I received the Ebook today from Edwarigu. All the way from Costa Rica. Boy this things done some traveling.
Next person in line, please send me the next destination.
I'll need some time to read through this.
I just had some surgery last Thursday and can't read for long periods.
The dizzy spells are getting less and less, but I did fall Saturday again.
A lot of my hearing has come back and hopefully more will. Soon I will be steady enough to get out with my camera and try some newly learned tricks.
** Feel free to edit my photos if you see room for improvement.** Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if
no birds sang there except those that sang best. ~Henry Van Dyke
I received the Ebook today from Edwarigu. All the way from Costa Rica. Boy this things done some traveling.
Next person in line, please send me the next destination.
I'll need some time to read through this.
I just had some surgery last Thursday and can't read for long periods.
The dizzy spells are getting less and less, but I did fall Saturday again.
A lot of my hearing has come back and hopefully more will. Soon I will be steady enough to get out with my camera and try some newly learned tricks.
so glad to hear that you're gonna be okay, Dana And, great news that the ebook is still being "paid forward!"
so glad to hear that you're gonna be okay, Dana And, great news that the ebook is still being "paid forward!"
Thanks Andy.
Hear anything from Canon yet about the drowned 20D? Wouldn't be able to use it right now anyway, because I would be to scared to mess with it and take a chance of going down again. Knees and elbows can take a fall or two but cameras don't fare to well.:):
** Feel free to edit my photos if you see room for improvement.** Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if
no birds sang there except those that sang best. ~Henry Van Dyke
I received the Ebook today from Edwarigu. All the way from Costa Rica. Boy this things done some traveling.
Next person in line, please send me the next destination.
I'll need some time to read through this.
I just had some surgery last Thursday and can't read for long periods.
The dizzy spells are getting less and less, but I did fall Saturday again.
A lot of my hearing has come back and hopefully more will. Soon I will be steady enough to get out with my camera and try some newly learned tricks.
I think I was next in line Let me know whenever you're done
I am not sure who has it now, last time heard stormdancer had it.
Next up was liquidops and then I was next, and then Tessa.
Yes I still have it.
Waiting on LiquidOps to send me his address, so I can send it on to him.
Last I heard, he had camera problems, so I don't know his status.
Stay tuned
** Feel free to edit my photos if you see room for improvement.** Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if
no birds sang there except those that sang best. ~Henry Van Dyke
Yes I still have it.
Waiting on LiquidOps to send me his address, so I can send it on to him.
Last I heard, he had camera problems, so I don't know his status.
Stay tuned
Ok, heard from Liquidops.
Tessy59 send me your address in a PM and I'll send it out tomorrow.
Next is
Mr Peas
I think that's the list to date anyway.
** Feel free to edit my photos if you see room for improvement.** Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if
no birds sang there except those that sang best. ~Henry Van Dyke
Mailed to Tessy59 today, 1st Class. Should see it in a couple days.
Thanks everyone.
** Feel free to edit my photos if you see room for improvement.** Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if
no birds sang there except those that sang best. ~Henry Van Dyke
TessyHD? you there? youre next in line im ready to send to you. I'll give you another week until I send it to someone else.
Tooth- give me your address. if TessyHD doesnt respond by next week, I'll send it to you next. Then just add her to the 'next' list, but put her on top.
Tessa, your last chance to get this book next, you havent returned my messages. I NEED YOUR ADDRESS. I'll give you until Sunday, if I dont see the information I'm sending it to Tooth. Sorry :X
Mr. 2H2O
drcarl <--add me please
This is SO cool. I have never seen PIF used like this.
I love it.
I am halfway through the 828 manual; thank God I already know what I know from years of shooting and loving computers n stuff. I'm so glad the word histogram is not new to me (not that I know how to use it fully - lol).
Now if I can just make these assets into reflexes...
Okay Tooth, she hasnt responded to me, hopefully you'll be able to get a hold of her. So I'll send it to you first. Just keep her name on top of the list.
The updated current list:
Mr. 2H2O
I'm sending it tommorow, Monday afternoon, you should receive it by the end of the week Tooth. Enjoy!
Hi PIF / 828-ers
Just checking-in
I'm not chomping at the bit, Oh, No!
I hope 'TOOTH' received it. (I bet I could 'read' the whole thing and get it mailed in under 2 days.)
THE TOOTH ............<--should have it
TessaHD ................<--next (if address supplied)
LOVEphotos ..............<--waiting patiently
Mr. 2H2O ....................<--waiting patiently
drcarl ...........................<--waiting patiently
I'm dreaming of a DX2, and have decided to love the 828's compactness and light weight in the meanwhile.
I have already sent it to 'The Tooth', its been more than a week now, so he should be able to send it soon. TessaHD gets it next, then from there on who knows .
Its a good little guide though. It comes with a bunch of photoshop actions/plugins. It is a LONG READ though. I suggest going to your local college cpu labs and printing the entire thing there.
Local College
Indeed. In fact I have the entire local college and two libraries awaiting my arrival. They owe me favors and have all promised to help me with transferring the digital data. I hate to use-up all them trees for all the paper it's bound to take; I'll probably used recycled paper and ink, too....yeah, that's the ticket....and I'll check out the code for the PS actions and hand-copy those, too...yeah, that's what I'll do.
Or....actually, I am a speed reader and can blow through it faster than can be imagined. I can probably 'read' at 48X normal...if only I could 'write' that fast....lol.
