These people are stealing EVERYONES photos from dgrin!!!
This forum has THOUSANDS of our photos, from random dgrin members and smugmug, saved right from this site.
I found this site by googling my smugmug site, and this place came up high in the results.
I know dgrin probably cant be stop these place, but it will make me think twice before I ever post another photo on dgrin ever again, since I can be guaranteed my photos will be stolen for whatever purpose.
I really hope that this cant happen with everyone's smugmug sites. I would feel like such a fool if smugmug had similar issues.
I haven't posted that many photos here, but there are many people who have been posting for years. Even if we post small watermarked images, having every dgrin image copied, I think that is unacceptable, and not fair to the members
Edit - inorder to find all the images and posts, you need to search that forum for "dgrin" or "smugmug"
I found this site by googling my smugmug site, and this place came up high in the results.
I know dgrin probably cant be stop these place, but it will make me think twice before I ever post another photo on dgrin ever again, since I can be guaranteed my photos will be stolen for whatever purpose.
I really hope that this cant happen with everyone's smugmug sites. I would feel like such a fool if smugmug had similar issues.
I haven't posted that many photos here, but there are many people who have been posting for years. Even if we post small watermarked images, having every dgrin image copied, I think that is unacceptable, and not fair to the members
Edit - inorder to find all the images and posts, you need to search that forum for "dgrin" or "smugmug"
Todd - My Photos
When I went to the link the OP provided, I saw a couple of Google ads. Can anyone tell where (geographically) they are hosted? I have been getting hits from random places-places that normally don't hit my entirely password-protected and hidden site-on the days that I've posted images as external SmugMug links to Dgrin.
Figuring out their geographic location is beyond my Internet abilities, so if anyone could provide info, that would be great.
So I have been living with blinders on all these years thinking that the only issue was people right clicking to save a image for themself.
It seems like around every corner, the internet is waiting to slap you in the face
There is google advertising (go figure), but your browser might not be displaying it. There seems to be multiple google ads in each thread
The domain is registered to somebody who claims to be in Jordan, though I wouldn't expect that phone number to work
mohammad jordan
jordan jordan
jordan / amman
jarash 26111 POBox 81
Phone: +962.00962785401418
Email Address:
The site is hosted by Singlehop, a Chicago ISP
You might be interested to look at the last paragraph of the first link and the last bullet of the second link.
Also, if you feel that the use of AdSense on that site might not be legit, you can take a look here:
And finally...Here is the DMCA compliance/complaint info for SingleHop (the ISP of the site that Richard identified in his post above):
(Also look under "Acceptable Use", 8th bullet.)
I dont even post many photos, so I could only image what is happening to the people who post a lot. Not only are they missing potential sales, but the other site is making money from the google ads that are with there photos
It looks like the whole board is nothing but stolen posts from other boards, set up to draw in traffic for web advertising. Probably some sort of spider-like crawler that searches sites that use vBulletin software all over the web and randomly steals their posts to simulate lots of traffic on their own. Clever, if despicable.
The ugly truth is ....if you can view it on a computer screen it can be stolen.....that is why all my pix a nice big beautiful watermark across it..............and that watermark is my web addy.......that way NO DOUBT who it belongs to........ and it will take hours and hours to get it removed with PS or any other image editor, also never link to or allow original sized images....I restrict mine to xl as the can't stop the stealing but atleast you can get some free advertising from it if the pix are watermarked with YOUR web address.............
Did you notice that the so-called poster, divid, joined in November, 2010 and has 60,000 posts? What dedication!
But alas, looks like virtually all of his posts are without reply. I wonder if he feels lonely?
Canon 50D, 30D and Digital Rebel (plus some old friends - FTB and AE1)
Long-time amateur.....wishing for more time to play
Autocross and Track junkie
Regardless, that's not what is happening. Your watermark means very little to them. What they are doing, is stealing your whole post, photos included, and posting them as there own, so the google results sends traffic to there site. Watermarked or not, every time someone clicks on a photo that they have stolen, they are making money from your image. If this is allowed to continue, this means less traffic goes to your website, and they make more money off of you.
