Smugmug Gallery Style in New Smugmug Needs Attention!
OK, firstly well done for all the hard work. I've had fun playing and due to limited time I've unveiled my site now using the Smugmug gallery style which for me, so far at least, works best. This is because I just hate the slideshow page which can't be customised at all (as far as I can see).
The problem I have with the smugmug gallery (which I didn't have in the old smugmug) is that there is so much wasted space under the main photo that captions, keywords etc are all off the bottom of the page which looks really bad. There is also wasted space at the top.
I am using the stretchy option to be consistent with the theme but could this content block please be redeisgned so caption & filename come right under the main photo. I am only using large and am losing stuff off screen.
Or is there a way to avoid this that I'm missing?
The problem I have with the smugmug gallery (which I didn't have in the old smugmug) is that there is so much wasted space under the main photo that captions, keywords etc are all off the bottom of the page which looks really bad. There is also wasted space at the top.
I am using the stretchy option to be consistent with the theme but could this content block please be redeisgned so caption & filename come right under the main photo. I am only using large and am losing stuff off screen.
Or is there a way to avoid this that I'm missing?
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." (Einstein)
I agree, for me the captions are very important and belong under the picture. The filename should be shown too as it helps the client and this should be an option - not just to see it when there are no captions.
In my initial rambling post I should have mentioned that I have set all top/bottom margins to tiny so have done the best I can to minimise the problem but its the limitation coming from stretching that's causing this. If I do it fixed it looks nice but is way too small and the max width too small and also not something I'd care to choose without knowing the viewers screen size.
There must be a way to stretch this style width ways to fill the page but not height wise?
Related to this, I do wish the footer block (containing my copyright statement) was fixed at the bottom of the screen so it is visible all the time. Unless the view scrolls way down he is not aware the photos are copyright!
Thank you for the kind words as well!
Photo Blog
Thanks for looking - I was experimenting late last night/early this morning and managed to make it look a bit better. For me the key to solving it was to make sure I had 'fill height off' AND to put a right block of 90px. This seemed to align the captions better with the picture. Without that it was stretched all over the place. Only issue is this is the biggest I can get the photo's without information going off the bottom of the page. The big gap at the top under navigation seems to be something I can't get rid of.
So for the moment I feel relieved. I'd still like a way to brand the slideshow/big view page, accentuate the caption, always show filenames under the images and, as everyone has said, give us back the next/previous button but hopefully such things will become possible soon.
After all, the smugmug template is the 'signature' one so should be the ultimate style.
And of course, disappearing comments in the slideshow/lightbox is a much bigger source of discontent.
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." (Einstein)
Sorry, I forgot to answer your question - I'm using an iMac at 1680 x 1050. Have not been able to view it on other laptops yet.
My effort so far is at
Brampton, Canada
But, but ... I love this stuff. I come from a software development background, and I am a perfectionist. :ivar
Let's see, there has got to be at least one more emoticon I could use...
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." (Einstein)
The end result is I either have too much of the browser window's screen real estate used (the problem discussed at the beginning of this thread) - and my titles and descriptions require the user to scroll. Or, starting with a design like Moss - I end up with lots of wasted space - and nothing in the customization would seem to allow me to correct that. And why, if I'm customizing, do some of the "starting designs" - prevent me from removing blocks like "social icons" - or even changing their layout options?
For the moment, I'm sticking with the legacy until I am able to solve more of these issues and at least recreate a design that more closely resembles what I already have.
And - the answer to why "Moss" looks so different is pretty much the same. The settings for "Entire Site" use Fixed for the width instead of Stretchy. While I wish "stretchy" adapted better to screen width and height, using fixed does provide an option that seems to ensure more of the image text is displayed.
Empty space is good for a general web design, but when you are in gallery mode the focus should be on the photos.
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." (Einstein)
Wow. That is a drastic difference.
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." (Einstein)
Brampton, Canada
Hey Troops: Check out the third posting from the top in this thread - - about expanding the captions and tweaking the area under the images in the new Smugmug gallery style in Smugmug design. I played with Allen's code a bit and I think I made some improvement to this caption situation which is also a big deal for me. See - and look at some of the images that have longer captions. Better, but not great. A few notes: All of the images were uploaded at 1800x1200 pixels (something about the image size seems to be affecting how these gallery pages behave). I am not showing the share link which I cannot get out of the way of the caption. I only show the image numbers, caption and photo icon link. The keywords are hidden too.
I have absolutely no clue what I am doing. Everything I've done is to plagiarize other's work and add a few pieces of code that I read about in some "how to" CSS web sites. If there's a better way to tackle this, then please chime in.
Prescott, AZ
Played with your site CSS and came up with some minor tweaks. Stretched it around and tweaked to
stop text from covering tools icon. Add z-index's so tools icon worked all the time. I added a feature request describing how they could probably fix this problem.
My Website index | My Blog
Caption Left: 90px; doesn't work ... image caption and image numbers overlap. Needs to be about 125 or so. Otherwise, I don't notice anything different between what I did and what you offered above. Wish I could move those image numbers more to the left. The share link I don't use so I don't care about that.
I wonder if matters what web browser software is being used. I have only Safari and nothing else.
Prescott, AZ
My Website index | My Blog
1) captions as others have mentioned
2) a next/last for the preview picture so that users can scroll through all the pictures in the gallery
3) the thumbnails -- thumbnails do not update on re-sizing the window unless the the page is re-loaded using a force re-load. Since the thumbnails do not update, changing the page or clicking next page changes the preview image but the thumbnails do not update.
4) bad use of the space, with lots of empty space
5) non-smooth scrolling of the window size, with some window sizes resulting in parts of the screen being cropped in an
6) and a peve -- the old page selection was much more elegant.
b) How do I remove the comment fields?
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." (Einstein)
This is the error I consider fatal. I'm surprised to see people using the gallery style because this problem breaks it in my opinion. I'm not absolutely certain that everyone is seeing the issue, though. Here are screenshots showing the issue at my legacy & new smugmug preview (it's not yet unveiled) site: Here's the gallery view in a "wide" window (1268 X 1063). The preview image appears with a 4 X 5 grid of thumbnails.
OK, sorry for the 3 posts, but couldn't figure out a way to attach multiple images to the same post, and the only way to observe this problem on my site (since it isn't unveiled yet) is to use screen shots. But, I've seen the issue in every new smug mug site I've seen that uses the gallery view except one (need to track that one down, but it was a gallery view in which the thumbnails were always a 2 X 4 grid, regardless of the size of the window).
(on a mac using either safari or firefox and on ipad).
Interesting. I never noticed this problem because I never re-size my window. I'm using Chrome on a Mac and I see the problem exists with that browser too.
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." (Einstein)
I re-size my windows all the time, so for me it's a huge problem. Not sure I'm unusual in the amount of re-sizing I do or not. Also, the problem arises if you switch from portrait to landscape mode on an iPad.
Re-loading the window (force re-load) does seem to fix the problem, so that's a work around for people who don't re-size windows frequently.
Like I mentioned, I never re-size windows so that's why I never noticed. I suspect that is why you're the first to see this bug manifest itself.
I'd consider changing gallery styles, but I don't like Journal, and the others are not friendly to captions.
Good detective work on your part!
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." (Einstein)