So, um, does The Tooth have Tessa's addy? Do we send it straight on to whomever is next on the list? --just wandering.
Keep smiling...and shooting! (--at least until they kick you out!)
Indeed. In fact I have the entire local college and two libraries awaiting my arrival. They owe me favors and have all promised to help me with transferring the digital data. I hate to use-up all them trees for all the paper it's bound to take; I'll probably used recycled paper and ink, too....yeah, that's the ticket....and I'll check out the code for the PS actions and hand-copy those, too...yeah, that's what I'll do.
Or....actually, I am a speed reader and can blow through it faster than can be imagined. I can probably 'read' at 48X normal...if only I could 'write' that fast....lol.
So, um, does The Tooth have Tessa's addy? Do we send it straight on to whomever is next on the list? --just wandering.
Keep smiling...and shooting! (--at least until they kick you out!)
Next person in line, please send me the next destination.
I'll need some time to read through this.
I just had some surgery last Thursday and can't read for long periods.
The dizzy spells are getting less and less, but I did fall Saturday again.
A lot of my hearing has come back and hopefully more will. Soon I will be steady enough to get out with my camera and try some newly learned tricks.
** Feel free to edit my photos if you see room for improvement.**
Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if
no birds sang there except those that sang best.
~Henry Van Dyke
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Thanks Andy.
Hear anything from Canon yet about the drowned 20D? Wouldn't be able to use it right now anyway, because I would be to scared to mess with it and take a chance of going down again. Knees and elbows can take a fall or two but cameras don't fare to well.:):
** Feel free to edit my photos if you see room for improvement.**
Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if
no birds sang there except those that sang best.
~Henry Van Dyke
I'll send you an email. Thanks!
This summer's wilderness photography project: www.tessa-hd.smugmug.com/gallery/3172341
I think I was next in line
take your time, but hurry up!!!
MM Portfolio
Canon 30D | Canon 50mm f/1.8 | Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 | Canon Speedlite 580ex
I was after ops
Thank you
I am not sure who has it now, last time heard stormdancer had it.
Next up was liquidops and then I was next, and then Tessa.
Yes I still have it.
Waiting on LiquidOps to send me his address, so I can send it on to him.
Last I heard, he had camera problems, so I don't know his status.
Stay tuned
** Feel free to edit my photos if you see room for improvement.**
Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if
no birds sang there except those that sang best.
~Henry Van Dyke
Ok, heard from Liquidops.
Tessy59 send me your address in a PM and I'll send it out tomorrow.
Next is
Mr Peas
I think that's the list to date anyway.
** Feel free to edit my photos if you see room for improvement.**
Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if
no birds sang there except those that sang best.
~Henry Van Dyke
would it be legal to make copies?
Thanks everyone.
** Feel free to edit my photos if you see room for improvement.**
Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if
no birds sang there except those that sang best.
~Henry Van Dyke
Ok mr peas send me your addy. I will send it out probally wed.
I sent it out to Mr Peas today.
Mr Peas , you will find it very interesting. I learned quite a bit from it.
I havent looked through it yet, hopefully I'll find it enlightening.
Tooth- give me your address. if TessyHD doesnt respond by next week, I'll send it to you next. Then just add her to the 'next' list, but put her on top.
Please add me to the bottom of the list. Thanks!
IR Modified Sony F717
Mr. 2H2O
If tessa doesn't respond, it will be THE TOOTH than Tessa, and so on.
This summer's wilderness photography project: www.tessa-hd.smugmug.com/gallery/3172341
~The List~
Mr. 2H2O
drcarl <--add me please
This is SO cool. I have never seen PIF used like this.
I love it.
I am halfway through the 828 manual; thank God I already know what I know from years of shooting and loving computers n stuff. I'm so glad the word histogram is not new to me (not that I know how to use it fully - lol).
Now if I can just make these assets into reflexes...
Have an f-16 day!
[attached a self-portrait]
The updated current list:
Mr. 2H2O
I'm sending it tommorow, Monday afternoon, you should receive it by the end of the week Tooth. Enjoy!
Just checking-in
I'm not chomping at the bit, Oh, No!
I hope 'TOOTH' received it. (I bet I could 'read' the whole thing and get it mailed in under 2 days.)
TessaHD ................<--next (if address supplied)
LOVEphotos ..............<--waiting patiently
Mr. 2H2O ....................<--waiting patiently
drcarl ...........................<--waiting patiently
Happy shootng!
Dr Carl
Its a good little guide though. It comes with a bunch of photoshop actions/plugins. It is a LONG READ though. I suggest going to your local college cpu labs and printing the entire thing there.
Indeed. In fact I have the entire local college and two libraries awaiting my arrival. They owe me favors and have all promised to help me with transferring the digital data. I hate to use-up all them trees for all the paper it's bound to take; I'll probably used recycled paper and ink, too....yeah, that's the ticket....and I'll check out the code for the PS actions and hand-copy those, too...yeah, that's what I'll do.
Or....actually, I am a speed reader and can blow through it faster than can be imagined. I can probably 'read' at 48X normal...if only I could 'write' that fast....lol.
So, um, does The Tooth have Tessa's addy? Do we send it straight on to whomever is next on the list? --just wandering.
Keep smiling...and shooting! (--at least until they kick you out!)
Be well,
dr carl
I can tell you really want this thing