from andy: damon, this one just didn't grab me. i'm a fan of your street shooting, you know that. but here, i just couldn't grab onto the image. i see the line that's almost a curve. but the rest of the image is a muddle to me.
from harry: I have to agree with Andy this one time. I love your stuff but this pic had no impact for me. I can see the line but there is no setting. The background is muted and the foreground is unclear.
from andy: it's a pretty scene, but i struggle with what the "seat" is, and without your caption i find it a bit too abstract, together with the far scene. the tree growing out of the seat is poorly placed also.
from harry: There was alot I liked in this pic. I liked the sky with the hint of colors in it and i felt that the silhoutte of the trees was effective. The lower left hand corner of the shot did nothing for me. It was just dead space that distracted and took away from the rest of the shot.
from andy: lynne, this is a really, really, really cool image. i just adore it. it's print-worthy, sale-worthy and i wish i'd taken it. love the colors, the mish-mosh of suitcases, it's just a gem. i felt the other shots were more on point, yes i do see lines and curves though. congrats on a fine job.
from harry: This is a shot I really enjoyed. Its a great capture of a scene a lot of photographers would have passed by. The composition is excellent and the colors are good. Good work.
This one took some work - and my first portrait submission:
Mini Parking
from andy: eric, i like the concept. definite lines and curves. i'm not gaga over the composition though, and the subject matter isn't warhol-y enough to make me go WOW. good execution though
from harry: This is a shot that just didn't have any impact for me. Everything is fine except for the composition.
from andy: wow, i'm shocked you got 0 votes. i dig the strong lines in this shot, and the work you did in post is outstanding. big congrats here lynn, it's a lovely image.
from harry: This was one of the shots I was immediately drawn to. It was a challenging shot to pulloff and you did an excellent job with it. If I was shooting the shot I might have tried a different angle to eliminate some of the shadow area in the top right hand corner (don't know if that was possible).
This weeks challenge as seen through last week's ideas.
(this is a real photo not a PS creation)
from andy: hey charles, this is a stunner. one challenge to late, eh? a really good eye to catch this, lovely composition. a strong entry. congrats.
from harry: This was one of my favorites. It grabbed my attention when I first perused the entries and I kept coming back to it. Outstanding composition. Excellent work.
from andy: a great idea, lovely b&w. i feel that i'm too crowded here, i wish you gave some breathing room here for the viewer. love the sense of motion though
from harry: I think Andy is right here and a wider angle might have improved the shot. The B&W conversion is very effective here as well as the capture of the street car's motion.
from andy: rutt's butt. what a great shot. not much more to be said, rutt - you did a great job from shoot thru post on this one, and i know you learned a ton, too, as you post-processed this shot. harry, you must look thru the post "rutt's butt" in the photoshop shenanigans forum.... rutt- graceful curves, lovely lines in the suit, a pleasing and sensual composition. congrats on a fine, fine job.
from harry: Marvelous post processing on this shot. Lots of originality in the composition. Well captured.
from andy: love the lines here. the bw is flawless. real artistic eye here, spockling, to find this shot. congrats.
from harry: This shot for me was one of the 3 best in the competition. Its dramatic and a shot I love going back to. Marvelous composition and very strong lines. The B&W conversion was excellent. Just a fine effort.
from andy: i'm really digging the detail you got in the shadows foreground. a range of tonality that many folks would mis-expose. the colors of the sky are simply gorgeous, as are the sinuous curves of the mountains. a wall-hanger for sure, you should print this big snappy and enjoy it!
from harry:I loved the colors in the sky and the lines of the mountains. Having just a bit of the sun peeking out is very effective. A good entry.
I did this before but I hit reply instead of edit and it got posted separately from the pic. Sorry
from andy: easy to see why this was picked as winner. the curves are so lovely, so ess-like, they are really really sexy. the lines of the fence, and the composition / placement of the fence, keeps me really interested in this photo. i really like the blue tones, very dramatic. it's a fine fine image, ginger and you should be really proud of the work.
from harry: Great composition and flawless exposure on this shot. `Very easy to see why it was the winner in this challenge.
from andy: gubby - this is a really a stunning image. i love the scene itself. the action of the tractor / combine is really an important element here. the toning is super, and the ess-curve of the grain not cut is just delicious. well done, you should be very proud of this image.
from harry: I was taken by the highly effective toning and post processing on this pic. The composition was on the mark and the s curve of the grain just drew my attention into the shot.
