Show Us Your New SmugMug Customized Sites!



  • RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,011 moderator
    edited February 26, 2016
    Hey everyone, thought I would share my smugmug site. Any feedback is welcomed!

    I like the changes you made since yesterday. Less empty space and easier to see the pics. thumb.gif
  • matthewmcewanphotomatthewmcewanphoto Registered Users Posts: 10 Big grins
    edited February 26, 2016
    Richard wrote: »
    I like the changes you made since yesterday. Less empty space and easier to see the pics. thumb.gif

    Thanks Richard, much appreciated!
  • matthewmcewanphotomatthewmcewanphoto Registered Users Posts: 10 Big grins
    edited February 26, 2016
    Made a few more tweaks. Modified the browse page and gave the visitor the option to look through my galleries with thumbs and slideshow option.
  • photoclickphotoclick Registered Users Posts: 278 Major grins
    edited February 26, 2016
    tomnovy wrote: »
    Yes David,

    Check it on mobile :} It is quite smooth on mobile too.

    Tom - very nice design. Out of curiosity I checked it on mobile. In PORTRAIT orientation it takes two clicks for navigation to work. First click (touch) is drawing the line under the menu, and only the second touch takes you to the corresponding page. iOS9 / iPhone6 n CHrome and Safari. In Landscape orientation it work fine.

  • tomnovytomnovy Registered Users, Administrators Posts: 1,103 SmugMug Employee
    edited March 4, 2016
    photoclick wrote: »
    Tom - very nice design. Out of curiosity I checked it on mobile. In PORTRAIT orientation it takes two clicks for navigation to work. First click (touch) is drawing the line under the menu, and only the second touch takes you to the corresponding page. iOS9 / iPhone6 n CHrome and Safari. In Landscape orientation it work fine.


    Thanks will check this.
    SmugMug Support Hero | Customizer | My SmugMug site - | Customization Portal -
  • johnsbrothersjohnsbrothers Registered Users Posts: 3 Beginner grinner
    edited March 8, 2016
    My brother and I have decided to build a website together, I'm still in the trial with smugmug but we've pretty much settled on here over the competition. I'm no website designer and haven't had a page before, but the tools have been good and I must say the smugmug support is outstanding.

    Would anybody like to take a look and let us know what you think?

    Still got a few things to sort out...
    Not happy with the blog. I've built it using the standard tools but it isn't very nice and updating it is going to be a challenge going forwards. This site posted a few pages back did it exactly right. Any tips on how this was achieved?
    I have setup blogger and tried using the RSS feed, it works but it isn't as tidy as the one linked above.

    Blog comments are broken - comment on one blog entry it appears against all blog entries. Apparently I can't do much about that other than put blog entries on separate pages or use another blogging system.

    Haven't tagged or put description against all images.
    Contact page image not updated - can't get the aspect ratio to work properly
    Social media integration not done other than twitter

    Many thanks, and also thanks for this forum. I've learnt a lot from the community already!

  • Lille UlvenLille Ulven Registered Users Posts: 567 Major grins
    edited March 9, 2016
    Welcome to SmugMug / Dgrin, Pete

    As for your blog question I am afraid your example - which for sure looks stunning - is most likely build based on the old no longer active smugmug (formerly known as legacy), as it is using some java-scripts which you cannot use with "New Smugmug".

    In case you want to get rid of the "powered by smug mug" in your bottom right corner use this
    /*Remove the Powered by in the bottom of the page */
    .sm-page-powered-by a { display: None; }
    In a site-wide CSS block. :D

    I do like your photos.
    Yet I wonder if over time with more galleries added you will be able to stick to your gallery layout. Wouldn't it possibly be easier to built up some sort of structure like
    -->UK, Sommerset
    -->UK, Scotland

    (And should you decide to travel the world even use the countries or continents as another sub-category?)
    Sure enough right now it would look like as if you might not need it with six sub galleries, but if you build it up too late you will loose in terms of SEO if you then have to change the links as well.

    Have a great evening and enjoy your new website!

    Lille Ulven - The Photos of my travels
  • photoclickphotoclick Registered Users Posts: 278 Major grins
    edited March 18, 2016
    Hi Everyone,

    I am almost done with two new websites. I'll start with one and appreciate any suggestion and critique.
    The photographer is still organizing and adding galleries and external resources, but the functional and aesthetic parts of the site are done. It should scale nicely between the full screen and mobile view. Please don't be hesitant to critique - I honestly appreciate all opinion: positive and negative:)

    Thank you,
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,413 moderator
    edited March 18, 2016
    photoclick wrote: »
    The photographer is still organizing and adding galleries and external resources, but the functional and aesthetic parts of the site are done. It should scale nicely between the full screen and mobile view. Please don't be hesitant to critique - I honestly appreciate all opinion: positive and negative:)
    Hi Mike -
    The site structure is very interesting but my reaction to it is varied.

