the dgrin suggestion box



  • JimWJimW Registered Users Posts: 333 Major grins
    edited January 22, 2010
    Wow, this suggestion box works fast. Thanks Schmoo!

    (I've sent you an email)


    I don't want the cheese, I just want to get out of the trap.
  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited February 2, 2010
    Hi Shawn!

    Most of the moderators have a line in their signatures to let you know what forums they moderate. And if you'd like to know who they are without looking at signatures, you can see by going to the forum home, scrolling all the way to the bottom and just below the list of forums and above "In da house" (list of who is online at the moment), you'll see a "Moderators" link. Click it and you get a list of who moderates what.

    Not sure about the "who is a part of SmugMug" piece of your question.

    Hope that helps.
    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited February 2, 2010
    Who then would help me with that particular Javascript code, and would it be wise of me to accept code from someone not asscociated with Smugmug because if something goes wrong SmugMug could easily say they know nothing about it, ask the person who gave the code or piece of script?????

    There are a couple of forums you can get help from for SmugMug. There's also

    I can't speak for SmugMug with regard to Javascript and its behavior. I'll let someone answer that who is.
    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited February 2, 2010
    If you don't want my suggestion fine, I can live with that, just thought this was the place for suggestions.

    Sorry my bad !!!


    I offered you alternatives in the off chance you needed help. In no way did I "reject" your suggestion.

    As I said previously, I don't work for SmugMug nor do I speak for them so I cannot answer the questions specific to SmugMug.
    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited February 2, 2010
    My bad once again, I assumed that moderators worked for Smugmug.

    I still believe different colors for moderators names and SmugMug employee names would make it easier to quickly identify them from the general viewer. As I write this I just realized for the first time that your name is in bold. If I am just realizing this, I am sure others have not realized this, but then again I could be wrong.

    There are three types of display for login names. The normal font (as yours is) is a regular user. Moderators appear in Bold and administrators in Italic Bold.

    Colors are difficult because different skins (how you view dgrin and most other forums too) use different colors for the various forum components. For example red text on the pomegranate skin would be difficult to read. I'm sure there's a combination that works every where and I'll keep that in mind when we upgrade forum software at a later date.
    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
  • DavidTODavidTO Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 19,160 Major grins
    edited February 2, 2010
    My bad once again, I assumed that moderators worked for Smugmug.

    I still believe different colors for moderators names and SmugMug employee names would make it easier to quickly identify them from the general viewer. As I write this I just realized for the first time that your name is in bold. If I am just realizing this, I am sure others have not realized this, but then again I could be wrong.

    At the bottom of every page there's a Moderators link.
    Moderator Emeritus
    Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
  • RogersDARogersDA Registered Users Posts: 3,502 Major grins
    edited February 2, 2010
    DavidTO wrote:
    At the bottom of every page there's a Moderators link.
    I think what he getting at is that he would like to see a SmugMug badge under the username of the SmugMug employees that post on DGrin. Vbulletin 3.5 supports badges/rankings, so this could, in theory, be implemented. Imagine seeing a little smuggy icon under the SmugHero names.
  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited February 2, 2010
    RogersDA wrote:
    I think what he getting at is that he would like to see a SmugMug badge under the username of the SmugMug employees that post on DGrin. Vbulletin 3.5 supports badges/rankings, so this could, in theory, be implemented. Imagine seeing a little smuggy icon under the SmugHero names.

    I understood this as his original request. There are certainly many ways to do this and this is something we will discuss.
    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
  • DeeCajunDeeCajun Registered Users Posts: 515 Major grins
    edited February 3, 2010

    I take lots of "Food Porn" photos and have been looking for such a thread and can't find one..

    Is there a Food Photo thread?

    If not can we start one? I love food porn!
  • RogersDARogersDA Registered Users Posts: 3,502 Major grins
    edited February 3, 2010
    DeeCajun wrote:

    I take lots of "Food Porn" photos and have been looking for such a thread and can't find one..

    Is there a Food Photo thread?

    If not can we start one? I love food porn!
    Get one started in Other Cool Shots! :eat:eatbinge.gifbinge:burger:food:slurp
  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited February 3, 2010
    DeeCajun wrote:

    I take lots of "Food Porn" photos and have been looking for such a thread and can't find one..

    Is there a Food Photo thread?

    If not can we start one? I love food porn!

    Welcome! Feel free to start one in the "Other Cool Shots" forum--look forward to seeing it!
    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
  • DeeCajunDeeCajun Registered Users Posts: 515 Major grins
    edited February 3, 2010
    ian408 wrote:
    Welcome! Feel free to start one in the "Other Cool Shots" forum--look forward to seeing it!

    Okie Dokie!
  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited February 4, 2010
    DeeCajun wrote:
    Okie Dokie!
    Sweet? Will you take us through a three course meal?
    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
  • DeeCajunDeeCajun Registered Users Posts: 515 Major grins
    edited February 4, 2010
    I'm Cajun.. food is what we do!

    I used to be on a Flickr group that was dedicated to food and quite fun...taking pics in restaurants is quite challenging!
  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited February 4, 2010
    DeeCajun wrote:
    I'm Cajun.. food is what we do!
    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
  • DeeCajunDeeCajun Registered Users Posts: 515 Major grins
    edited February 4, 2010
    RogersDA wrote:
    Get one started in Other Cool Shots! :eat:eatbinge.gifbinge:burger:food:slurp

    Start a Food Porn thread for everyone to post food shots IN the Other Cool Shots thread? :D

    is that ok?? (I'm new here)
  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited February 4, 2010
    DeeCajun wrote:

    Start a Food Porn thread for everyone to post food shots IN the Other Cool Shots thread? :D

    is that ok?? (I'm new here)

    That's the place!
    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
  • DeeCajunDeeCajun Registered Users Posts: 515 Major grins
    edited February 4, 2010
    ian408 wrote:
    That's the place!

