keyword and Search
I;m having a hard time getting any photos to appear after typing a keyword in search. yes, I verified that there were keywords. Weirdly, some keywords I have do yield results, but others don't.
Do you have some sort of index you're building? If so, why is it taking so long? There are only 2 images in the gallery I;m testing.
Do you have some sort of index you're building? If so, why is it taking so long? There are only 2 images in the gallery I;m testing.
I've also added a new keyword, which also can not be found in a search.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Would this be why numerous of my keywords are not even showing up at all in the keyword list at the bottom of my pages? Using the sandbox and unveiled site.
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Ya know, Andy-- this is really rather mean. Just because you haven't seen earlier convos, don't assume that the way something may be now is the way it was 10 hours ago. I was not spreading falsehoods. I was repeating what "Help" was telling people. And one would THINK that Help should know, right?! Here's the thread where Paul's quote came from:
If a new decision has been made about this, well then Hallelujah!!! But the whole thing begs a lot of questions:
1. Why would any stupid decision like that ever get made in the first place?
2. Why would people not be informed before migrating if it had?
3. Why are so many crazy things like this happening or changing or being said or not being said without being thought through thoroughly before the roll-out??
4. Why are so many important things that have been hashed out just recently getting hashed out again with no thought given to the fact that... uh... we just did this hash & do we really need to to it again? It really is mind-boggling.
5. Is there some point to just casually saying they're just, uh, dropping keyword separators and "Oh, well, you'll just have to fix your 100,000 photos yourself" ?? Some point other than getting a lot of people all upset for no reason, I mean....?
Furthermore, there are a lot of areas where "Heroes" are giving all kinds of conflicting information. That wasn't the case here, as keywords were actually all messed up earlier today, because earlier today the system was NOT accepting semi-colons. But it's the case with a lot of changes, i.e. one Hero saying that's just the way it is & you need to live with it, & the next one saying it'll be fixed & the next saying they'll pass it up the line. Let's just face the truth instead of other falsehoods: SmugMug wasn't anywhere near ready for the roll-out. Goodbye.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Ignore the hierarchical keywords, this was a test, but they should be separated, as it is with other uploads.
forgot to tell: hyphens in keywords are discarded. e.g. Süd-Ost Asien -> SüdOst Asien
Do you have this issue both when logged in as admin and logged out? For some reason I am only having the issue when viewing my site as a guest. When logged in keywords link to pics properly, but when viewing as a guest, keywords don't link to the pics even though the pics are all available.
Another thing I just thought about in Andy's screenshot is that his keywords have a semi-colon and a space. (I think that's what PhotoShop does automatically, if I remember right). So it could be that the space between his words is what's getting recognized now, not the semi-colon. Ablichter, did you have spaces and semi-colons, or just sem-colons? I still haven't heard any confirmation that they've changed their decision on this thing, so who knows what's really going on. And it's even possible that the Help person had wrong info... who knows.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
My software places spaces and semicolons, but this shouldn't make any differences. Semicolons or commas should work as a separator.
I just made a test without spaces and it works as it should.
Here's what I get:
and when I click on it, here's the keyword page that comes up (with URL in case its any help):
Here is another example.
I even edited the keywords within SM (first row - I added a space after the semi-colon) but it is not recognized as a separator by SM.
For me and my 200+ images its not a big thing, since I accidentally wrote hierarchical keywords to my image while beta-testing another software (IMatch) - I have to write flat keywords to my images and upload them again. Which is done within some hours.
But this is a bug report, and you should take it as such (serious). Just because your images does not show bugs means not, that there are none.
In this case people need to upload their images again or manually copy and paste keywords to them. Both is very annoying.
I see there is a limit of 255 keywords for this list. Why the 255 limit?
I keyworded my images with Photoshop 3 and 5 - both use either commas or semi-colons. Problem here? Yes, I see there is SOME kind of issue with semi-colons.
An example of keywords not showing up is my keyword "eagle". It does not show up in my big list at the bottom of my sandbox site in New SmugMug. If I use the SEARCH function at the top of the screen (using SmugMug theme in New SmugMug) and put "eagle" in it, my Eagle images and "folders" ARE found. But there is no "eagle" listed in the keyword area. My site is at
I did not show a keyword list on my legacy site. I thought with the new system I would do it since it gives customers to my site an easy way to select images that might peak their interest. Not having some image keywords there will make them think I do not have any of those images. I use "eagle" as my example. I have made multiple sales for my eagle images. Makes me think more folks might want them. They will pass me by.
Might be the same with yours.
I just responded similarly to you in the other thread by Allen in this Bug forum called "New Site - Keyword Page", but just to be sure you see it... like I pointed out there, here is a post where I explained to W.W. Webster the difference between the various types of keyword pages. (post #9 here: ) So that 255-word limit isn't really something you have to live with, if you can get a way to show your other keyword page, the one that shows ALL of them, which is /keyword instead of /keywords like the 255 one. I imagine the 255-word limit on that box was mainly so people could drop that box onto pages which had other boxes as well. As far as the other issues described here, I don't have experience yet as I haven't switched to the New Smug.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
And to see a link to your "All Keywords Page" (my name for it!) I just answered you & posted it in the Support thread called Keywords, which is here: . I found your "All Keywords Page" by pasting this in my browser: so you should be able to see it and link to it as well. Good luck!
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
the /keyword page of my legacy site. Clicking back to the NewSmug page it only shows 1000.
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Thank Winsomeworks for the help. Afraid that it does not work for me. Actually, if I use the url with "/keyword" at the end, it only shows 101 keywords! Much less than "/keywords" shows!!!!! I have over 20,000 images, so I am certain I have tons over 255 keywords (plus I know some that are not showing up). I will go try and reset up the keyword setup and see what happens after that. I still think SM knows they have big keyword issues and are looking into it; but are now keeping silent until they have a fix - forever hopefull.