    The overall look without a menu on the home page is nice and clean. Unfortunately I don't like the behavior when I click the 3 bars in the upper right to bring up the menu. Clicking there overlays the page with the menu. Clicking a menu item, thinking I would be taken to the page I selected brings up a tag line for that page and a button to click to enter that page. Two clicks where one would be sufficient - two clicks is prettier, one click is more efficient. I'm for efficiency.

    When I click the 3 bars to bring up the menu then hover over a menu item, a line moves across the selected menu item from the left. It looks to me like it is crossing-out the entry. I don't think that is a good method of highlighted the menu entry.

    Selecting the blog opens a new browser tab. That always annoys me, usually enough for me to close both tabs and walk away. If I want a new browser tab I will request one.

    On mobile, when I open the site the logo sits on top of the photo on the home page. That is not a good presentation.

    --- Denise
  • photoclickphotoclick Registered Users Posts: 278 Major grins
    edited March 18, 2016
    Denise - I very much appreciate the feedback! The two-clicks vs one click to get to the page is something I expected to be noticed :) I also debated for a while what is better - prettiness or efficiency. As usual the final choice is with the owner of the website. However, when designing this menu overlay, I did provide an easy switch between two and one click. If you noticed the About menu on the overlay brings you straight to the page instead of displaying a tag line.

    I shared your feedback with Karen - the photographer and owner of the website. Thank you from both of us.
  • Anh Tu NguyenAnh Tu Nguyen Registered Users Posts: 93 Big grins
    edited March 27, 2016
    I really love the homepage with full background photo and language's menu.
    The only thing that annoys me is that the homepage looks terrible and cut-off on mobile but I haven't figured a way to solve it yet.
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,413 moderator
    edited April 4, 2016
    I really love the homepage with full background photo and language's menu.
    The only thing that annoys me is that the homepage looks terrible and cut-off on mobile but I haven't figured a way to solve it yet.
    I agree that the home page looks bad on mobile - it's not that the photo is cut off, it's that your site name is truncated on both sides.

    I was a bit surprised at the size of the logo you have chosen to place on your pages. On my large screen monitor your logo uses half of the available vertical space. On my phone, with the phone held in portrait mode the logo plus 1-line menu entry uses the entire space. With the phone held in landscape mode only half of your logo shows. In all cases you are forcing me to scroll to see your site content. Why? Isn't your content more important than your logo?

    --- Denise
  • jrwillsjrwills Registered Users Posts: 7 Big grins
    edited April 8, 2016
    Updated Site
    I changed from SmugMug to Wordpress a bit over a year ago (had a couple blogs and thought everything under one roof was a good idea — it wasn't) and now I'm "back home" with the updated SmugMug site. I've also gifted and built one for my wife and another for a friend. Yep, having fun again!

    I like the simplicity of the SmugMug theme but my site designer side has gotten the better of me so I had to make a few changes.

    It's an amateur photographer's site (that's me) and some of my friends and relatives who visit aren't real computer savvy so my goal was to create something attractive, interesting and easy to navigate.

    I think I've been fairly successful but helpful suggestions would be appreciated.
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,413 moderator
    edited April 8, 2016
    jrwills wrote: »
    It's an amateur photographer's site (that's me) and some of my friends and relatives who visit aren't real computer savvy so my goal was to create something attractive, interesting and easy to navigate.

    I think I've been fairly successful but helpful suggestions would be appreciated.
    The navigation between sites works.

    As large as it is, the "PLEASE VISIT OUR GALLERIES" in the top left of your home page looks like text and not a clickable link. It confused me because there is a menu directly under it. Have you considered adding a "galleries" entry on your menu bar and repeating the menu bar on all pages? Then you can have a consistent navigation point to your galleries.

    On a large screen monitor the line of photos above your galleries uses almost half of the available vertical space. Are you trying to highlight that band of photos? It seems to me that more emphasis should be on your gallery thumbs as opposed to the header.

    When I leave your home page your site identification disappears. Is there some reason why you have chosen not to place your site name on all pages?

