San Francisco Photo Walk

You guys may have seen Sam's thread from our photo-walk through San Francisco. If not, check it out here.
I finally went through some of my shots and thought I post a few. Some of these were taken on other days during my trip. Hope you enjoy them.
Let's start things off with a wonderful portrait of Sam. Mind you, I didn't intend to take this photo but it was kind of hard when Sam kept standing right in front of my lens. :dunno

Ran across these guys shining shoes. Asked if I could take a few photos and they happily obliged:

And this shot was taken seconds later after Sam flipped the guys the bird and then started taking photos of them. As you can see, they weren't too happy:

Here is an iconic SF image. Funny thing is, I thought this was going to be a total throw-away shot because I can never get lens flare shots correct. Turns out it's one of my favorite shots of the trip:

Another favorite... the Mechanics Monument. You'd never guess by looking at this photo that just beneath it, there are about 15 homeless guys squatting around it:

Horrible shot of the bridge at Pier 49 (I think). Sun was pretty bright so I did the best I could:

Couple of homeless guys playing chess. The guy on the right reminds me of Darth Sidious from Star Wars.

We stopped for lunch - Vietnamese. Sam started chatting up these pretty gals sitting next to us. I'm pretty shy so I just kind of let Sam do all the talking while I took a couple photos of them. Sam was standing directly behind me when I took this so it's him the gal on the left is making googly-eyes at... BTW, do you guys remember their names? I think it was Miriam and Brittney. I'd like to make them part of Strangers Project:

Sweet ass pimped ride that Sam drove up in. He was wearing a purple wool fedora with a feather in it and carrying a cane with a monocle in his left eye when he stepped out of the car.

We ran across this flock of Touristaosaurus. We quickly corralled them into a small group and took some photos of them:

Lots of souvenirs for sale along the way. I missed my wife... this picture of her name helped me get through the day without her:

Here's a shot of one of the souvenirs Sam bought... he actually took the entire stack right after I took the pic:

Some new age fire-crackers... not sure why I'm including this one... just think it's a cool shot:

Here is Sam and Aktse pretending to take a shot of something interesting just to get the tourists to look up:

They even tricked me into looking up:

Historical site in SF. Most people just walk right by this plaque without notice. That's my wife's feet... picked this idea up from Schmoo and Aktse... they have a bit of a foot photo fetish.

Here is another foot shot at Shell Corner. I think I'm getting better at it:

And the Shell Building which is right on Shell Corner:

Took this shot the day after our photo walk. I'm not 100% sure, but I think this could be Sam. Looks like he's going to buy a few copies of each of her titles:

That's it for now. I have more... will share as I go through them. Stay tuned.
I finally went through some of my shots and thought I post a few. Some of these were taken on other days during my trip. Hope you enjoy them.
Let's start things off with a wonderful portrait of Sam. Mind you, I didn't intend to take this photo but it was kind of hard when Sam kept standing right in front of my lens. :dunno

Ran across these guys shining shoes. Asked if I could take a few photos and they happily obliged:

And this shot was taken seconds later after Sam flipped the guys the bird and then started taking photos of them. As you can see, they weren't too happy:

Here is an iconic SF image. Funny thing is, I thought this was going to be a total throw-away shot because I can never get lens flare shots correct. Turns out it's one of my favorite shots of the trip:

Another favorite... the Mechanics Monument. You'd never guess by looking at this photo that just beneath it, there are about 15 homeless guys squatting around it:

Horrible shot of the bridge at Pier 49 (I think). Sun was pretty bright so I did the best I could:

Couple of homeless guys playing chess. The guy on the right reminds me of Darth Sidious from Star Wars.

We stopped for lunch - Vietnamese. Sam started chatting up these pretty gals sitting next to us. I'm pretty shy so I just kind of let Sam do all the talking while I took a couple photos of them. Sam was standing directly behind me when I took this so it's him the gal on the left is making googly-eyes at... BTW, do you guys remember their names? I think it was Miriam and Brittney. I'd like to make them part of Strangers Project:

Sweet ass pimped ride that Sam drove up in. He was wearing a purple wool fedora with a feather in it and carrying a cane with a monocle in his left eye when he stepped out of the car.

