Portrait photogs - HELP! Advice needed.



  • kds1kds1 Registered Users Posts: 242 Major grins
    edited October 1, 2011
    Glort wrote: »
    Perhaps some now wish they never botherd trying to help but regardless, I think the thread does provide valuable insights to others on a number of different levels.

    It's clear that although you are reading the responses, you are comprehending or heeding the valuable advise people are offering either on purpose or for reason of ignorance.
    It is completely and utterly irelevant why you shot the images, the relevant part is they are on your site and would make a reasonable person naturally assume they are a style of work you are offering or trying to attract.
    As said, if you don't want it, don't show it. At all.

    Unless your friends are holding a gun to your head there is no reason you cannot say no especially if portraits are something you dislike so much and take up so much of your time. You could also cut down on processing time by allowing your friends to select their faviourite shots they want to print or use and only processing those images instead of every image taken.

    If you feel that you cannot do this because the images are so sub par without hours of retouching, then that to a reasonable person would only again highlight significant reasons not to take the images in the first place.

    I also think you are displaying a rather concieted attitude with your responses. It would see to me that you are very intolerant of anything you dont want to hear and are probably looking more for praise than genuine advise.

    In any case, if you do not wish to participate in the thread any longer you can stop replying at any time but like I said, I think the progression of the thread and the comments and advice from all sides could be
    very useful to others if one is open to taking heed and learning from what has been said.

    As I have said, I am quite appreciative of the helpful responses that I have gotten on my original question of pricing of CDs. That was the original question. There seems to have been some confusion or misunderstanding of WHY I was asking since some of the responses took a turn into how to improve my portrait photography skills or the next steps I should take to cut down my post processing time on portraits. While I am appreciate of the response, I explained my reason for taking the portraits so that the people who did respond with that advice could understand why I was not taking it (I don't intend to do portrait photography) despite appreciating their response and time.

    Also, the thread seems to have degenerated into questioning my career and my reasoning behind what I do. That was not the intent of my question on pricing of CDs. So yes, I was a little taken aback at that. As to me being conceited or intolerant, or just looking for praise, I'm not quite sure where you are getting any of that except for perhaps reading in to things. I am FAR from conceited about my photography or intolerant of advice - hence my even being willing to ask a question about pricing of CDs instead of just barreling ahead. I think you are turning this in to a personal thing, which it is not.

    I AM comprehending the suggestions - I feel that I was not understood in the beginning, hence my clarifications on WHY I am not heeding what they say. I thought I was careful to point out that I do appreciate the suggestions. If I did not do that, let me just say that I do appreciate the suggestions and by now, people are probably aware of WHY I am not heeding their suggestions to take better and more efficient portrait photographs (I do not seek out portrait photography and do not plan to in the future). Art photography is my genre, not portraits.

    And no, neither of my paid shoots for portraits were a result of anyone holding a gun to my head - when a friend or coworker is STUCK, yes, I was being nice trying to help. And in trying to be fair to her and understand what I was doing in pricing, I asked in this thread. I don't think that makes me conceited, unwilling to listen, or need to rethink my career, need to be told that teachers ask for too much money (he must not know what they make here) or how I go about my art photography, or what I enjoy.

    At this point, I don't think this thread is valuable or helpful to any other person wondering the same thing I was - how to price CDs for portraits. It has gotten so off track as to not be helpful in that regard.

    Your take on this entire thing is very unfortunate. Those of you who took the time to respond helpfully with suggestions, please know that I do appreciate that, even if I am not going to implement your suggestions for portrait photography at this juncture.
  • idiotabroadidiotabroad Registered Users Posts: 246 Major grins
    edited October 2, 2011
    Point was CD price and the business tactics that goes along with it. If I'm correct then keep reading.

    If you don't do the work you hate to do then you won't have the CD price question pop up.

    If you don't display the portrait work of your site you will not be asked in the future to do them, then you won't have the CD price question pop up.

    The rest of the information in all these replys is simple business tips that other photographers have used and that have worked, also note that the rest of us sell CD's of our work as well too, priced correctly.

    Remember to brush you teeth, Jesus does.

    If you don't agree with me then your wrong.
    I can't be held accountable for what I say, I'm bipolar.
  • puzzledpaulpuzzledpaul Registered Users Posts: 1,621 Major grins
    edited October 2, 2011
    I'm not in a position to offer any advice to anyone here about any of the topics covered - for a multitude of reasons - the only reason I'm responding here is because I enjoy reading Glort's posts :)

    In view of what's already been discussed I thought it somewhat strange to see (after clicking on services on kdstewart.net) an almost immediate reference to portrait photography.

    << Please browse my People and Events galleries if you are interested in portraits >>

    With further info about fees / approach etc a little further down that page.

