Anyone on Ubuntu?

Is anyone using linux for PP?
I just converted one of my laptops to Ubuntu 13.04 and it is fantastic... Super easy to use.
It was Win8, I hated it. So I tried Win7, but it wouldn't take for some reason. My final choice was Ubuntu, only to see what its like, and I am in love! Only problem.. I want LR on it, but no one seems to have a solution. :cry
I just converted one of my laptops to Ubuntu 13.04 and it is fantastic... Super easy to use.
It was Win8, I hated it. So I tried Win7, but it wouldn't take for some reason. My final choice was Ubuntu, only to see what its like, and I am in love! Only problem.. I want LR on it, but no one seems to have a solution. :cry
-Mike Jin
16/2.8, f1.4G primes, f2.8 trio, 105/200 macro, SB900.
It never gets easier, you just get better.
16/2.8, f1.4G primes, f2.8 trio, 105/200 macro, SB900.
It never gets easier, you just get better.
You can try wine, which is a windows emulator, or set up a VM using VirtualBox.
I use RawTherapee, LightZone and Gimp for pp. DarkTable is an LR-type app. But I never miss those commercial apps!!
Ubuntu Linux - LightZone - GIMP
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I saw LR5 was a bit faster than LR4, but still I can't imagine it being any slower!
16/2.8, f1.4G primes, f2.8 trio, 105/200 macro, SB900.
It never gets easier, you just get better.
Ubuntu Linux - LightZone - GIMP
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And they're both open source.
We must look at it. We're required to look at it. We are required to do what we can about it. If we don't........who will? - James Nachtwey
I agree with the others, digiKam is super, never having used Lightroom though, I can't compare, but it sure appears to be quite the same. You can modify the UI to be more like Lightroom, too.
I also use Darktable, RawTherapee, and Gimp.
One weird thing for me this morning, digiKam and Smugmug aren't playing nice. I've done no upgrades, made no changes, so maybe it's something on the Smugmug side. Or maybe it's just limited to me somehow. Uploading to Flickr went fine from digikam.
Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein
All the best!
Ubuntu Linux - LightZone - GIMP
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I did find out that the reason I can't export from digiKam any longer to Smugmug is because I unveiled last night. digiKam and the new Smugmug have a problem:
You can, however, drag and drop into the Smugmug bulk upload UI.
Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein
I understand that previous versions of Ubuntu/linux was entirely cmd/"terminal" based?
16/2.8, f1.4G primes, f2.8 trio, 105/200 macro, SB900.
It never gets easier, you just get better.
Technically, you can still install a cmd-line/terminal "only" version of Linux, but most distributions of Linux have long had a GUI. GNOME, for instance, has been around since 1999. The X Window System itself, on which most Linux desktop environments rely, dates back to 1984, and X11 dates to 1987.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
I'll look for those apps/programs to compare to LR5!
16/2.8, f1.4G primes, f2.8 trio, 105/200 macro, SB900.
It never gets easier, you just get better.
Hi there,
I wanted to ask if there is a bulk uploader on linux that you use for uploading and syncing your images.
ziggy edit: User "Matt518" gives a better answer below.
It varies, but generally you are best to use the bulk uploader(s) created by your image host provider. Those vary by provider and there is no single, general purpose, bulk uploader software that I am aware of, much less a multi-platform, multi-service, bulk uploader.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Most of the photo management software applications have a built in utility to upload and sync images [with various sites]. Outside of photo management applications, there are several FTP utilities available on Linux, FileZilla being one.
We must look at it. We're required to look at it. We are required to do what we can about it. If we don't........who will? - James Nachtwey
^ I like your answer better than mine. Thanks
To expand on that, it appears that digiKam, Shotwell and F-Spot are all Linux image management applications capable of uploading images to "some" popular image hosting services.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Not trying to undermine you in any way, just giving a different perspective I suppose.
To elaborate a little, I'm not sure about the others, but digiKam is also available as open source on Windows and Mac also. The support for uploading to image hosting services shouldn't change based on what platform is being used.
We must look at it. We're required to look at it. We are required to do what we can about it. If we don't........who will? - James Nachtwey
I appreciate your concern, but I appreciate your help more.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
In all that time, I have never really considered doing my image processing and storage management on the Linux side of things. THANKS to everyone that has posted here...I now have RawTherapee, LightZone, digiKam, and a few others downloaded, and am rethinking my workflow in a Linux-centric kind of way.
We must look at it. We're required to look at it. We are required to do what we can about it. If we don't........who will? - James Nachtwey
That's excellent. After you've messed around with them some, come back to this thread and post your opinions of them. I'm all for using open source solutions, and I think having different experiences and opinions can be a substantial benefit to others, especially those who are unaware of the options of using open source solutions.
We must look at it. We're required to look at it. We are required to do what we can about it. If we don't........who will? - James Nachtwey
I would be interested in a follow up once you have had time with the new software. I too dual boot but have always done anything remotely serious in Windows purely due to convenience.
We must look at it. We're required to look at it. We are required to do what we can about it. If we don't........who will? - James Nachtwey
16/2.8, f1.4G primes, f2.8 trio, 105/200 macro, SB900.
It never gets easier, you just get better.
If I were to switch over, does anyone know of a way to migrate a LR catalog over to one of these Linux formats?
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Be sure to check out Robert Hutton's great tutorial videos on youtube:
User-contributed styles:
The user group on flickr:
The Google+ communities: and
And many more:
Here's a blog post by a Lightroom user testing the waters with Digikam and migrating his LR files. What I noticed especially is that he had to make sure that lightroom had written all the metadata to the files, so that it'd be read by Digikam, but after that he seems to be happy with how they imported into Digikam.
I'll have to try Darktable again when I have time.
Be sure to add a card that supports OpenCL - darktable already supports it, RawTherapee is considering support. Speedups are huge. See
sometimes I like to see real light.