Some Pin Up Fun... at least first attempt

So I've been asked by three gals take one Pin Up portrait of each of them that they are going to have printed pretty large for a party they are having. I have a couple weeks until the day of the shoot and my wife was nice enough to get dolled up for some practice. I took quite a number of shot of her and really to mostly practice lighting and PP work. I was going to work on the PP tomorrow but I couldn't resist doing one photo. Here is my first attempt.
What do you all think? How is the lighting? How about the processing? Would really love some feedback.
Thanks in advanced. BTW, I haven't shot anything in at least a couple months and I haven't done any studio-type work in even longer so this was a little challenging but a whole lot of fun.
What do you all think? How is the lighting? How about the processing? Would really love some feedback.
Thanks in advanced. BTW, I haven't shot anything in at least a couple months and I haven't done any studio-type work in even longer so this was a little challenging but a whole lot of fun.

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Scrolling back and forth I don't readily see much of a difference.
It's a very pretty photo ... However *i* don't like the gradient (looks fake to me), and I think it's a bit of a too tight crop ... I'd like to see a bit of the leg of the chair (so it doesn't look like a UFO), and a bit of her leg also. + her hands are a bit "smudgy".
My 2 cents
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Can't wait ... can already tell that I'll love this series!
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As for the third one ... Love the crop and I don't think there is anything "wrong" with it, BUT if you're going with an old school look ... I *think* (and you'd need to do your own research about that) ... the "traditional" angle was straight on. Looks like you shot that one a bit from above. Don't think there is anything wrong with the way you did it, just saying
I shot #3 at eye level if I remember correctly but it looks higher doesn't it. Not sure if it's distortion from the lens or in fact I did shoot it from high.
Here are a couple more. Again, full length shots. I processed one a little different than the other.
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The "coca-cola" shot could have been used in a magazine ad from the 40's. At least that is what it reminded me of.
For the true "cheese cake" look of pin up girls from that era, (my dad had bunches of these) I think the first pose nails it. It just has the look and feel of the innocent sexiness captured in that era. I too regret the stool though. The same pose on a rail type item that went the entire width of the frame would have solved the "floating circle" issue that I have.
As for the gradient. I both like it and dislike it. I like the way it compliments the color of her dress. I also like the way it brings her face out from the photograph. I don't like the fact that it looks "shopped" and the separation line it creates at her hair line. If the blue was lightened a bit that may go away. Or, like they used to do in pre photoshop days, a light with a blue gel pointed in that area would most likely do the trick and look more natural.
This series has motivated me to find a suitable model to try a few of these myself. I just love the whole concept and idea. Thank you very much!
Jen did a GREAT job with styling, and that little sundress is the perfect cut for the Betty Grable look! The original set works better for me than the black dress - even though those are some awsome Wizard of Oz red heels!! :giggle - because the overall look is more "of the period";
I like the Coca Cola one too (check to make sure none of this will be displayed publicly or otherwise encounter a CC employee - that's one of the most jealously-guarded copyright trademarks on the planet!!!).
The only thing I'd add is to make sure that your girlies do "Revlon Red" lips (and nails) - that deep, bright-red lipstick is for me THE marker of that look (more than the clothes, in some ways) and if you look at colour shots of Betty Grable, Veronica Lake, and just ads from the period (and here's another one), you can see it's ALWAYS about a variant of that bright, bright, red. You've done a great job with the pose and the lighting, and she's nailed the hair and the lashes but the lips will add a huge burst of "period" cheesecake feel to the shot, just as much as the pose
Pretty much everything everybody's said is "photographer nits", though - the shots are GREAT!!! You're going to have a blast with these.
Oh, and re the processing: I actually like the vintage-y look, but you can probably go a little further - many of the pinup cards have a definite hand-painted look to them (which brings us back to.... lipstick
PS OOOH!! Here's an awesome page "1940's fashion - Makeup Guide
The poses/crops and the prop if I am being VERY nitpicky are the only room I can see for improvement with these.
Very nice work. For a first try you knocked these out of the park!
14-24 24-70 70-200mm (vr2)
85 and 50 1.4
45 PC and sb910 x2
The lipstick... My wife doesn't wear bright lipstick. The one stick of red she has she left at work and didn't realize it until yesterday. I had planned to make more red in post but didn't think it needed it. Now I see that it does. I will rework them. I also have a few more to post.
I'm still a noob when it comes to equipment. I only have two BG.. white and black. I don't have any gels and I only have two strobes. I'm ordering a third alien bee today. If you saw my setup, I think you'd be impressed that I got these shots.
Overall, I'm really happy with these and I am more confident about giving the gals what they want. I'm pretty sure I will be able to deliver the goods.
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Again, congratulations on a great model and knowing how to paint with light.
My favorites are the first one (remember to number your photos next time) and the Coke one.
You absolutely nailed the look! The only thing I can think of is to sugest once you get the lights set up. Go for the planed shot then PLAY try different angles, take some wider shots ( you have plenty of them little pixel things for cropping). Try different angles, try tighter, try different angles, etc.
With all three gals at the same shoot could be a blast with each of them trying out do the others and losing up.
But over all your talent is showing through......
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#1 and #3 are the pin-up money shots.
Don't over think or try and make it more difficult than it is.
While # 7 is definitely a pretty wife, it just doesn't say 1940's pin-up.
^^^ what he said
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The rework is good. Now the only think I would tweak if possible are her hands. Other wise please leave it alone before you start going backward.
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14-24 24-70 70-200mm (vr2)
85 and 50 1.4
45 PC and sb910 x2
Thanks meng. You're pretty critical and I often agree with your opinion so your positive feedback is a good sign. There are a couple here I'm not too happy with but they were part of my experimentation. Overall, I pretty excited with the results.
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