PC vs Mac - Looking to upgrade

Ah the age old question. PC owners say PC, Mac owners say Mac. Usualy.
This computer will be used to edit photo's, store music, and maybe play Sims 2 and SimCity4 from time to time.
I have a budy who could build a 2ghtz 1gig ram, 200gig PC for $900. But a duel proccesor G5 with same ram and 160gig is tempting.
What does everyone thing?
This computer will be used to edit photo's, store music, and maybe play Sims 2 and SimCity4 from time to time.
I have a budy who could build a 2ghtz 1gig ram, 200gig PC for $900. But a duel proccesor G5 with same ram and 160gig is tempting.
What does everyone thing?
But Macs are behind in gaming, so if gaming is important to you, think twice. For every other reason, get a Mac. But that's just the opinion of one biased Mac lover.
Take a look at the new iMacs, they're awesome.
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A former sports shooter
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dunno if the sims works native on apple....
good luck in your choice mate
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I'm looking at a G5 with 1gig ram, and everything else base. Any suggestions on things I should get with it? Maybe the next leven video card?
Also, I'd need to get a more styling desk for it, and even some dramatic lighting around it.
What screen do you guys suggest? Do I have to buy from Apple for it? Or is it just better to stay with a first party screen?
\Ma*lef"ic\, a. Doing mischief; causing harm or evil; hurtful
\Ma*lef"ic\, a. Doing mischief; causing harm or evil; hurtful
more ram. and get it from crucial.com it's 1/2 the price of apple ram. installing it is a cinch. i have five gigs of ram on my machine. 2-3 is ample though for most..
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I'm starting to think that I may have to wait till spring for this baby. Shame. Wating is a bitch.
\Ma*lef"ic\, a. Doing mischief; causing harm or evil; hurtful
Hey, that's my line!
(Glad to see someone else picking up the torch of tech support!). Seriously, Male..., any questions or support you need, Andy will be happy to help you! (me, too).
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You can get a 2ghz iMac for $999 link
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As for screens - the 20" iMAC is great and the 23" Cinema display is even better.
Apples aren't perfect - but they are a lot better than the Win boxes I use at work every day. Flame on boys, I got my armor on:D
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Which is a major reason why the TCO (total cost of ownership) is lower on a Mac.
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I'm staying out of this.:):
SmugSoftware: www.smugtools.com
I would get a Mac with as little RAM as they sell, then turn around and fill it with much cheaper RAM from crucial.com, macsales.com...anybody except Apple due to the cost.
Also, 1GB RAM is not going to cut it if you're editing high-megapixel digital camera photos in Photoshop. If I could stick more than 2GB of RAM in my PowerBook...I would.
You can use anybody's screen. It depends on how picky your girlfriend is going to be about color accuracy. Cheap LCDs are not that great. DVI interface is definitely better than VGA, but the cheap ones only have VGA. Apple's screens are good, but pricey. A lot of Mac users are buying the Dell widescreen LCDs because they use the same panels, but are cheaper than Apple's.
As far as "The Sims" goes, all of "The Sims" and expansion packs are on Mac. "The Sims 2" is also available for Mac. However, I don't believe that "The Sims Online" is available.
Hope that bit helps.
Nikon D200
and a vast assortment of lenses
I think much is to do with the fact that the MAC is proprietary. The OS is built for the hardware.
Windows is built for so much plug and play style hardware out there that the driver organization is a nightmare, thus the problems.
However, this allows for a lot cheaper alternative and also a larger variety.
The MAC vs PC wars are useless. If you have the money and don't require extensive gaming and more shareware than you can imagine, yes go with a MAC. Having built my own PCs forever now, I prefer to get the more bang for my buck in this route.
If you're young with no forseeable income increases in the coming years, upgrades will be expensive for you. Apple makes quality products, but you pay for them. It's the reason I have a creative zen mp3 player instead of an ipod. Same sound quality but the ipod has a better interface. To me, it wasn't $160 better.:D
I agree, PC hardware is cheaper, IF I don't factor ANY cost for my time. But I do - my time is valuable and limited, and I prefer to use my computer rather than work on it. Just like I prefer to drive my car and leave the mechanical repair and maintenance to the service technician. It is my choice - I accept that for others this is not their choice and that is a good thing.
I like having lots of choices. I will be interested to see what Vista is like, I might even build another box, but I will continue to use my MAC for its dedicated use as a Photoshop editing machine. I still play games on Windoze if I feel the need or desire. Rant OVER!!
A note - I think the reason my WIN machines seem less stable is that they are asked to run a large variety of devices - multiple hard drives, slide scanners, flat bed scanners, several printers, CF readers, multiple monitors, etc. They are not simple boxes with just a limted array a peripherals - that is where some of the complexity comes from. But my MACS do the same thing without complaint so far.
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Just want to clarify. There is more shareware available for the Mac than I can imagine. It's a lot.
At least this Mac user thinks so!
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Everyone knows this but i do like to stir the pot.
Pot is not stirred!
Not denying there's more for the PC, just saying there's plenty for the Mac. Enough that I really don't think you would notice a practical difference.
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and you get more chicks, too.
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I seriously don't want to start a war, or even participate in it, but I can't resist mentioning viruses.
Windows: 60,000+ (or somewhere around there)
OSX: 0 (unless you count the ones that you need local access and an admin password--then I think it's 1 or 2.)
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Of course I could just stop reading the thread, but it's kind of like driving past a car wreck.; it's impossible to NOT look!
Guilty as charged.
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