Of course there's a possibility - but we've nothing to base your statement on. Photos that are watermarked get a record in the database and we can instantly see that such photos have been watermarked - when, with what watermarkID, and so on.
Looks like I'll have to go through a couple of thousand photos and see what I find. I believe Anna may have found something. I have 'auto-watermarked upon upload' every gallery I have uploaded has been ever since the feature was created. And if my galleries also indicate the same issue she has noticed, would you agree that it would warrant further investigation from a programmer at SM?
Looks like I'll have to go through a couple of thousand photos and see what I find. I believe Anna may have found something. I have 'auto-watermarked upon upload' every gallery I have uploaded has been ever since the feature was created. And if my galleries also indicate the same issue she has noticed, would you agree that it would warrant further investigation from a programmer at SM?
Post what you find - but also test said galleries, by uploading a new pic and making sure that the specified watermark is applied.
Post what you find - but also test said galleries, by uploading a new pic and making sure that the specified watermark is applied.
Will do, but why would I need to upload a new pic to an existing gallery? I can verify the settings, but I don't need to mess with existing galleries like this.
Will do, but why would I need to upload a new pic to an existing gallery? I can verify the settings, but I don't need to mess with existing galleries like this.
Because we can't know when you ever change the settings in a gallery to have newly added photos watermarked... you could have changed something over the years, uploaded photos, and said photos would not be watermarked. I guess I'm saying, upload a photo anew, so you can see that photos get watermarked if the gallery is set for that.
I'm happy to look at the history of an imageID or even a few, if you have questions.
Because we can't know when you ever change the settings in a gallery to have newly added photos watermarked... you could have changed something over the years, uploaded photos, and said photos would not be watermarked.
I have a very rigid and simple workflow when it comes to the watermark process since I use a gallery preset that has the auto-watermark setting set correctly to watermark upon upload. There is not a single gallery created for publication without this preset, so there's no ifs, ands, or buts about the state of the gallery setting. If I find an issue, it will be genuine. I'm not trying to waste your time or mine.
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Because we can't know when you ever change the settings in a gallery to have newly added photos watermarked... you could have changed something over the years, uploaded photos, and said photos would not be watermarked. I guess I'm saying, upload a photo anew, so you can see that photos get watermarked if the gallery is set for that.
I'm happy to look at the history of an imageID or even a few, if you have questions.
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