Hi, thanks for bumping this. I know you want us to change it. But we have a ton of folks on Dgrin, and have heard from .0001 % of folks that are having an issue with this or don't like it. We'll keep watching though. Thanks!
I think a lot of people won't post about an issue, and just go away. Online feedback is a terrible way to judge overall satisfaction outside of the Bay Area. Not everyone is that interlaced with technology and wants to fool with it.
I think a lot of people won't post about an issue, and just go away. Online feedback is a terrible way to judge overall satisfaction outside of the Bay Area. Not everyone is that interlaced with technology and wants to fool with it.
I just thought of this, but it might be a plugin versus a user notice. If you could check the plugins and see if there's any that match that could be real culprit.
On the flip side; Is it too much to ask someone to participate when they receive benefit of the site?
Oh, it isn't. Not at all. But when you start getting complaints, it's gone too far. And this is different for different communities.
I have users that complain about email notification, which I have on by default. But I also have others that need it as they wouldn't know to come back. But the ones that complain can turn it off, whereas here, they can't dismiss the notice or anything.
I'm still curious to see what it looks like. It doesn't sound like a user notice, and if so, maybe a dismissible user notice can do the same job and keep everybody happy.
Benefit? The user concerned is only here for Smugmug support. He is paying for that service.
But the counter-arguement to that would be that 'this isn't official SM support'. Semantics of course, but true nonetheless.
If someone has a screenshot of the message, I'd love to see it. I think I can figure out a win-win for everyone since I've had to do this in vb before.
If someone has a screenshot of the message, I'd love to see it. I think I can figure out a win-win for everyone since I've had to do this in vb before.
Thanks for your offer of help.
Between us, we are going to make a decision about this.
Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
Between us, we are going to make a decision about this.
If it's a plugin, I'm sure there's a reason why it's being used versus the built-in notices system. But if it's simply leftover from the earlier 3.0.x codebase, I think replacing that notice with one from the notices system would probably keep everyone happy.
I was interested in seeing the screenshot to see if I could determine if it was a plugin or not. I know I'm going to need one since the notices system doesn't cover everything I want to do on my site.
If it's a plugin, I'm sure there's a reason why it's being used versus the built-in notices system. But if it's simply leftover from the earlier 3.0.x codebase, I think replacing that notice with one from the notices system would probably keep everyone happy.
I was interested in seeing the screenshot to see if I could determine if it was a plugin or not. I know I'm going to need one since the notices system doesn't cover everything I want to do on my site.
Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
We (the admin team) are discussing it and will decide what we will do.
If it's a plugin you're using and wouldn't mind sharing which one, I'd appreciate it. Obviously it works well for you guys. Make it a lot easier than trying all the plugins out there.
If it's similar to the 'Lurk...' message when you're not logged in, then that's definitely a plugin versus a user notice. A simple solution would be to start using the user notices and disable that plugin. Plugins were needed before the user notices were around, so that's why it's probably still there. Hopefully they'll figure all that out soon.
If it's similar to the 'Lurk...' message when you're not logged in, then that's definitely a plugin versus a user notice. A simple solution would be to start using the user notices and disable that plugin. Plugins were needed before the user notices were around, so that's why it's probably still there. Hopefully they'll figure all that out soon.
Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
me? Whenever some idiot site tries to cram crap like nags down my throat I just turn to Ad-Block or other browser plug-in and kill it permanently. There is NEVER a notice I want to see from ANY board I visit. That is WTF the threads are there to do...I am not here to support SM since as others have pointed out I pay them to do their damn job and keep the site running and fix issues as they come up. Anything else anyone chooses to do in the way or participation should be taken as a bonus by SM not a reason to harangue a user who is likely coming here because of a PROBLEM. We are not children nor looking to be "managed"...we are the CEO's of the businesses we own and run, respect that and all is fine. Unfortunately, I don't see a lot of that as a rule.
Also remember this, I suspect the majority of members are male and as a species we don't even like being approached by a sales person in a store even if they are simply saying hello...why? Because we are there for a specific purpose, if that purpose requires interaction with the staff or others we will initiate that contact. Last thing you want to do with a cranky bear is to poke it where it hurts. Bad things maaaaan, bad things.
Edit: BTW, not trying to sound like I think the SM support folks are worthless...on the contrary I have found them great, except for Andy's condescending smarmy attitude anyway. But was describing what such nags elicit in not only myself when visiting a support site. I think PentaxForums is far worse in this area, to the point I have nothing positive to say about it any longer. Dgrin would have to go waaaaay over to the darkside to reach that level of annoyance.
