
So I swear I keep running across galleries with images that used to be watermarked but are not anymore. Its weird but the watermarks gone so I have to re-add it. Anyone else have this problem?
Can you watermark everything in your entire site with one button push? That would be awesome.
Can you watermark everything in your entire site with one button push? That would be awesome.
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Ack, we're sorry that you're having trouble with watermarking. I took a look at some of your galleries and found some with watermarks and some without. For example this image has never been watermarked: http://www.kelseygrayphotography.com/North-America/USA/nevada2010/14270670_Ex9eG#1055308260_oTa8n
But this one was watermarked just today: http://prezwoodz.smugmug.com/North-America/USA/utah2010/14078966_9XuaB#1037038762_9xrnB-A-LB
A watermark could be accidentally removed from an image if the gallery watermarking setting was set to "No" and then you did something to update the display copies like rotating. That doesn't sound like or seem like something that would have happened for you but, it is a possibility. Have you recently done anything like that to your galleries that aren't showing the watermark?
Currently there is not a way to watermark all of your current uploads with one step. Because the watermarking tool should be used to add watermarks to existing images you'll need to go into each gallery and use Tools > Many Photos > More > Watermarking. I'm sorry that we don't have a different answer for you.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask, we are always happy to help! Standing by.
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Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
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Check the filename of the file that is/isn't watermarked under 'Get a Link'. Each time it is watermarked or altered via a rotation, etc, the number will increment. If this doesn't increment or the increment goes away, that means something.
Where's Greg? He'd love to dig into this issue.
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Doesn't sound similar at all. It's entirely different.
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Just settings set one way and then doing something else to the gallery.
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This is another bug that's still happening. (this post should be moved to "Bug Reporting") I just found another gallery that I'm absolutely positive I'd carefully & entirely watermarked. But now, a bunch of the photos have none. This is the gallery: http://www.winsomeworks.com/Nature/Plants/2725759_yrTVb#1217446044_VMQmV I haven't even done anything in that gallery for a long time. Today I simply moved a photo there from another gallery (it's a hidden photo), but I have no idea how long this gallery has had so many un-watermarked & therefore unprotected photos. I'm sorry, but I've got to try to fix this now, so I can't wait around for this bug to get fixed before re-watermarking.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
Hi Anna Lisa, our system shows that you unwatermarked this image back in Apr 2010, after having it watermarked Apr 2007, Nov 2009, and Jan 2010. And then I see you just applied a new watermark today.
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Please note: The bug issue that I'm talking about here is the one that the OP in this thread brought up-- where an entire gallery suddenly has a bunch of missing watermarks, even though it had definitely been watermarked for months or years. So far, the only connection I can find between the galleries I've found this is: I moved photos into them later on.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
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DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
The image was uploaded in Oct 2010 and not ever watermarked, Anna Lisa.
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DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
Hi Anna Lisa, I'm sorry - our system tracks every since action done to an image on SmugMug, it was uploaded 2010-10-07 at 12:24:47 and it was never watermarked.
I can't really say what happened - other than this image has never been watermarked. If you need help getting 'em watermarked let me know, I'll be here.
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So.... that's why your response has me confused. I looked at the Gallery Settings today when I found the un-watermarked images, and did not change the settings at all, so that you could look at them too. The setting in that gallery (San Diego) was already set to exactly the watermark I mentioned above. I didn't just set it. It's still that way, if you want to check it. And it's still not watermarked. And I'm telling you, it was watermarked before. If the system is tracking every action, then it should show that the entire gallery was once watermarked. Moreover, if it's set for watermarking, why is it not? So I don't know what you mean by "if you need help getting them watermarked..." Yes, I need help... with finding out why they are un-watermarking, or why the entire gallery isn't watermarking? I'm sure if I go into Tools>Many>Watermarking, I can set watermarks that way. But that won't help you guys with research, so on this gallery I was holding off, since so many are showing no watermarks in a gallery that had it set internally.
I'm not concerned about one photo. I'm concerned over entire galleries that are set for watermarking and are now having lots of randomly un-watermarked images. I found another one in a travel gallery later on, and that's another category I'm careful about. Also, the OP is still having problems & they haven't been solved.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
Whether you watermarked this photo alone, singly, or as part of a group of photos, whether it was done using the tool or as part of settings (watermark on upload) we would have a record of such a watermark on the image record. We have no such record, the image has never been watermarked.
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OK - the watermarking line in Gallery Settings will apply to photos that you upload to the gallery. To apply watermarks to existing photos in the gallery, go to tools>many photos>watermarking, choose the photos you want watermarked, select which of your watermarks you want, and then click the watermark button.
Much more explanation here on our great help page on the subject: http://www.smugmug.com/help/custom-watermark-protection
Holler back with questions.
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I know the OP, very well, he'll holler back if he's in trouble.
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DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
I can't answer that, Anna Lisa - likely you didn't have the gallery set to watermark on upload when you uploaded that (and other?) photos - maybe you moved 'em from another gallery is another possible explanation.
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- Go to your gallery settings, choose yes for Watermarking, and choose which watermark you'd like applied. From now on, photos you upload to this gallery will automatically get watermarked.
To apply watermarks to photos already in a gallery:- Choose Watermarking from the Tools Menu. Then choose thumbnails, choose add and click the watermark button. "
Ok, do you see what I mean? Either way, I should have been covered. I don't know whether that photo came into that gallery before or after I did "settings". And obviously the Help page needs updating, as there is now the question in settings "Watermark existing photos?", which is not mentioned in Help. But, that aside... this photo should have been watermarked either from the get-go or from whenever I did settings, as well as the many others in the gallery that are missing watermarks. Because I answered that question "yes." Furthermore, they had them earlier, whether anyone believes that or not.DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
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DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
http://www.winsomeworks.com/Portfolio/San-Diego-Area-CA-Portfolio/13722225_JSYyV#1040808864_4vEnF http://www.winsomeworks.com/Portfolio/San-Diego-Area-CA-Portfolio/13722225_JSYyV#1037312176_63PFj http://www.winsomeworks.com/Portfolio/San-Diego-Area-CA-Portfolio/13722225_JSYyV#1037883427_mZpsr
http://www.winsomeworks.com/Portfolio/San-Diego-Area-CA-Portfolio/13722225_JSYyV#1037902081_ZRGfY http://www.winsomeworks.com/Portfolio/San-Diego-Area-CA-Portfolio/13722225_JSYyV#1037913421_9y2q5 http://www.winsomeworks.com/Portfolio/San-Diego-Area-CA-Portfolio/13722225_JSYyV#1037892446_dbG8X http://www.winsomeworks.com/Portfolio/San-Diego-Area-CA-Portfolio/13722225_JSYyV#1037910475_s5vep http://www.winsomeworks.com/Portfolio/San-Diego-Area-CA-Portfolio/13722225_JSYyV#1037909255_y3RUf
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
Anna Lisa: go to tools>many photos>watermarking and then watermark these photos, thanks.
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DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
Makes me want to go through the 100k+ photos I have online and see if I find any issues.
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Of course there's a possibility - but we've nothing to base your statement on. Photos that are watermarked get a record in the database and we can instantly see that such photos have been watermarked - when, with what watermarkID, and so on.
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