    --- Denise
  • jrwillsjrwills Registered Users Posts: 7 Big grins
    edited April 8, 2016

    Firstly apologies for long reply.

    Thanks for the observations and advice. I think I've got most of them worked out.

    I fixed the home page menu but opted not to repeat it on all pages. The only way I can do that is to add a sidebar to all pages and I'd rather not.

    My (perhaps flawed) reasoning is that after most people get to the galleries they aren't likely to be looking for the Blog, etc. If they do they will have seen links on the menu when they landed. They will probably want to return to the Galleries page or the previous folder. So I used some CSS to emphasize the Galleries page rather than the current page and also enlarged the "home house". What do you think?

    I'm confident that I won't need sub-menus so I feel safe in using sub-menu links like Titles. Lots of CSS. That was fun! It took me a little while to give the menu a bit of margin around it so it doesn't look like it's trying to escape off the page. I forgot I'd need some negative margin on the right side so as not to push the header and slideshow down the page. The old brain doesn't retain like it used to.

    Making the header small as you suggest saves enough space so that I think it is worth it to have it on all the pages except individual blog posts. It's a nice touch I think. Thanks for the suggestion.

    I think I'm close enough to a finished product that I can safely invite my friends over for a look around. If you see anything else, let me know. (I'm 70+ years old and it's not easy to hurt my feelings any more.)

    I have annotated the fairly extensive CSS and am thinking about sharing some of it on a gallery page à la Aaron Myers' site. Don't know if any of it has any merit. I'm not a programmer or CSS wiz but I am persistent, stubborn, hardheaded and I've got Firebug and I'm not afraid to use it.

    Thanks for your insight. I'm sure there are countless sites that are better because of your generosity.
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,413 moderator
    edited April 9, 2016
    jrwills wrote: »
    Thanks for the observations and advice. I think I've got most of them worked out.

    ...I have annotated the fairly extensive CSS and am thinking about sharing some of it on a gallery page à la Aaron Myers' site. Don't know if any of it has any merit. I'm not a programmer or CSS wiz but I am persistent, stubborn, hardheaded and I've got Firebug and I'm not afraid to use it.
    I'm glad I was able to help.

    It's funny, my legacy smug site was heavily customized and used a lot of CSS to show larger thumbs to highlight my galleries. I was delighted when new smug was available and I was able to redevelop my site using very little code. I'm glad you took the time to annotate your code; when it needs changes I think you will be happy for the notes.

    --- Denise
  • photoclickphotoclick Registered Users Posts: 278 Major grins
    edited August 24, 2017
    Finally finished It follows similar style as the one I recently completed ( ).

    The site should smoothly adjust to any browser size including mobile. Contact forms on the site are not smugmug's - they are from 17hats.

    The clients area (YourPhotos) has options to search or login into your account. If anyone care to try - I setup a test account. Click on "Let Me In" and enter for email and testaccount for password.

    Another password-protected test gallery is the last one on the page called BlueCollection. The password is in the hint on the login page.

    Hope I can have some feedback.

    Thank you!
  • Lille UlvenLille Ulven Registered Users Posts: 567 Major grins
    edited April 20, 2016
    Just very little feedback right away so that I don't forget about it later:
    - If you used a smaller separator in the footer between the text "Follow us" and the icons for Facebook and Instagram the later would not be overlapped by the "Back to top"-box
    - For the pricing page: if "Traditional" is the name of a "pricing scheme" try putting it into an italic font when you use it as a name else it looks very easy like a typo, actually it took me a couple of seconds to realize the name of the scheme was meant and it was therefore not a typo
    - Does Michael really need to mention who raised him? He should be a grown up now...and that first sentence sounds in my ears like he's fifteen at the most
    - Missing a comma "...Hello, I am a photographer from Albany NY" should be "...Hello, I am a photographer from Albany, NY" shouldn't it?
    - Not sure how many visually handicapped would book a photographer, but if they did the icons for FB, Insta and Email in the "middle" of the page are too far apart (look at the page with a fist, which is just wide enough open for a small drinking straw, infront of one eye and the other one closed - if it feels like you have to move long distances before you can see the next button the distance is too far)
    - If you can: give examples of the format you want people to fill in information in the fields of your text boxes (move the format up to the text fields name when the user starts typing)...else people might fill in websites into the email form

    If I find the time for it later I will give it another look and see if I can get back to you with more feedback.