We ran across this flock of Touristaosaurus. We quickly corralled them into a small group and took some photos of them:

Lots of souvenirs for sale along the way. I missed my wife... this picture of her name helped me get through the day without her:

Here's a shot of one of the souvenirs Sam bought... he actually took the entire stack right after I took the pic:

Some new age fire-crackers... not sure why I'm including this one... just think it's a cool shot:

Here is Sam and Aktse pretending to take a shot of something interesting just to get the tourists to look up:

They even tricked me into looking up:

Historical site in SF. Most people just walk right by this plaque without notice. That's my wife's feet... picked this idea up from Schmoo and Aktse... they have a bit of a foot photo fetish.

Here is another foot shot at Shell Corner. I think I'm getting better at it:

And the Shell Building which is right on Shell Corner:

Took this shot the day after our photo walk. I'm not 100% sure, but I think this could be Sam. Looks like he's going to buy a few copies of each of her titles:

That's it for now. I have more... will share as I go through them. Stay tuned.
"I'm not yelling. I'm Cuban. That's how we talk."
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
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Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
In 2 I thought that you got a shot of the shoe shine guy spitting on the shoe....till I looked closer.
Great commentary.....sounds like you have to watch Sam pretty close ha!
Any there are some really good photos in there also...for the icing on the cake. You really have a good eye for this type of photography.
(great photos, too) - Edgartown News - Trad Diary - Facebook
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
14-24 24-70 70-200mm (vr2)
85 and 50 1.4
45 PC and sb910 x2
Thanks Daniel. I guess this is what happens when you go shooting with the likes of Schmoo, Sam and Aktse. They really made me step up my game. Especially since I was the only Nikon shooter in the bunch. Actually, they were reluctant to let me go on the photo walk with them when they saw I had two Nikons strapped around my neck.
BTW, I sure hope to see Schmoo's and Aktse's shots. Schmoo had her little IR p&s and I saw her take some pretty cool shots. Aktse was rocking a lens baby. Can't wait to see those.
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
However, I have to make one correction. I don't have foot photo fetish. It's a shoe fetish!!!!
It was wonderful spending the day shooting with you!
Thanks April. I had a blast as well. Let's do it again sometime.
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
I have a few more to share..........
This guy's position didn't change much but was interesting to photograph.
People don't know how good a dancer Schmoo is! She is likely to break out is song and dance at the drop of a hat.
I have no idea what do you think the little button does?
Next time we need to try this place!
The new glass skyscrapers are rife with reflections.
Good thing the girls didn't see this!
I almost forgot...............the brownies were outstandingly delicious!!!!
The street shots are wonderful.
Looks like a fun day.
Fremont, CA
SmugMug Gallery
Couple more shots of the city:
Ventured out at night to find something to eat. Had to convince the wife that chips and beer were going to cut it:
I felt like bathing after taking this photo. I wondered if they offer "happy endings"?
We eventually made our way to China Town:
Ended up stopping a bakery to see if they had fresh steamed pork bao. I really dug this coke sign. Really old and worn:
They did have bao and "Chinese Tamales".
I went into another joint while my wife was waiting and found this Happy Cat waiving good luck at me:
The next day we humped it over to the GG Bridge... on the way, we stopped at the Palace of Fine Arts:
The wife reluctantly posed for a couple snaps:
We later made it to the GG Bridge:
My favorite shot of the bridge I got:
And a shot of a seagull overlooking the city:
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
More good work. I particularly like the Chinese tamales, and the shots of your wife.
Of course it helps that your wife is gorgeous and has a nice smile. Now take it to the next level! She seems to have only one expression. Loosen her up, expand her facial expressions and poses. Alcohol, and expensive shinny things are your friend here.
Haha. She's a tough one. I've taken tons of photos of her over the years but as soon as the camera comes out, she stiffens up. It's worse when we are out and about. In the house, she seems to relax a little more. Also, if I give her exact direction on posing, that seems to help but I'm still a noob with posing and I had no reference material when I took these. Basically, these were more like snapshots.
The only other thing I can do that helps is that I can always make her laugh, but for seem reason, even that doesn't cause her to relax in front of the camera. Alcohol won't work because she doesn't drink. And shinny things... I buy her enough of those and still no dice. I'll keep trying but not too hopeful.
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
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Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
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wish I'd taken it!!!
reminds me somehow of something shot in the 50's... any PP? or was it all just excellent camera work?
Jase //
Thanks. No PP really, other than slight crop and B&W conversion. I liked the shot as well. Something about it. Not sure what though.
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
I'd print that one large and hang it on my wall
Jase //