how do i make a link from my home page to Gallerys page / other pages
First time poster here so be gentle with me.
Ok I've set up a home page but what i'd like to do is put in a link to another page that contains my picture gallerys etc what ever how do I do that or do I have to keep everything on the Homepage like in Legacy thanks for any help finally getting my head round this new set up but still struggling a bit
Ok I've set up a home page but what i'd like to do is put in a link to another page that contains my picture gallerys etc what ever how do I do that or do I have to keep everything on the Homepage like in Legacy thanks for any help finally getting my head round this new set up but still struggling a bit
I am trying to achieve that too.
– the tricky part in general is that up to now I don´t know of any free customizable links from images in the new smugmug. while a lot is customizable, the links from images are not (yet?); so they link ot a slidesho/gallery in which they must be contained in themselves. no other way, I know of yet. but I am in contact with SmugMug-support (though they take some time for follow-up).
also everything depends a little on what idea you have about your homepage.
there are two ways I know of from the top ogf my head, that let you link to a self-chosen landing page (like the browse-page).
1) inserting a link you could use a textbox. doesnt look good, though;
2) profile box: lets you set an image, and include some overlay text (including freely definable links). but then, this a) isn´t a clickable image again and b) the profile box is restricted to 3:1 formats (I actually don´t know why they are not custmizable;
– see also my thread on this:
hope that helps/gives first ideas – and I would also be glad to find out how to achieve such a simple thing as one image on homepage with a clicklink to any self-chosen page...
best! oliver