Smart Gallery bug
I created a smart gallery but it's not picking up all the photos that have the appropriate keyword. I have something like 80 photos with the keyword and the gallery is only picking up about 20.
I also have a similar issue if I want a content block populated by keywords, it's not picking up anything. I wanted to use that to control what's on my front page, so I tagged the pictures with "frontpage". When I create the content block, it remains empty.
I also have a similar issue if I want a content block populated by keywords, it's not picking up anything. I wanted to use that to control what's on my front page, so I tagged the pictures with "frontpage". When I create the content block, it remains empty.
Thanks for the report! For the Smart Galleries, make sure to click "Refresh" in the Smart Gallery set up tool to verify it is pulling in all of the proper photos. Also, keyword indexing is taking longer than usual, which is most likely the cause of both of these issues.
Photo Blog
Another issue I now have is that even though I limit the size to XLarge in that smart gallery, everyone has access to Original size - I had to unlist the gallery in order to protect the files.
If I go back to the Settings for the gallery and go into the setup for Smart Gallery, and click 'refresh' then sometimes it picks up more photos with the keyword -- but I should not have to do this. The whole point of it being "smart" is that it picks them up automatically as soon as keywords are added to a photo.
This is *very reproducible*. Please let me know if you need any additional information to help track this down so it can be fixed.
I am storing all of my images in location galleries and from there feeding other galleries. All those images uploaded and the keywords are perfect. It doesn't work. Smart galleries are not picking them up.
I'm starting to think Corbis here I come.... Too much of a hassle to get this to work.
Hey, what's going on here? This is unusable!
My alternative is to downgrade my account from Pro to Basic so I can still do web postings from here and take my business URL someplace else, or go Corbis. Thank God I have my prints website with someone else so I still have a part of the business running.
My experience with double postings is that you have another image somewhere on the site, maybe in an unlisted gallery. The default on the smart galleries is to look for images everywhere, including unlisted galleries. There is a switch in the Smart Galleries Setup page that will disallow looking in unlisted and private galleries.
I selected Galleries on the Type selection drop down and the folders and galleries do not match my site. All the galleries that have images to post to Smart Galleries, the smart ones as well are under a folder called "Smug Preview".
That might be why Smart Galleries can't find the images. There are some folders in there that were deleted days ago as well!!
Now is that a BUG?
Remember this place?
Well, when we created a gallery in the legacy SM we assigned a category so that place would find it. The New SM has no such option.
And guess what? The galleries that are working with smart galleries are under the folder LANDSCAPES (look on the link in the post above). I don't even have that folder in my site! But, it is one of the categories in the old SM and that is where a lot of my galleries were before.
The plot thickens...... What a mess.
Ha, thanks, hadn't thought of that. I wish there was a way to exclude duplicates based on filename, that would be great.
I'm gonna have to revise my entire site organization, keywords, etc. Have to say this is frustrating to do with thousands of pictures and a super slow connection.
tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick.........................
Here's an example:
- I have tagged 18 photos with keyword "bwrockies", some in an unlisted (but not private) gallery
- Created a Smart Gallery to pull photos based on that keyword
- This gallery only shows 7 photos
- When I do a search for that keyword, only 12 pics are returned
- The gallery is setup for max size XLarge, yet visitors can access the full size - what the heck???
My unfortunate conclusion is that Smart Galleries, one of smugmug's main selling features, simply doesn't work and with the size bug I simply can't use it. I really want this fixed sooner rather than later!
Mine are all working right as of 2:15pm EST. :ivar:ivar:ivar
They must have fixed something. If so THANKS SMUGMUG! I'll try another upload this afternoon and see. Crossing my fingers...
Lucky you! Mine aren't working at all. Thinking back, I don't think this feature ever worked for me and I've been with sm for many years
At least on legacy SM we knew that keywords was being indexed (indexing: was shown)
Im trying to exclude keywords. In captions&keywords editing page, they have the keyword, but as they're not indexed my exclusion rules dont work.. *sigh*..
Mine aren't working either....never had any trouble with it on the old version??
I strongly suspect that it was due to background-release's for the new SM. Had really strange session-bugs at the same time (access to other smuggers galleries), and this was also the same time as they released the new login-page.
Same issue here. Manually pressing the refresh button on the smart gallery setting page does not help. It takes very long time (many hours) before the images finally appear. Please give this bug attention.
Just so you know Michael, I will not go through what I went through when I first started using smart galleries for my site 3 years ago. I sure hope they are working before August 25th when I do my first smart galleries for Football and Volleyball.. I pound on them every week and will need them to be right and will not hit refresh for a Varsity football team. I found so many bugs with Smart Galleries when I started doing it ... I have reported enough issues with my site on the SM 2.0 that will wait but Smart Galleries have to work.. Member
If the keywords are indexed, smart galleries will update immediately. Can you go into the gallery smart settings and click refresh?
Photo Blog
David we made some changes to Smart galleries today that should have it humming
Can you test it out and let me know?
Photo Blog
You will know on the 25th of August for sure, Varsity Football and Girls Volleyball will be uploading that day with keywords for smart galleries...
Thanks Member
Shoot me a message when you are uploading and ill try to keep an eye and make sure it is running smooth
Photo Blog
Well... that is what was normal about one or two weeks ago.
I've updated a keyword on a few photos and the search results shows more photos then the SmartGallery. Refresh did not change anything. I know it must be the indexer as the search did only show two photos yesterday (the same that are showing on the SmartGallery). The search does already find some of the indexed photos with the updated keyword, the Smartgallery is just way behind.
Right now (august 13th, 4:25am UTC) if you do a search on my website for "gigiedgley" the search will find 6 photos. If you select the SmartGallery "fedcon guests > Gigi Edgley" from the top menu/dropdown menu you will see only two. Both are part of the search results. A few more photos should be there and some more need to be indexed again because of the updated keyword. I had a typo in her name... if you do a search for gigiegley without the 'd' in the name and you will get 31 more photos. In the keywords the name shows up already with the correct spelling, but in the index there must be still the old keyword.
Right now... immediately means maybe a few hours or days later
On Aug 9 I uploaded 200 keyworded photos as a test. It is now Aug 13 --4 full days later(!!!)-- and not a single keyword from those 200 photos has been indexed yet. My site is nothing but empty smart galleries. I've been on Smugmug 10 years now and I've been using 100% smart galleries for years and the site is completely unusable to me now until this keyword indexing issue is fixed. Waiting 4+ days for changes to take effect is not progress. Neither is going back to hierarchical gallery structures. This is so frustrating.
I uploaded two new panoramas days ago:
They clearly have the keyword panorama indexed but are not showing up in my smart gallery with panoramas above. Worse an image that days ago I removed the keyword panorama from (the second in the smart gallery), keeps showing up when I refresh refresh, even though even in the panorama gallery it shows it misses that keyword. I can go on and on with examples like this. I have galleries that look for mountain landscapes and such that haven't updated for quite a while.
Just posting here to make sure I get the thread updates, so I know when this is fixed.
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." (Einstein)