[Implemented] Share/Get a Link needs original link if originals enabled
Why does the Share button not offer links to the originals when access to originals is enabled? This makes it very hard for people to get links to the original size of their images for customizing purposes. It's even harder now that the link format is more complex than it used to be.
When we're trying to help people solve customization problems when they don't have the right direct link to their image, we tell them to go to the Share button and get a link to the original image there - but alas you don't offer that. What are we supposed to tell them. Go get a link to the Large image and then manually modify the URL to point to the original. That's not something most people can do without a ton of explanation. This is broken for customizers.
Please offer a link to the originals in the Share button/Get a Link screen if originals are enabled for access. If you really want to, you can only offer originals if the user is logged in, but from my point of view, if originals are set for access, they are set for access, why not allow Get a Link?
When we're trying to help people solve customization problems when they don't have the right direct link to their image, we tell them to go to the Share button and get a link to the original image there - but alas you don't offer that. What are we supposed to tell them. Go get a link to the Large image and then manually modify the URL to point to the original. That's not something most people can do without a ton of explanation. This is broken for customizers.
Please offer a link to the originals in the Share button/Get a Link screen if originals are enabled for access. If you really want to, you can only offer originals if the user is logged in, but from my point of view, if originals are set for access, they are set for access, why not allow Get a Link?
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Then everywhere you see the 'M' you need to change that to 'O' (I believe).
So the example above becomes:
The original link for the example above won't work because I have originals turned off, but this method should work for you.
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Dorian Tsai
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Our original images are our definitives, it seems odd that we have a setting to allow them to be seen but we don't have pre-formatted links to them although we do have pre-formatted links to a range of other sizes.
Surely this change isn't rocket-science. Is there any reason why it can't be done?
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Sounds interesting. A couple of questions though:
1: Is that going to be any quicker than doing a manual edit?
2: Will it work for us Basic Account users?
If this works, then I'll try to throw something together.
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OK, but let's not lose sight of the real issue here - it's SmugMug who should be fixing this, there should be no need for users to cobble-together workarounds.
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Ten minutes of playing in the sandbox and twenty of testing should be enough - I've had a look at the page-code and I reckon my kids could fix it, it doesn't seem to be much more than a cut/paste/edit job.
For years, the uploaders had a problem with duplicates if the uploading was stopped and resumed. After dealing with this for too long, I just used the api to make my own duplicate finder. Now, I can see in just a few seconds if there's dupes and delete them. There still isn't a native SM duplicate detector after almost a decade. Glad I didn't wait!
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Regarding the original thrust of this thread, it would be good to know that someone... anyone... from SM has read this thread recently. Being told here that the problem's either been assigned to someone (or swept under the carpet) would be a good indicator of SM's intent. Currently there's no evidence here of SM staff having read this thread since 2011.
It's a shame it's not a bug, as I'm sure that it would receive better attention in the "Bug Reporting" sub-forum.
It's a tricky situation to be in (I've been there before as a development manager and product line manager) where the more time you spend fixing issues on the old code base, the longer it takes to get the new thing done. Your customers want both, but it's a pure tradeoff space so you can't deliver both as fast as everyone wants. Obviously, there's a limit to how long you can let problems fester unaddressed in the old code base and if the new thing gets delayed more than planned or the plans change which pushes its delivery out, then things get even trickier. I have no data either way on this - I could just imagine that there's some of that going on here and since we're not in the middle of all the tradeoffs to be judged, it's hard for us to know what the right decision is. It would help customer peace of mind to at least know the issue is being listened to and a rational decision is being made about it.
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Common-sense says that this issue should be fixed in any UI redeisgn, but if they're basing the functionality of the new UI on the old one then the issue/fix could be missed out again.
Whatever happens, I really do hope that SM doesn't make the same "improvement" botch that Photobucket has made recently. Then again, it's not easy to be 100% confident when the fixers are being so elusive.
I have read all of your comments on this thread. I am listening
There is an active request outstanding for this. I cannot tell where it currently stands, but in the meantime there is a workaround that should help if you need the link. I do wish I had more information to give, but I simply do not.
Photo Blog
Thanks for dropping by and letting us know that you're listening, it is much appreciated.
Regarding the workaround... yes, I know it. Sadly, I've been having to use it for too many years. I trust that you will get back to us when you've found out where the request stands - I look forward to reading what progress has been made regarding this matter.
Best regards,
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Thank you for your understanding Beardedgit! I will keep you posted on any changes.
Photo Blog
No problem. Would 48 hours be enough time for you to find out what's what and to get back to us with a status update?
That'll be a "no", then.
There used to be a time when SM staff and heroes were such a kind and generous bunch of folk that would bend over backwards to help us users. Now we're reduced to begging for crumbs at their table, and even the crumbs are stale and in short supply.
It's really disappointing.
Hi Beard,
I sincerely apologize! This has been an incredibly busy week, and I somehow wasn't getting notifications for responses on this thread. I take full responsibility, and you have me to blame for not responding to the last message.
I do not have any additional updates as of now, as the request is still in the review process.
Photo Blog
OK, I appreciate that you have no news at present, but maybe you could explain why this request is still in limbo nearly two years after it was raised. I don't expect you to have all the answers, Michael, but I'm confident that you could let us know who does.
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Request such as this, even though it seems simple, have a process that needs to be fully followed to make sure there are no negative ramifications. This involves solid QA to make sure nothing else is broken and it behaves as desired, once it is scheduled, so it really is difficult to gauge a timeframe.
I sincerely apologize. I wish I could give you a better answer, but at this time, I just cannot
Photo Blog
Either way, I find it incredulous that such a minor change should have been active in the SM QA system for 21 months without being implemented, rejected or even noticed.
We have a QA motto - "Authority without Responsibility is Irresponsibility". Somebody in authority should have the answers that you don't have regarding this matter. At the risk of sounding churlish for repeating myself... "I'm confident that you could let us know who does."
I am the one who is the watching this issue, so ultimately I am the one who will let you know the status of this. Once this is reviewed, I will know where it stands. Until then, really there is no more information that myself, or anyone can provide.
I am sorry this is not the answer you were hoping for.
Photo Blog