They are even making money off your highly watermarked photos in a post you made about watermarks!
Not only that, but they are pretending to be the author of that post, and pretending to own those photos. They are directing people away from your site, with your own images
Since is getting more hits total then your site, I imagine that if this continues, it wont take to long for there copies of your images to rank higher then your copies on your site. I imagine over time all there copies will rank higher then any of your photos, pushing your images to the back of google
What makes you think this site gets any traffic at all?
OOPS, worded that wrong, I meant the ""
Although I dont really know much about this all or how this all works. It would be nice if someone in charge here would look into this. It seems only a few of us are taking this serious?
How are they directing traffic off your site? That site is a forum (scamming forum, but forum nonetheless).
Didn't you find them by googling your name? How is this any different than coming up in search from dgrin or any other forum that you participate on?
I am not saying that they are right or shouldn't have their toenails removed with a pair of pliers, but in the overall scheme of stealing images, this one is pretty minor.
1. They are probably using a hacked version of VBulletin, so contact Jelsoft about potential pirating.
2. Contact the Web Provider (or ISP) and state copyright violations. They HAVE to investigate and take action under US Law.
3. Contact Google with the same info.
Aint' nothin that contacting the forum owner alone will solve, as he is clearly hacking multiple forums to post over 30,000 topics just today alone. The best solution is to get the Web Service Provider to shut them down.
Bodies: Canon- 5D Mark II, 7D, 50D, SD780IS, Sony DSC F828, DSC F717,
Lenses: Canon EF16-35/f2.8L, EF24-105/f4L, EF100-400L, EF 50mm/1.8 II, EF100/2,8L, EF85/1.8 USM, MP-E65/2.8 1-5X, 15mm Fisheye, 70-200/f2.8L II
Lighting: Canon 580EXII, 430EXII, MT-24EX, MR-14EX, Sony Hi Power, YinYan BY-180B Studio Strobes (3), Coco Ring Flash Adapter.
Stability:Manfrotto 055CXPRO3, 322RC2, 498RC2, 454 Macro Slider, 175F-1 Clamps
Video: Canon XHA1, HV-20 (2), HV-30
That's why I posted that info for Google and the ISP above.
Other than report this site, what can dgrin do? You simply cannot stop people from stealing things. If you put something on the internet, it can be stolen not matter what you do. The best that you can do is limit the amount that is stolen and enforce your copyright when it is.
In this particular case, this scam site is lifting threads, not individual images. If they were stealing your image and removing the watermark that would be an entirely different story.
As this site is probably a hacked site, what do you honestly expect to be done? If you want the contact info for my copyright attorney, I will be more than happy to pass that info along to you. You can then pay $500 an hour to find out that this is a hacked site and things like this happen.
Then you are going to pay $500 an hour to be told that you need to limit what you put on the internet. This isn't a dgrin thing, it is an internet thing.
Look at our site, we only show 150 of the more than 15,000 images that are on the site. We limit our exposure to theft on purpose.
I'm sorry you feel this way
I've already communicated to the offender's provider, by emailing - you (and everyone) should do the same thing, that will help
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
To be clear, the site that we are objecting to is at:
... and the offense is flagrant theft of the material from and other websites. Evidence of the theft is at:
I am also emailing the site host that Andy linked above and I hope everyone else does the same. Let's take this person down.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
I'm in...
Thanks. Who's next?
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
I am writing to object about the blatant theft of forum posts and copyrighted
photographs from the forum at and other websites.
The website that
is committing this theft is hosted by is:
and evidence of theft can be found at
Theft of material in this manner
is ruining the credibility of genuine photographers, and in some cases, due to
the wholesale theft of LARGE quantities of material, is affecting genuine
photographers standing on Google and other search engines, thus impacting
negatively on their legitimate business.
I ask that you take the appropriate
action to stop this activity being hosted by your company.
Thank You
Hope that's helpful.
I added my complaint also.
Thanks. Let's hope they listen.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
THANK YOU, I will send them a email
Thanks. Let's keep the pressure on.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums