
It's me but WHY, WHY, WHY??



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    FoquesFoques Registered Users Posts: 1,951 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2012
    this is exactly the result I was seeing with my 70-200 Tamron. It would auto-focus, confirm that focus is sharp, fire... and be just a wee bit out of focus..frequently.
    Arseny - the too honest guy.
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    zoomerzoomer Registered Users Posts: 3,688 Major grins
    edited August 21, 2012
    didn't read all the posts...sounds/looks more like a shutter speed issue than focus.
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    wave01wave01 Registered Users Posts: 204 Major grins
    edited August 21, 2012
    hi Divamum just i looked at an earlier post and you said that you shoot at 1/250 and 1/100 well thats not bad really for hand held with IS its the 1/30 that is a problem. but looking at the OP the first shot is at 1/200 now that i dont understand unless he was just unlucky. i just checked some shots from the weekend a i have one with some shake on it and that was at 1/250 and i put it down to me and bad luck.
    When I shot in AV then I keep an eye on the speed as i dont want it to be to slow because of the shakes (at my age it just gets worse). What I would do is get the camera on a tripod and try some test exposures see if he can recreate the problem, the tripod will eliminate the shake problem.
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