from andy: strong lines, yes. and i do like the scene. this image could do with a bit of perspective correction, imo, as the building looks to be falling away from me. the blown areas trouble me somewhat. good bw conversion though!
from harry: I like this shot! I disagree with Andy here and feel that the perspective gives it a more edgy feel. The motorccyles out fron give the pic an added element that helps the shot.
from andy: stan, i love everything about this image. the tawny colors, the placement of the horizon, the subtle curves, the shadow, lots of interest here and the pinks in the sky are a great bonus. congrats on a fine job.
from harry: A very pretty shot. The colors just capture your attention and keep you looking. The patches of green prevent the shot from becoming monotonous. I founded the shaded area in the lower center to be a negative element and I would have tried to minimize it.
from andy: one of the best close-ups i've seen in a long time. such great detail, crisp, lovely colors. this image is a visual feast and will look great printed big and hung on the wall. well done, pathfinder, it's an image i wish i could take (note to self: buy macro lens)
from harry: A great macro shot. I've suggested to Andy a number of times in the past that he should get a macro lens and I appreciate that your shot has finally brought that home to him. The bokeh is fabulous. The colors are appealing and the details perfect. Kudos.
from andy: nice work, mitchel, and a good find. the image suffers just a bit from lack of sharpness in my opinion. lovely, and i do mean, lovely, composition however. congrats on a good entry.
from harry: Good composition and a wise choice to place the spider in the lower corner and avoiding the temptation to center it. The biggest drawback for me was the lack of clarity in the lines of the web.
from andy: ondrovic, this image just didn't grab me re: lines and curves. i know what it is, i see them in the shot, but it was, well, a bit plain. i know you can do better, i've seen better!
from harry: This pic for me was ho hum. Having taken too many similar shots myself all I can say is that the next one will be better.
from andy: a really good find, i like how the curves of the track lead me deep into the photograph. i think an improvement would be to have a train going off into the distance. well done, good eye.
from harry: Good composition in this shot. I would have gotten more of the train in the shot as opposed to having just the lights of the train in the upper right. I think that would have given the shot the extra drama that it lacks. A fine effort.
from andy: one of the *best* flatiron building images i've seen in a long time. this is a tough building to capture a great angle, great eye. i may just copy your idea
from harry: A really good capture. Very imaginative and a shot that brought a smile to my face when I viewed it. If Andy steals your idea make sure he pays you for it ;-).
from andy: lovely conversion to monochrome, the toning is great. nice gentle curves in this very pleasing image.
from harry:Another pic I liked very much. The post processing was perfect for the shot. The composition was great and you avoided trying to get all of hte horse in the shot.
from andy: ginette, this is a great setup shot - i really like the lighting, the colors and the strong and subtle lines evident in this photograph. i can see a lot of work went into this, and it shows. well done
from harry: Loved the lighting on this shot. The composition was near perfect and the shadows a fine touch. You can see the care and thought that went into this shot. Good work.
from andy: very strong lines and curves here, really a good find, bryan. a fine shot, good eye for the composition, too.
from harry: Excellent pic. I would have liked to seen some of shadowy areas brought out a tad though. The composition was fine and it was a great entry for this challenge.
A friend of mine mentioned this place.. thought I'd submit an entry!
from andy: a lovely curvy structure, and the lines are a nice bonus that the viewer has to see to get. nice touch. the leaves up top trouble me though.
from harry: I agree with Andy about those leaves, they should be cloned out. The curves of the structure are good but the overall shot seems to be underexposed. The exposure makes the shot almost drab.
from andy: nice strong lines and a pleasing reflection, but the compo makes me a bit, tiny bit, dizzy. perhaps a bit more breathing room? (step back some, go a bit wider). nice effort.
from harry:Nice shot. The strong lines and reflections make it an effective capture. I would have tried a different angle to amke it a bit more dramatic.
from andy: i love this image, and if we could have had 11 finalists, i'd have picked it i said before, it reminds me of the mean joe green coke commercial. cool treatment in post, a fine shot really. well done, sid!
from Harry: I really liked this shot. The perspective is great and just draws you in. The lighting was very challenging in this shot and you handled it masterfully. Definitely should be hanging from your wall. My only problem with this shot is that I didn't take it.
from andy: cool night shot, plenty of interest. definite lines and curves, you got the assignement. the sky is a bit dull - the image would be much better if there were stars, a moon, some clouds etc in the shot. i know you're not in control of that. you nailed the exposure. this is also a good wide angle shot
from harry: Excellent night shot. You exposed it well and the composition was effective. Good work on a fine entry.
entries into challenge 18 are now closed. voting thread will be up later today.