    Good luck

    Lille Ulven - The Photos of my travels
  • photoclickphotoclick Registered Users Posts: 278 Major grins
    edited April 20, 2016
    Lille - greatly appreciate you taking the time and writing the feedback.
    I did change the font to italic for the pricing items. Not exactly sure why a word "traditional" looks like a typo to you, but I agree that making the font italic does look better. A text in the introduction section - is just a text and meant to attract certain type of potential customers. The idea was to sell and show the value of photographic memories.

    You did remind me of a look-through-the-fist method:) With proliferation of a high resolution monitors these icons do look proportional to me. However, after some other user testings I might even take the entire "Find us online" section off the page.

    I am curious if the difference in menu style between the front page and the rest of thr site bothers you (or anyone)? Front page has a hamburger menu while other pages share regular horizontal menu.
  • Lille UlvenLille Ulven Registered Users Posts: 567 Major grins
    edited April 21, 2016
    Well you fixed the TRADITIONAL header - which actually looks better in italic too...
    I was more thinking of changing this:
    Our Traditional session offers high quality products. Our prints and frames are professionally crafted to last you a lifetime. Every Traditional purchase will also receive a prints and product credit, to use in the Al a Carte menu.
    to something like this:
    Our Traditional session offers high quality products. Our prints and frames are professionally crafted to last you a lifetime. Every Traditional purchase will also receive a prints and product credit, to use in the Al a Carte menu.

    Yea, I could have been more precise too :)

    Yes those links for FB and the like are proportional, but if you cannot see the entire page at once and have to move your head to get from one "bullet" to the next one...that distance that you are using might cause someone not to find the email-button because he/she already believes that there would not come anything more after the FB-bullet.

    To be honest: I don't like Hamburger-Menues for webpages (unless on smaller mobile devices maybe)...not sure if that is because the last time I have been in such a fast food restaurant I felt sick afterwards :D

    Good luck

    Lille Ulven - The Photos of my travels
  • cristpixcristpix Registered Users Posts: 7 Beginner grinner
    edited April 21, 2016
    new guy in Trial and just adding customized settings
    Brand new to the site and this forum, still in Trial phase and looking for lots of feedback.

  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,413 moderator
    edited April 21, 2016
    cristpix wrote: »
    Brand new to the site and this forum, still in Trial phase and looking for lots of feedback.
    Welcome! It looks like you have a good start on your site.

    The first thing I recommend is to remove the smugmug header and switch to the small footer. You can do this by clicking Customize... Content and Design, then click the Settings button.

    You might think about allowing access to larger versions of your photos. A medium is tiny on a large monitor. Only you can decide how comfortable you are with sharing larger images; why did you choose medium as the largest size?

    --- Denise
  • cristpixcristpix Registered Users Posts: 7 Beginner grinner
    edited April 21, 2016
    Welcome! It looks like you have a good start on your site.

    The first thing I recommend is to remove the smugmug header and switch to the small footer. You can do this by clicking Customize... Content and Design, then click the Settings button.

    You might think about allowing access to larger versions of your photos. A medium is tiny on a large monitor. Only you can decide how comfortable you are with sharing larger images; why did you choose medium as the largest size?

    --- Denise

    OK, I made the header and footer changes. I am on a small laptop, but I'm not really sure why I selected medium images - I've changed that to xlarge for each gallery. Also, I need to title each image and add key words there.
    Other suggestions?
    Thank you!
  • Lille UlvenLille Ulven Registered Users Posts: 567 Major grins
    edited April 21, 2016
    christpix if you are using Lightroom you could do the keywords and captions in Lightroom and use the SmugMug Plugin (use the original SmugMug free one).
    Changes in photo-sizes can be applied (and should be) in the gallery settings. If I am not completely off that should work for multiple galleries at the same time as well.
    Log in to your site, choose "Organizer" and go to the "directory" on the left side where you have your galleries, choose the galleries you want to adapt and then click "Settings" -> Photo Protection. If you use a size smaller than Original you should be fine, for my site I have used X3, which looks pretty good. :)

    A few small things:
    - You should use your own customized watermark and not that "PROOF" one, it would just look better :)
    - It would be nice if you had a menu to choose which gallery one wants to visit, or a homepage that would show the titles of the galleries. Right now I can only guess from the homepage where I might end up...