    Taking on board what you've said - all I'll say is that I find this somewhat odd?

    (Btw - noticed that some images in the front page slide show obscure menu words - but you probably already know this.)

  • angevin1angevin1 Registered Users Posts: 3,403 Major grins
    edited October 2, 2011
    Point was CD price and the business tactics that goes along with it. If I'm correct then keep reading.

    If you don't do the work you hate to do then you won't have the CD price question pop up.

    If you don't display the portrait work of your site you will not be asked in the future to do them, then you won't have the CD price question pop up.

    The rest of the information in all these replys is simple business tips that other photographers have used and that have worked, also note that the rest of us sell CD's of our work as well too, priced correctly.

    And herein lies The problem. The OP didn't ask for wanton business tips. She asked a specific question.

    Whether this OP or any other is sensitive to being told all kinds of stuff they didn't ask for is a kind of hit and miss thing. All sorts of folks are getting worked up, but truth is, She really didn't ask for all these business-opinions.

    The OP's friends ask her, because they're her friends..same with co-workers.
    tom wise
  • kds1kds1 Registered Users Posts: 242 Major grins
    edited October 2, 2011
    I'm not in a position to offer any advice to anyone here about any of the topics covered - for a multitude of reasons - the only reason I'm responding here is because I enjoy reading Glort's posts :)

    In view of what's already been discussed I thought it somewhat strange to see (after clicking on services on kdstewart.net) an almost immediate reference to portrait photography.

    << Please browse my People and Events galleries if you are interested in portraits >>

    With further info about fees / approach etc a little further down that page.

    Taking on board what you've said - all I'll say is that I find this somewhat odd?

    (Btw - noticed that some images in the front page slide show obscure menu words - but you probably already know this.)


    Thanks, pp, that was several years ago when I first got the site up. Forgot it was there and will remove.
  • idiotabroadidiotabroad Registered Users Posts: 246 Major grins
    edited October 2, 2011
    I compare this thread to the one about setting up shop at a beauty salon. ahh the memories. kds1 thanks for listening to all of us pick apart each other and you. This is a lesson for all of us, teaching us to understand there is more than one path to success. One last thought. I don't ever think to charge family or close friends. They are, after all, the only people in this world that will be there for you. It's a favor thing, trade services to make everyone feel like it's even. Most people don't like to ask for favors without returning one in the future. I acutally just got a fruit basket from a friend for a dog photo that took 15 mintues.
    I hope you get to a suitable conclusion to your orignal post, as I know I have learned a lot from this entire thread.


    If you don't agree with me then your wrong.
    I can't be held accountable for what I say, I'm bipolar.
  • GlortGlort Registered Users Posts: 1,015 Major grins
    edited October 2, 2011
    One last thought. I don't ever think to charge family or close friends. They are, after all, the only people in this world that will be there for you. It's a favor thing, trade services to make everyone feel like it's even.

    I think thats a very valid point the rest of us missed.

    If a friend was so stuck I felt compelled to do a shoot for them, I wouldn't be charging them either.
    Everyone has different ideas of course but my friends and even associates do a lot for me and I always feel i am in their debt even though they often say its the other way around. I'm more than happy with that.

    I think it's the right thing to do all I can for my friends and the only score I keep is how much they have done for me and how I can repay them for their help.
    Unless its actual $$ out of our pocket, ( and even then it seems my friends seldom keep count) then there is never any money changing hands. We just do what we can when we can.
    I have one friend that gets me to help him with his work when he gets busy. I never ask for payment even after a weeks work. Without fail, before long he will get me something I need worth far more than what it would have cost him just to go hire a bloke to help him.

    A couple of weeks ago he came over and seeing I was looking on a site at a studio flash kit, he asked me about it and I said I thought i'd save up and get it. My wife rang, I spoke to her briefly and when I came back to me friend he said there you go, that should be here next week.

    I'm not lost for words often but I had no idea how to say thanks for that. I think I owe him about another fortnights work now and If I did that and got nothing in return, I'd be plenty happy.

    Just this weekend I took a friend a Fire hose I came across that was being replaced at a location I was shooting at as he lives on a property in a bad bush fire area. He was stoked when I took it to him yesterday as it was perfect for his needs and they are expensive to buy.
    I got another friend a brand new pro colour printer that was given to me as a bonus for the job I did but I have plenty and I know he was looking for one. I rang him and asked if when he had time during the week he could come over and help me lift something. He was here in 30 min and I had great pleasure in telling him I needed him to lift this into his car as I had too many of the things and needed the space. Took a bit of convinceing him it was his now.

    Maybe I was actually being selfish. The warm and Fuzzy feeling I got and seeing their excitement and surprise was perhaps as much for me as the gifts were for them.