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from andy: damon, this one just didn't grab me. i'm a fan of your street shooting, you know that. but here, i just couldn't grab onto the image. i see the line that's almost a curve. but the rest of the image is a muddle to me.
from harry: I have to agree with Andy this one time. I love your stuff but this pic had no impact for me. I can see the line but there is no setting. The background is muted and the foreground is unclear.
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from andy: it's a pretty scene, but i struggle with what the "seat" is, and without your caption i find it a bit too abstract, together with the far scene. the tree growing out of the seat is poorly placed also.
from harry: There was alot I liked in this pic. I liked the sky with the hint of colors in it and i felt that the silhoutte of the trees was effective. The lower left hand corner of the shot did nothing for me. It was just dead space that distracted and took away from the rest of the shot.
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from andy: lynne, this is a really, really, really cool image. i just adore it. it's print-worthy, sale-worthy and i wish i'd taken it. love the colors, the mish-mosh of suitcases, it's just a gem. i felt the other shots were more on point, yes i do see lines and curves though. congrats on a fine job.
from harry: This is a shot I really enjoyed. Its a great capture of a scene a lot of photographers would have passed by. The composition is excellent and the colors are good. Good work.
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from andy: eric, i like the concept. definite lines and curves. i'm not gaga over the composition though, and the subject matter isn't warhol-y enough to make me go WOW. good execution though
from harry: This is a shot that just didn't have any impact for me. Everything is fine except for the composition.
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from andy: wow, i'm shocked you got 0 votes. i dig the strong lines in this shot, and the work you did in post is outstanding. big congrats here lynn, it's a lovely image.
from harry: This was one of the shots I was immediately drawn to. It was a challenging shot to pulloff and you did an excellent job with it. If I was shooting the shot I might have tried a different angle to eliminate some of the shadow area in the top right hand corner (don't know if that was possible).
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from andy: hey charles, this is a stunner. one challenge to late, eh?
from harry: This was one of my favorites. It grabbed my attention when I first perused the entries and I kept coming back to it. Outstanding composition. Excellent work.
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from andy: a great idea, lovely b&w. i feel that i'm too crowded here, i wish you gave some breathing room here for the viewer. love the sense of motion though
from harry: I think Andy is right here and a wider angle might have improved the shot. The B&W conversion is very effective here as well as the capture of the street car's motion.
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from andy: rutt's butt. what a great shot. not much more to be said, rutt - you did a great job from shoot thru post on this one, and i know you learned a ton, too, as you post-processed this shot. harry, you must look thru the post "rutt's butt" in the photoshop shenanigans forum.... rutt- graceful curves, lovely lines in the suit, a pleasing and sensual composition. congrats on a fine, fine job.
from harry: Marvelous post processing on this shot. Lots of originality in the composition. Well captured.
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from andy: love the lines here. the bw is flawless. real artistic eye here, spockling, to find this shot. congrats.
from harry: This shot for me was one of the 3 best in the competition. Its dramatic and a shot I love going back to. Marvelous composition and very strong lines. The B&W conversion was excellent. Just a fine effort.
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from andy: i'm really digging the detail you got in the shadows foreground. a range of tonality that many folks would mis-expose. the colors of the sky are simply gorgeous, as are the sinuous curves of the mountains. a wall-hanger for sure, you should print this big snappy and enjoy it!
from harry:I loved the colors in the sky and the lines of the mountains. Having just a bit of the sun peeking out is very effective. A good entry.
I did this before but I hit reply instead of edit and it got posted separately from the pic. Sorry
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from andy: gubby - this is a really a stunning image. i love the scene itself. the action of the tractor / combine is really an important element here. the toning is super, and the ess-curve of the grain not cut is just delicious. well done, you should be very proud of this image.
from harry: I was taken by the highly effective toning and post processing on this pic. The composition was on the mark and the s curve of the grain just drew my attention into the shot.
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from andy: strong lines, yes. and i do like the scene. this image could do with a bit of perspective correction, imo, as the building looks to be falling away from me. the blown areas trouble me somewhat. good bw conversion though!
from harry: I like this shot! I disagree with Andy here and feel that the perspective gives it a more edgy feel. The motorccyles out fron give the pic an added element that helps the shot.
