[Fixed] Organizer manual sort bug?

In the organizer, if you select a number of photos then drag and drop them to a new position, they appear in random order, not the order they were originally.
-- Bill
Photo Blog
No it's still broken - in fact half the time going to 'Organize Site' and picking a gallery will freeze completely now anyway and I have to close the session and start again regardless of whether I try it with IE10 or Chrome.
Please remember I am talking about galleries with a certain number of photographs only. What is the maximum number of photographs in your gallery? Do you have any galleries with over 400 photographs or so? If not then you probably aren't seeing what we are seeing as smaller galleries don't seem to be affected (somebody correct me if I'm wrong).
Ah yes. Good to know. My test sites don't really have more than 100 per gallery.
Photo Blog
I would be more than happy to share my screen with a Smugmug tech later today if they wanted to see exactly what I'm getting?
What annoys me a bit is if I go into Organize Site and then edit and then Captions and Keywords it reverts to the old look Smugmug interface which was much easier to use. In that view the photos are all in the right order again by the way but when you go back to Organize site which uses the new interface they are jumbled up again. It makes me wonder what was wrong with 'Arrange Photos' as it was and why did it need to be changed if bulk editing Captions and Keywords is not going to be changed especially when one works and the other doesn't?
I'm still seeing it, and with galleries with less than 20 images.
Here's what I see in the Organizer:
I've added the red outline. Note that I've just dragged one photo where I want it.
This is what I see in the Gallery:
Note that the two highlighted images are flipped from what is displayed in the Organizer.
I could post more reproducible examples if you like. For example a recently-created gallery that has the images sorted by filename (A-Z). If I drag an image I'm alerted "sort order changed to manual", then when I return to the gallery it is sorted Z-A! In this gallery, if I enter the organizer with the gallery sorted by filename (A-Z) and select "Sort Manually" from the sort dropdown, the images are re-ordered to a filename (Z-A) sort. I can then select "Sort by filename" (it reverts to A-Z order) then "Sort manually" and it remains in A-Z order! At this point I can do a drag-to-sort and it sticks!
EDIT and update: If I apply the above procedure (select sort by filename then select sort manually from the dropdown) to the gallery referenced above, then drag to sort, the sort sticks.
Photo Blog
Thanks very much mbonocore, I appreciate it. If anyone wants to use my site for testing they are welcome to (as long as they don't break anything!) although I am yet to unveil so I don't know if they would be able to?
Thank you for the offer! But we have lots of photos laying around we could put together into big galleries
Photo Blog
It's possible this is the same problem reported in the thread Organizer manual sort bug? but that is talking about sorting a large number of photos. My problem is with sorting a small number of galleries within a folder. Entering a new bug report in order to avoid confusing two different issues.
I'm trying to re-order the galleries in the Family folder, http://www.denisegoldberg.com/Family.
Here's the order I specified:
And here's the folder:
Am I missing something? I thought if I set the order to manual and reordered the galleries in organizer that this would change the display order in the folder.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
I'm on a Macbook pro v10.6.8 on safari and I can't even drag & drop to move images around in the order I want them to appear.
Any thoughts?? I've tried numerous times, logged out and back in, refreshed my cache, etc and still when I try to rag an image, it only moves it one image to the right or not at all.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Photo Blog
Photo Blog
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
I thought I saw a note from you somewhere (in a thread I can't find right now) that said the manual sort was fixed. But I just retried my manual sort on a folder and it still doesn't work.
Is someone still working on the fix for this issue?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
I've been having the exact same problem since migration, and still as recently as this afternoon...
can we get a status on this please?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
I sort my pictures manually, more or less chronologically, so I use Sort Manually and want new uploads to go to the top of the gallery.
But when using Sort Manually the 9-1 icon greys out and goes to 1-9 causing the new upload to go to the bottom of the gallery.
This is a major problem because in a large gallery you have to move every uploaded picture back to the top of the gallery!
In legacy sort both variables were available so you could drop pictures to the top of the gallery while using Sort Manually.
A bit off topic, but the only reason I'm using manual sort is because I'm finding that when I move a folder/gallery into a new location, it seems to be 'reborn' there with a new creation date. Hence I moved a whole load of folders (previously old subcats) into a new location and now the old stuff is showing up at the top when I try to sort by creation date, decending (ie most recent at top.) Does anyone else see this or have a work-around?
(ps Second paragraph no longer relevant, see my post below)
Hi Denise,
We did fix a sort issue in the organizer, but maybe this isn't related. I will retest today can you take a video of the issue you are seeing?
Photo Blog
Oh yikes! I just found the problem, my bad! The display options on the galleries on that page was set to date created. Once I changed it to organizer position the order changed to the desired order.
It would be helpful if the display options were viewable from within organizer. Having to check and adjust in two places was my problem.
Thanks for checking and verifying that the sort fix is live.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
PS regarding my previous post about folders getting 'reborn....' I just figured out that it's the same issue there, that all the folders (my old subcats) are being displayed before all the individual galleries and that's why I thought it was assigning them newer creation dates. Sorry that I didn't diagnose this right the first time.
Any progress with this?
Suffering here, tired of having to move every uploaded picture from the bottom of the gallery to the top!