My entire gallery is gone. Its saying I have the wrong email or password. Then when I try and get my password sent to me it says "this email account doesnt exist"!!!
HELP!!!\Ma*lef"ic\, a. Doing mischief; causing harm or evil; hurtful
appreciate you letting us know.
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All things good here.
\Ma*lef"ic\, a. Doing mischief; causing harm or evil; hurtful
no worries ... looks like all is back to normal.
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Sorry I couldn't resist.
If it's okay I'll just but in over here so we only have one 'Smugmugs down' thread going.
It come back temporarily... now it's back to smugmugs default homepage (gee I wish they'd make a better page for downtime... confuses my customers).
\Ma*lef"ic\, a. Doing mischief; causing harm or evil; hurtful
Thank you!
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My goodness... they've got a new down default page :-) now.
They must be listening and working on it
\Ma*lef"ic\, a. Doing mischief; causing harm or evil; hurtful
Figured someone was messing with my pages or I'd done something crazy in customization to screw my whole site up - lol
Thanks Goodness it wasn't just me
Just saw the new default page abit ago and where you'd posted the screen shot in the other thread
That's perfect :-) okay well at least for during down time.
BTW: what do you do live here on dgrin? Your here ALL times of day it seems - lol
Is this problem also causing customers to not be able to purchase photos? I had a customer tell me that late last night they tried to and it would act like it was doing something and then "nothing, other than the done sign in the lower left corner".
I tried it just now on several categories and photos and I get the same thing. It doesn't take me to the cart as it has previously. Related to this problem and did it start last night?
Thanks in advance.
I for once went to bed early but about 4:30 am I logged on to see if a customer had purchased a photo they told me last night at the game they were going to order. I noticed they didn't order but via my log counter stats that they had indeed been on my site late last night. Don't recall the time they were on though.
Well after about 5 minutes all of a sudden my Cart came up with multiple prints ready to be placed, so I deleted one print and a message came back that says "this photo" does not appear to be a printable image. Not sure what that's about, I know my work isn't fantastic, but it's certainly "printable"!
Now it says, that all of my Cart is Empty! I only deleted one photo and it wipes everything out! I had multiple prints in my cart to print. This isn't good for my customers if they are experiencing the same thing. Which they are experiencing something that's why I was looking this morning, due to calls.
Thanks in advance and hopefully Smugmug will have this resolved shortly!!!!
hi cindy, through the wonders of modern technology, i can access dgrin through my blackberry phone, my wireless apple powerbook, and of course my regular system
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So don't you sleep or does that blackberry phone call you with each post?
If so I'd have to black'crushed'berry phone - lol.
I think this is better?!?!?
Also, I do like the "Temporary Service Interruption" display much better than the Smugmug default home page. Thanks Smugmug for making this happen.
Please advise when up and running again!
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I like the 'temporary service interruption' much better also... but it keeps jumping from that to smugmugs splash page to my page which when it does load it won't function
Best thing would be for the 'temp out of service' page to stay in place via another server or something untill it's all properly fixed again.
I agree. I would prefer to have it remain down, as it is very frustrating for those that are actually getting into the system and then it goes down again (or doesn't function as it should).
Maybe the support team, will implement this!
\Ma*lef"ic\, a. Doing mischief; causing harm or evil; hurtful
i tried a few other smugmugger sites and i get a range of "service down" messages and/or slow performance.
and my site currently displays this loveliness:
Now page is opening and my header and most of my thumbnails are replaced with white blocks saying Maintance in progress... for details see
That looks horrific.................. YIKES!!!!
How serious is this???????
Anyone at smugmug want to share some insight?
I posted some of my photos to an online forum...
When is the service going to be back UP...
this is like PRIME time ... during the day *cry*