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from andy: stan, i love everything about this image. the tawny colors, the placement of the horizon, the subtle curves, the shadow, lots of interest here and the pinks in the sky are a great bonus. congrats on a fine job.
from harry: A very pretty shot. The colors just capture your attention and keep you looking. The patches of green prevent the shot from becoming monotonous. I founded the shaded area in the lower center to be a negative element and I would have tried to minimize it.
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from andy: good and strong lines here, nice bw conversion. i'd like some breathing room for this shot, they are too much "in my face" a good effort
from harry: An effective B&W conversion. The pic is strong and has dramatic elements.
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from andy: one of the best close-ups i've seen in a long time. such great detail, crisp, lovely colors. this image is a visual feast and will look great printed big and hung on the wall. well done, pathfinder, it's an image i wish i could take (note to self: buy macro lens)
from harry: A great macro shot. I've suggested to Andy a number of times in the past that he should get a macro lens and I appreciate that your shot has finally brought that home to him. The bokeh is fabulous. The colors are appealing and the details perfect. Kudos.
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from andy: simone, this is a cool shot, the only improvement i'd like here is maybe two lovers kissing on that landing. nice lines and curves.
from harry: A fine technical shot. The colors and lines are strong. I just didn't find it very interesting.
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from andy: nice work, mitchel, and a good find. the image suffers just a bit from lack of sharpness in my opinion. lovely, and i do mean, lovely, composition however. congrats on a good entry.
from harry: Good composition and a wise choice to place the spider in the lower corner and avoiding the temptation to center it. The biggest drawback for me was the lack of clarity in the lines of the web.
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from andy: ondrovic, this image just didn't grab me re: lines and curves. i know what it is, i see them in the shot, but it was, well, a bit plain. i know you can do better, i've seen better!
from harry: This pic for me was ho hum. Having taken too many similar shots myself all I can say is that the next one will be better.
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from andy: a really good find, i like how the curves of the track lead me deep into the photograph. i think an improvement would be to have a train going off into the distance. well done, good eye.
from harry: Good composition in this shot. I would have gotten more of the train in the shot as opposed to having just the lights of the train in the upper right. I think that would have given the shot the extra drama that it lacks. A fine effort.
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from andy: one of the *best* flatiron building images i've seen in a long time. this is a tough building to capture
from harry: A really good capture. Very imaginative and a shot that brought a smile to my face when I viewed it. If Andy steals your idea make sure he pays you for it ;-).
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from andy: lovely conversion to monochrome, the toning is great. nice gentle curves in this very pleasing image.
from harry:Another pic I liked very much. The post processing was perfect for the shot. The composition was great and you avoided trying to get all of hte horse in the shot.
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from andy: ginette, this is a great setup shot - i really like the lighting, the colors and the strong and subtle lines evident in this photograph. i can see a lot of work went into this, and it shows. well done
from harry: Loved the lighting on this shot. The composition was near perfect and the shadows a fine touch. You can see the care and thought that went into this shot. Good work.
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from andy: very strong lines and curves here, really a good find, bryan. a fine shot, good eye for the composition, too.
from harry: Excellent pic. I would have liked to seen some of shadowy areas brought out a tad though. The composition was fine and it was a great entry for this challenge.
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from andy: doug, a pleasing scene but it doesn't grab me. ok composition, but i'm missing an anchor point (the ground).
from harry: A pretty but rather dull shot.
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from andy: a lovely curvy structure, and the lines are a nice bonus that the viewer has to see to get. nice touch. the leaves up top trouble me though.
from harry: I agree with Andy about those leaves, they should be cloned out. The curves of the structure are good but the overall shot seems to be underexposed. The exposure makes the shot almost drab.
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from andy: nice strong lines and a pleasing reflection, but the compo makes me a bit, tiny bit, dizzy. perhaps a bit more breathing room? (step back some, go a bit wider). nice effort.
from harry:Nice shot. The strong lines and reflections make it an effective capture. I would have tried a different angle to amke it a bit more dramatic.
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from andy: i love this image, and if we could have had 11 finalists, i'd have picked it
from Harry: I really liked this shot. The perspective is great and just draws you in. The lighting was very challenging in this shot and you handled it masterfully. Definitely should be hanging from your wall. My only problem with this shot is that I didn't take it.
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from andy: cool night shot, plenty of interest. definite lines and curves, you got the assignement. the sky is a bit dull - the image would be much better if there were stars, a moon, some clouds etc in the shot. i know you're not in control of that. you nailed the exposure. this is also a good wide angle shot
from harry: Excellent night shot. You exposed it well and the composition was effective. Good work on a fine entry.
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