #3 When next to the color images the B&W pales in comparison.
PS: We had temps in the mid 70's to mid 80's this week.
I echo all the others before me ... "I like 'em all ... well done ... number one is my favorite." Nits: #1 - I'd try a square crop and eliminate the tire tracks under the left arm of the human or possibly eliminate all road texture, #2 - Great use of negative space, I'd eliminate the right side road texture and maybe ... just maybe darken the remaining road texture just ever so slightly, #3 When next to the color images the B&W pales in comparison.
PS: We had temps in the mid 70's to mid 80's this week.
Hi --
All your suggestions were wonderful. I looked over all your ideas and they are all good ones. I didn't even notice the hand meeting the road in the first photo. Looks funky now
I will certainly try out your ideas soon. Setting up a computer right now .. my editing software isn't even downloaded yet.
You took a good look at them. Thank you
I envy all of you that are enjoying nice warm weather. Walking out of the house in shorts and a t-shirt while I'm wearing at least 10 lbs of clothing some days to just make it to the car without freezing :cry
I envy all of you that are enjoying nice warm weather. Walking out of the house in shorts and a t-shirt while I'm wearing at least 10 lbs of clothing some days to just make it to the car without freezing :cry
On the flip side ... I still gotta mow the yard.
... I'm looking at the backyard beyond the un-groomed grass and ... I have roses blooming, orange Cosmos are bursting everywhere, a cymbidium has opened up, Flowering Maples, Nasturtiums, Geraniums, Bird-o-Paradise and Black-Eye Susans are all blooming ... oranges, lemons, tangerines, tomatoes, lettuce, strawberries, peppers, eggplant, avocados are now getting picked and consumed nearly daily and best of all there are Monarch caterpillars and a chrysalis hanging on the Milkweed. I love California ... but ... you have affordable housing.
Wish I could of given the snow more texture too but there was none to be had unfortunately. Out where I was the only texture were parts of the gravel road you can see in the photo, stubble from corn cut down and then some dirt peaking through the snow. That just looked like dark dust bunnies Most everything I could see was flat snow, fog and more flat snow.
My choice to stop wasn't the best place to stop. The road was almost completely covered with snow which made driving it not the best situation to be in. Wasn't even a ditch to go into .. that was filled level with the road
I did take a photo of a distant fence with some corn stubble sticking up. Having a hard time editing it because of the fog and sky. Some day when my skills are better I'll get it right and post it
jiro .. out here there's a whole lot of negative space and when winter arrives .. the negative space only seems more 'negative'
Thanks for your input. I always like knowing where I can improve.
You are already that good, Mary. It's hard to incorporate negative space properly in composing an image. But in your case you really made it a big part of your vision and I have to commend you for that. My initial reaction on the first image was about the friendship bond between the dog and his master. Next one would be about uncertainty wherein they are walking together but in no definite direction because there are no road cues to gaze upon. That is the beauty of a strong image - you create a reaction from your audience and you did that. It was smart of you to stop and take these shots. My request for some textures is not of a negative comment. It was more like an idea to make the image stronger (though I have no idea how bad that snowfall was. !). I say it again "these are all great shots." clap
Take care,
I know you weren't being negative in your suggestion I love suggestions, but wish I could of obliged you and I with it.
There just wasn't anything to add to the shot since there wasn't anything there. Fog gave it a "white out" look.
I was hoping to represent the vastness of our state and for you not to see any road cues then I succeeded That's how our winter will look some days out in the country.
Keep helping me out
Thank you Richard
It did seem like an abyss out there. Even tho I knew exactly where I was it was a little scary.
Glad you liked them .. #1 is my favorite too
Go out and get that picture Your neighbor would love a print of it too
I was hoping they would of walked further away from me, but it was cold, windy and the temp was in the minuses with the windchill.
Post your shot after you take it .. would love to see it.
Really a wonderful and touching series, I love all the white and then
the colors of Ty and That Guy also the last one really show well and
love the expression on her face.
Very nicely done!!!
Burleson, Texas
Thanks Craig
Thank you
ND winters are a natural High Key photo
I am so glad you shared these with us. I think they are some of your very best work indeed!
Lauren Blackwell
Mary, great captures. I love the wide open white with focus on the hub walking the dog. Very nicely done.
What are you talking about men's choice in clothing? We always choose the perfect outfit for all occasions. I can't imagine ever being out of fashion.
Yes that was me -- I did post a photo with my hubby walking the dogs wearing 'his' choice of clothing
The 'touch' to a dog and his master .. it's all about the touch We do love our dogs
Thanks for your nice comments Lauren.
Thank you Brad
***As for the choice in men's clothing .. I'll leave that to you and Lauren
Thank you -- that first one is my hubby's pick too
Mary, I hope we'll keep seeing your dog shots. It's obvious that this series has really spoken to people!
Lauren Blackwell
There will be more dog shots .. she's my only breathing subject that likes the camera
As for the clothes .. it was funny
PS: We had temps in the mid 70's to mid 80's this week.
Unsharp at any Speed
Link to my Smugmug site
Hi --
All your suggestions were wonderful. I looked over all your ideas and they are all good ones. I didn't even notice the hand meeting the road in the first photo. Looks funky now
I will certainly try out your ideas soon. Setting up a computer right now .. my editing software isn't even downloaded yet.
You took a good look at them. Thank you
I envy all of you that are enjoying nice warm weather. Walking out of the house in shorts and a t-shirt while I'm wearing at least 10 lbs of clothing some days to just make it to the car without freezing :cry
Thank you -- for some reason I'm finding that going as minimal as I can really can make a subject stand out. Winter helps with that too
On the flip side ... I still gotta mow the yard.
Unsharp at any Speed
I'll mow it for you D
... I'm looking at the backyard beyond the un-groomed grass and ... I have roses blooming, orange Cosmos are bursting everywhere, a cymbidium has opened up, Flowering Maples, Nasturtiums, Geraniums, Bird-o-Paradise and Black-Eye Susans are all blooming ... oranges, lemons, tangerines, tomatoes, lettuce, strawberries, peppers, eggplant, avocados are now getting picked and consumed nearly daily and best of all there are Monarch caterpillars and a chrysalis hanging on the Milkweed. I love California ... but ... you have affordable housing.
PS- I'll leave the mower and edger out for you.
Unsharp at any Speed