    Well I posted the Fried Apples from tonite.. Maybe that will work :)
  • ruttrutt Registered Users Posts: 6,511 Major grins
    edited February 18, 2010
    Vanity names for the subforums?
    Is it easy to have names like: http://dgrin/people or even: http://dgrin/forums/people? That would be a lot nicer for giving pointers to people than, for example.

    Thanks for considering this.
    If not now, when?
  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited February 18, 2010
    rutt wrote:
    Is it easy to have names like: http://dgrin/people or even: http://dgrin/forums/people? That would be a lot nicer for giving pointers to people than, for example.

    Thanks for considering this.

    I think a plug-in exists for this but not likely for our version of vb. It may also be for users (ala social networking's version of vanity names). I'll look--it's a good idea.
    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
  • RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,012 moderator
    edited February 18, 2010
    ian408 wrote:
    --it's a good idea.

  • RogersDARogersDA Registered Users Posts: 3,502 Major grins
    edited March 8, 2010
    Customizers-For-Hire Thread
    Update the first post on this thread with the names of each person/entity/ doing customization services, please. Looks like Jerry and David are not the only ones around.

    And while a single thread is o.k. - it can become quite long (already at 157 posts), different issues can be posted that apply to one customizers and not the others, etc. It would be a lot better to have dedicated threads for each customizer to discuss their services and receive feedback, IMO.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited May 2, 2010
    RogersDA wrote: »
    Update the first post on this thread with the names of each person/entity/ doing customization services, please. Looks like Jerry and David are not the only ones around.

    And while a single thread is o.k. - it can become quite long (already at 157 posts), different issues can be posted that apply to one customizers and not the others, etc. It would be a lot better to have dedicated threads for each customizer to discuss their services and receive feedback, IMO.
    Maybe, thanks. I'll think on it! I did update post#1.
  • RogersDARogersDA Registered Users Posts: 3,502 Major grins
    edited May 2, 2010
    Andy wrote: »
    Maybe, thanks. I'll think on it! I did update post#1.
    No problem, Andy. I noticed that update. Maybe ping the customizers to see if they would even want dedicated threads. If they don't then the issue would be moot I guess.
  • eoren1eoren1 Registered Users Posts: 2,391 Major grins
    edited July 30, 2010
    Request: An HDR subforum
    I was wondering what your thoughts are about making a subforum under Landscapes for HDR shots. Currently, they seem to fall under Landscapes or Other Cool Shots or Techniques.

    I have noticed a rising interest in HDR shots both on dgrin and in the great big world of photography. I've also noticed that there are a great deal who would rather not see a single HDR shot. Creating an HDR-specific subforum might help both groups out.

    I have to confess to having been bitten by the HDR bug after a photowalk this weekend. The leader of it might make a very good Artist in Residence as well - though I have not asked him about his interest.
    Let me know what you think,
  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited July 30, 2010
    There's a definite interest in HDR. We'll definitely think about it.

    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited August 2, 2010
    ian408 wrote: »
    There's a definite interest in HDR. We'll definitely think about it.

    Upon further reflection, we're going to leave things as they are. Why? Because at its core, HDR is just another tool in the photographer's processing toolbox. As such, it doesn't really warrant a separate forum.

    Thanks again for the suggestion.
    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
  • rwellsrwells Registered Users Posts: 6,084 Major grins
    edited August 10, 2010
    Lens Sample Photo Archive
    Would it be useful here on dgrin, as on other sites, to have a "Lens Sample Photo Archive"?

    I personally find them very useful when I'm considering purchase of a new lens. I also like that you can usually tell what body the lens is mounted to. I like to be able to "see" what a lens/body combination produces over a wide swath of photographers.

    In the past, I've considered a certain lens/focal length, only to peruse that particular lens photo archive. It became obvious if that lens would be a good tool for a particular need.

    Here is a lens sample photo archive from another site for reference.
  • StueveShotsStueveShots Registered Users Posts: 544 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2010
    I'm wondering if there has been consideration given to creating a forum to feature photos that have been post-processed in specific styles (Orton effects, impressionism, expressionism, non-realistic HDR, etc.)--maybe even to the point where some may consider the work to be graphic design or art.

    The reason for my suggestion is this: I noticed (during my brief time posting) that some folks play around quite freely and creatively in processing programs like Photoshop, but when they post their work for feedback the comments weigh heavily toward ideas like "the color doesn't look realistic" or "this isn't real photography". If there were to be a thread for these non-realistic styles of processing, then the participants might get more constructive criticism on the aesthetics of their choices rather than philosophical debate about what makes a photograph truly a photograph. (Although I'd be the last to say that such a debate--in proper settings --isn't good! I'm a theatre professor by training...we debate "veritas" all the time.)

    Perhaps this already exists and is just buried someplace I haven't found.

    Or maybe there is just an absolute rule that there will be no more forums! :D Either way, fine with me! Just a thought.

    (And, hey, I'm new if this idea has been floated and shot down, just let me know!)
  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited August 23, 2010
    I'm wondering if there has been consideration given to creating a forum to feature photos that have been post-processed in specific styles (Orton effects, impressionism, expressionism, non-realistic HDR, etc.)--maybe even to the point where some may consider the work to be graphic design or art.

    We do consider each request and regarding this type of request, no. We won't create forums for specific processing techniques. Doing so would create needless clutter and really isn't practical given the huge variety of different techniques.
    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
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