Haste Makes Waste

Have a concept and precious little time, so could only try one approach with variations in the processing. Does this work for this challenge? If so, which version do you prefer?
1. Haste Makes Waste

2. Haste Makes Waste

3. Haste Makes Waste (tungsten selected)

4. Haste Makes Waste (LR3 preset - cp3)
1. Haste Makes Waste

2. Haste Makes Waste

3. Haste Makes Waste (tungsten selected)

4. Haste Makes Waste (LR3 preset - cp3)

Good feedback. Will take another run at the processing. Thanks!
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5. Haste Makes Waste (w/desaturated flooring)
6. Haste Makes Waste (w/watercolor filter)
7. Haste Makes Waste (warmed up; maybe too warm)
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Thank you, Brian! I entered #7.
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Good point. The haste was actually on the part of the person who packed it for shipping from Playa del Carmen or someone who dropped the box enroute! (A friend ordered a lot of dishes and this is one of the plates we sent in her shipment.) I've now dropped the shards of pottery again and their number has multiplied. Will post later. Thanks.
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Some fresh shots of the pottery shards. Any thoughts on which one I should enter?
8. Haste Makes Waste (with dustpan - wishing I could my old black metal dustpan for this...)
9. Haste Makes Waste (shards)
10. Haste Makes Waste (shards with tungsten selected)
11. Haste Makes Waste (reprocessing of #7 that bf2015 liked, wanted to remove minor flaw upper right corner)
3. Haste Makes Waste (reposting of this tungsten shot that bbjones liked - just to make it easier to compare w/o scrolling so much)
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