    But that's only so much after a brief visit to your site...need time to spend on my studies now :)

    Best of luck

    Lille Ulven - The Photos of my travels
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,413 moderator
    edited April 21, 2016
    cristpix wrote: »
    O...I am on a small laptop, but I'm not really sure why I selected medium images - I've changed that to xlarge for each gallery. Also, I need to title each image and add key words there.
    Lille Ulven is right, it's much easier to keyword and caption your photos in lightroom. I used to do those in SmugMug but I quickly realized it was better to have everything in the source of the photo. I import my photos into Lightroom, use a preset to add my copyright, then add keywords and sometimes captions and titles. When I upload the photos to my SmugMug site everything comes with it.

    It looks like you have chosen to show your galleries on your browse page with a haze over them. That's something I've never understood - when I see a browse page with photos covered with a haze I usually leave the site. I know, that's kind of extreme, but I don't find the photos interesting when shown like that. It's your site and your decision though.

    Have you considered adding a keyword content block to your search page?

    I'd also suggest adding your site url to your signature here on dgrin. That will allow folks to easily discover your photos.
    Click the clipboard icon on the navbar above, then Edit Signature. Begin your link with http:// to make it clickable.

    --- Denise
  • cristpixcristpix Registered Users Posts: 7 Beginner grinner
    edited April 22, 2016
    OK, I've added my page url to my signature here. I will take your advise to do the titles, key words, etc before uploads. I didn't intend to screen the gallery browse view, and cant seen to figure out which function created that? Also, how to you edit the homepage to do gallery titles? Thank you Lille and Denise! I'm slowly getting there :)
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,413 moderator
    edited April 22, 2016
    cristpix wrote: »
    OK, I've added my page url to my signature here. I will take your advise to do the titles, key words, etc before uploads. I didn't intend to screen the gallery browse view, and cant seen to figure out which function created that? Also, how to you edit the homepage to do gallery titles? Thank you Lille and Denise! I'm slowly getting there :)
    This thread is intended to get feedback on your site, and while it makes sense to have questions after feedback I think a new thread is a better place to ask those questions.

    I'd recommend starting a new thread in this forum, perhaps with the title "cristpix customization questions". Asking your questions in a thread like that will allow you to keep all of the answers in one place.

    --- Denise
  • Ko4374Ko4374 Registered Users Posts: 4 Beginner grinner
    edited April 25, 2016
    Old Digital Grin user back to ask for advice
    It's been awhile since I have been on this site so long that I forgot my user name/password so I had to create new account. I see some familiar people are still active one this site giving some great advice. So with that in mind I thought I'd share my updated website with its new look and see what you all think. Let me know your thoughts I appreciate the feedback.

    My website is
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,413 moderator
    edited April 25, 2016
    Ko4374 wrote: »
    Overall your site looks good but there are a few things I recommend changing.

    The highlighting of Home in your menu bar confused me. When I first saw it I thought it meant I was on the home page - but then I expected the highlight to change to the active page when I clicked somewhere else on your site. It didn't.

    Your Fine Art galleries do not show a breadcrumb or a title. When a viewer is in one of those galleries it is not obvious what gallery they are viewing.

    This is a personal preference; I've never liked square thumbs or square representations of photos. In your Portraits gallery the squares cut off some people's heads. In the fine arts galleries some of the photos look quite odd because of the cut-off images.

    The Fine Art menu entries as accessed from your blog are different than those accessed from your smug site. Shouldn't they be the same?

    Your menu is not set to collapse. This means if your site is viewed on a mobile device or in a small browser window that the viewer is forced to scroll sideways to access the menu.

    --- Denise
  • Ko4374Ko4374 Registered Users Posts: 4 Beginner grinner
    edited April 25, 2016
    Overall your site looks good but there are a few things I recommend changing.

    The highlighting of Home in your menu bar confused me. When I first saw it I thought it meant I was on the home page - but then I expected the highlight to change to the active page when I clicked somewhere else on your site. It didn't.

    Your Fine Art galleries do not show a breadcrumb or a title. When a viewer is in one of those galleries it is not obvious what gallery they are viewing.

    This is a personal preference; I've never liked square thumbs or square representations of photos. In your Portraits gallery the squares cut off some people's heads. In the fine arts galleries some of the photos look quite odd because of the cut-off images.

    The Fine Art menu entries as accessed from your blog are different than those accessed from your smug site. Shouldn't they be the same?

    Your menu is not set to collapse. This means if your site is viewed on a mobile device or in a small browser window that the viewer is forced to scroll sideways to access the menu.

    --- Denise

    Thank you for your feedback. And most of all thank you for pointing out that my links aren't the same on my blog that they are on my website. Wow can't believe I never saw that. I will definitely take the rest of your feedback into consideration as well. Thanks again!
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