my entry. I'm sure I broke one rule or another but reading is not my strong point. it was taken within the required dates.
So why do you post here?
You really need to open the rules and read them through. They are numbered 1 thru 11. As it stands, you have not entered by posting your picture here. This is not the gallery.
Newbie to the challenge area of digital grin. I would like to participate but I am recovering from back surgery. But I promise as soon as I am able to I will be getting in as many of the challenges I can. They look like so much fun. I have a favorite in this one all ready and can not wait to see more. I can not wait for voting time. Good luck too all.
Love and Prayers to you all
Sometimes, it is better to be kind than to be right. We do not need an intelligent mind that speaks, but a patient heart that listens. Unknown
************* My flickr Account
Newbie to the challenge area of digital grin. I would like to participate but I am recovering from back surgery. But I promise as soon as I am able to I will be getting in as many of the challenges I can. They look like so much fun. I have a favorite in this one all ready and can not wait to see more. I can not wait for voting time. Good luck too all.
Newbie to the challenge area of digital grin. I would like to participate but I am recovering from back surgery. But I promise as soon as I am able to I will be getting in as many of the challenges I can. They look like so much fun. I have a favorite in this one all ready and can not wait to see more. I can not wait for voting time. Good luck too all.
Love and Prayers to you all
Hi Darryl, welcome to the madness, your life will never be the same again
sapphire73Registered Users, Super ModeratorsPosts: 2,013moderator
Newbie to the challenge area of digital grin. I would like to participate but I am recovering from back surgery. But I promise as soon as I am able to I will be getting in as many of the challenges I can. They look like so much fun. I have a favorite in this one all ready and can not wait to see more. I can not wait for voting time. Good luck too all.
Love and Prayers to you all
Yes, welcome to dgrin and thank you for posting comments on some of the photos already! Looking forward to when you have recovered from your surgery and can post some of your shots for input.
sapphire73Registered Users, Super ModeratorsPosts: 2,013moderator
edited February 20, 2012
Username - Title
I happened to notice one entry without a space before and after the dash and corrected it as a kindness. But then saw another and another and another. Not sure whether it really was a kindness if it just delays someone experiencing being disqualified but am hoping some of you will see this.
I happened to notice one entry without a space before and after the dash and corrected it as a kindness. But then saw another and another and another. Not sure whether it really was a kindness if it just delays someone experiencing being disqualified but am hoping some of you will see this.
People still uploaded pictures that will be disqualified... even after I posted a gallery comment reminding people to read the rules. So ... I was trying to be helpful. I guess I learned my lesson.
Pho-tog-ra-pher (n) 1. One who practices photography 2. one obsessed with capturing life with their camera. 3. One who eats, sleeps and breathes photographs. 4. One who sees the world in 4x6.
This is the way I see it. When you enter a competition or contest, you read the instuctions/rules. If you do not follow all the instuctions / rules then you get dq'ed. If you get dq'ed you hopefully learn a lesson and reread the rules to make sure next time you get it right.
Its nice to help ppl out, especially new ppl to the challenges. But if they plain outright do not even open the rules to read them, then they do deserve to learn the hard way and get a dq. Its a matter of ppl learning to not be lazy! So save your time and efforts to help them out. If they come to the board and ask questions, then help them. But most of the ppl that are being dq'ed have not even once posted on this board for feed back. Otherwise they would not be in the situation in the first place.
As to spaces between the -, don't worry that is not going to be looked at. As long as the dash is between the name and title its fine.
I agree, Joyce. From now on... I will worry about my own entry and let everyone else worry about their own. Not all that long ago I was new to these forums and this challenge... yet I read the's not that hard... and have never been DQ'd. It just seemed like there were so many this go round.
Pho-tog-ra-pher (n) 1. One who practices photography 2. one obsessed with capturing life with their camera. 3. One who eats, sleeps and breathes photographs. 4. One who sees the world in 4x6.
Can not wait for the polls to open JAG. I have my eye on one that I want to vote for.
Sometimes, it is better to be kind than to be right. We do not need an intelligent mind that speaks, but a patient heart that listens. Unknown
************* My flickr Account
Sorry everyone. There is a bug in the poll and until its destroyed your all going to have to wait. I will post it as soon as the problem is fixed. Thanks for your understanding and patience.
Sorry everyone. There is a bug in the poll and until its destroyed your all going to have to wait. I will post it as soon as the problem is fixed. Thanks for your understanding and patience.
If u need any help Plz let me know. I'm bored recovering from this darn old back surgery. Also thank you so much for doing the challenges. I can hardly wait so I can play with you all.
Love & Prayers
Sometimes, it is better to be kind than to be right. We do not need an intelligent mind that speaks, but a patient heart that listens. Unknown
************* My flickr Account
Ok I got it worked out. The poll is up but please note that it will only be up for 70 hours as I do not want to have to do the next set of work this late at night!
How do I vote? Sorry if this is a dumb question. I have not figured it out.
Never mind I figured it out. Boy do I feel silly now.
Sometimes, it is better to be kind than to be right. We do not need an intelligent mind that speaks, but a patient heart that listens. Unknown
************* My flickr Account
So why do you post here?
You really need to open the rules and read them through. They are numbered 1 thru 11. As it stands, you have not entered by posting your picture here. This is not the gallery.
Newbie to the challenge area of digital grin. I would like to participate but I am recovering from back surgery. But I promise as soon as I am able to I will be getting in as many of the challenges I can. They look like so much fun. I have a favorite in this one all ready and can not wait to see more. I can not wait for voting time. Good luck too all.
Love and Prayers to you all
My flickr Account
Welcome, PappyRoot! I hope you recover quickly.
Hi Darryl, welcome to the madness, your life will never be the same again
Yes, welcome to dgrin and thank you for posting comments on some of the photos already! Looking forward to when you have recovered from your surgery and can post some of your shots for input.
My SmugMug Galleries
I happened to notice one entry without a space before and after the dash and corrected it as a kindness. But then saw another and another and another. Not sure whether it really was a kindness if it just delays someone experiencing being disqualified but am hoping some of you will see this.
My SmugMug Galleries
People still uploaded pictures that will be disqualified... even after I posted a gallery comment reminding people to read the rules. So
Its nice to help ppl out, especially new ppl to the challenges. But if they plain outright do not even open the rules to read them, then they do deserve to learn the hard way and get a dq. Its a matter of ppl learning to not be lazy! So save your time and efforts to help them out. If they come to the board and ask questions, then help them. But most of the ppl that are being dq'ed have not even once posted on this board for feed back. Otherwise they would not be in the situation in the first place.
As to spaces between the -, don't worry that is not going to be looked at. As long as the dash is between the name and title its fine.
My flickr Account
If u need any help Plz let me know. I'm bored recovering from this darn old back surgery. Also thank you so much for doing the challenges. I can hardly wait so I can play with you all.
Love & Prayers
My flickr Account
Never mind I figured it out. Boy do I feel silly now.
My flickr Account