    I hope you get to a suitable conclusion to your orignal post, as I know I have learned a lot from this entire thread.
    So say all of us!
  • SamSam Registered Users Posts: 7,419 Major grins
    edited October 2, 2011
    OMG. Glort has a heart and soul............who knew.............:D

  • AngeloAngelo Super Moderators Posts: 8,937 moderator
    edited October 3, 2011
    angevin1 wrote: »
    And herein lies The problem. The OP didn't ask for... business tips. She asked a specific question.

    Whether this OP or any other is sensitive to being told all kinds of stuff they didn't ask for is a kind of hit and miss thing. All sorts of folks are getting worked up, but truth is, She really didn't ask for all these business-opinions.

    The OP's friends ask her, because they're her friends..same with co-workers.

    Absolutely correct. Thank you angevin1.

    Let's stay on topic. Regardless of anyone's opinion about right or wrong it should have been clear some posts back that unsolicited advice was being given driving this thread in the wrong direction.

    But I do think some valuable information has been posted that may prove helpful to others in future.

  • idiotabroadidiotabroad Registered Users Posts: 246 Major grins
    edited October 6, 2011

    If you don't agree with me then your wrong.
    I can't be held accountable for what I say, I'm bipolar.
  • sweet carolinesweet caroline Registered Users Posts: 1,589 Major grins
    edited October 9, 2011
    Sorry to be off topic, but I want to respond to a comment made in one of the posts. Most teachers in this country are required to have a professional level of education yet don't get paid as well as other professionals. Please don't start in on the whole "summers off and fewer hours" myth. The teachers I know spend several hours a day outside of the classroom planning lessons, gathering supplies, and grading papers. They also typically spend time on the weekends attending training and prepping for the week ahead. And then there are conferences, e-mails, school events that take place during evening and weekend hours. A typical full time teacher works well over 40 hours per week. Summers are spent in continued education, teaching summer school, planning for the year to come, etc. Teachers don't get paid for summers, unless they are teaching summer school. Their salaries are based on the 10 months a year they are contracted to work at the school, and sometimes paid out over 12 months. From what I hear, there are some places in the Northeast where teachers are regarded as professionals and paid appropriately. Guess what... when you treat teachers well you enable them to pursue masters degrees and further professional development, therefore enhancing their ability to teach. So many highly intelligent teachers have left the profession because they are burnt out and realize they can gain more respect and more pay for less work in the business world.

    It sounds like the OP was able to get the advice she was seeking. Let us know how it goes.
  • AngeloAngelo Super Moderators Posts: 8,937 moderator
    edited October 9, 2011
  • dbvetodbveto Registered Users Posts: 660 Major grins
    edited October 10, 2011
    Angelo wrote: »
    well said Caroline

    So I guess that was on Topic?
    Work in progress
    http://www.realphotoman.net/ Zenfolio 10% off Referral Code: 1KH-5HX-5HU
  • AngeloAngelo Super Moderators Posts: 8,937 moderator
    edited October 10, 2011
    no it wasn't. thank you for correcting me. I've administered an appropriate number of smacks of the ruler across my knuckles.
  • idiotabroadidiotabroad Registered Users Posts: 246 Major grins
    edited October 10, 2011
    Bump, - angelo i will take my smack of the ruler on the left hand this time. :)

    If you don't agree with me then your wrong.
    I can't be held accountable for what I say, I'm bipolar.
  • AngeloAngelo Super Moderators Posts: 8,937 moderator
    edited October 10, 2011
  • SchnooksSchnooks Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
    edited October 26, 2011
    Separate Question Sara...
    I was learning from your thread here and so I went to your web page. I have a separate question for you (or anyone who know may be reading this). How did you make your gallery load the thumbnails horizontally on your web-page. Mine load vertically in two columns. Would someone have the "code" for this and please tell me EXACTLY where to load it in my web-site? Thanks!
  • idiotabroadidiotabroad Registered Users Posts: 246 Major grins
    edited October 26, 2011
    Wrong place to look Schnooks, try the customization threads.

    If you don't agree with me then your wrong.
    I can't be held accountable for what I say, I'm bipolar.
  • AngeloAngelo Super Moderators Posts: 8,937 moderator
    edited October 26, 2011
    Schnooks wrote: »
    I was learning from your thread here and so I went to your web page. I have a separate question for you (or anyone who know may be reading this). How did you make your gallery load the thumbnails horizontally on your web-page. Mine load vertically in two columns. Would someone have the "code" for this and please tell me EXACTLY where to load it in my web-site? Thanks!

    a) who is Sara?
    b) where do you find horizontally loaded thumbnails?
    c) show us your page

    than I can move your inquiry to the correct forum
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