I've changed the message. Next time you get it, it should just welcome you back, and not ask you to do anything. When we make some other changes to the forum in the not-so-distant future, we'll try and eliminate that message altogether.
For anyone who is interested, this is what it looks like:
Wait, that's it? You guys have been complaining about that one-line message? I thought it was a bigger, more obstructing message like a user notice. I think that style of message is perfectly fine. I'm actually shocked that so many people were that irritated by it.
If by so many you mean 5, then yeah But we've addressed it temporarily (as I posted above) and we'll see about adding a plugin that could disable it or make it dismiss-able in the future.
If by so many you mean 5, then yeah But we've addressed it temporarily (as I posted above) and we'll see about adding a plugin that could disable it or make it dismiss-able in the future.
A lot of posts for 5 people. But it's good to see it addressed nevertheless.
I run ABP, doesn't help, it is literally just a little text block that originates from DGrin, not some external ad site.
Funny you should post, it just came back today so this was an opportune time to kill it again for a brief while...
For anyone who is interested, this is what it looks like:
Ahhh...I see, I haven't run into the nag but looks like Andy got something in place (luuuuuuuve you Andy...hahahaha ). I'll have to sleuth out the code and see what needs squelching...but if you've tried with ABP then it might not be doable that way, a first from my experience. Better that Dgrin changed the message or nag that way if there is something important we can still see it.
It's not that hard to change the notice to where it still appears, but is dismissible. It's the 'Persistant' option:
Admincp-->Notices-->Notices Manager-->whatever the notice is called-->Persistant-->No
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I can do that just fine without saying a word.
Until then... Just getting rid of the nag again.
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Maybe that's not supported in our VB, Samir - I just looked and this doesn't appear under "Notices"
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Does your screen for the options of the notice not match this?
I did a search for 'notices' here:
to get this link:
The option should be under Admincp-->Notices-->Notices Manager-->whatever the notice is called-->Persistant-->No
I even checked the 3.8.4 doc just in case, and it shows the same doc.
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This isn't a notice that we configure, it's just part of the software afaict - I only can find it when searching for phrases.
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The 7th option is the one : "user has not posted for..."
If you don't see these options, you might lack the access credentials.
my equipment: Canon 5D2, 7D, full list here
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I have users that complain about email notification, which I have on by default. But I also have others that need it as they wouldn't know to come back. But the ones that complain can turn it off, whereas here, they can't dismiss the notice or anything.
I'm still curious to see what it looks like. It doesn't sound like a user notice, and if so, maybe a dismissible user notice can do the same job and keep everybody happy.
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Benefit? The user concerned is only here for Smugmug support. He is paying for that service.
my equipment: Canon 5D2, 7D, full list here
my Smugmug site: here
If someone has a screenshot of the message, I'd love to see it.
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Thanks for your offer of help.
Between us, we are going to make a decision about this.
I was interested in seeing the screenshot to see if I could determine if it was a plugin or not. I know I'm going to need one since the notices system doesn't cover everything I want to do on my site.
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I do participate, I didn't get to 300+ posts just by bumping this thread. But apparently it's not often enough to satisfy some people.
It looks pretty much like what I put in the very first post. It's a simple text banner just under the DGrin photo banner.
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Also remember this, I suspect the majority of members are male and as a species we don't even like being approached by a sales person in a store even if they are simply saying hello...why? Because we are there for a specific purpose, if that purpose requires interaction with the staff or others we will initiate that contact. Last thing you want to do with a cranky bear is to poke it where it hurts. Bad things maaaaan, bad things.
Edit: BTW, not trying to sound like I think the SM support folks are worthless...on the contrary I have found them great, except for Andy's condescending smarmy attitude anyway. But was describing what such nags elicit in not only myself when visiting a support site. I think PentaxForums is far worse in this area, to the point I have nothing positive to say about it any longer. Dgrin would have to go waaaaay over to the darkside to reach that level of annoyance.
I run ABP, doesn't help, it is literally just a little text block that originates from DGrin, not some external ad site.
Funny you should post, it just came back today so this was an opportune time to kill it again for a brief while...
For anyone who is interested, this is what it looks like:
Try Aardvark.
I've changed the message. Next time you get it, it should just welcome you back, and not ask you to do anything. When we make some other changes to the forum in the not-so-distant future, we'll try and eliminate that message altogether.
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If by so many you mean 5, then yeah
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Ahhh...I see, I haven't run into the nag but looks like Andy got something in place (luuuuuuuve you Andy...hahahaha