CS5 and Windows 8

Please move this question to the right thread if this is the wrong one .. thanks 
I just had my computer replaced by Dell and it has windows 8 on it. Sadly my Photoshop CS5 doesn't work on it. I get a box popping up. I've talked with Dell and they're sending me out another brand of video card to see if that will help. From my reading on the issue online some have issues with photoshop on windows 8 while others don't. Does anyone know if just putting in another brand of video card will remedy the issue or is there other problems within the software that 'just doesn't work with w8'?
I've attached a screen shot of the box that pops up. Any action mentioned in the box has been worked with and it doesn't fix the problem.

I just had my computer replaced by Dell and it has windows 8 on it. Sadly my Photoshop CS5 doesn't work on it. I get a box popping up. I've talked with Dell and they're sending me out another brand of video card to see if that will help. From my reading on the issue online some have issues with photoshop on windows 8 while others don't. Does anyone know if just putting in another brand of video card will remedy the issue or is there other problems within the software that 'just doesn't work with w8'?
I've attached a screen shot of the box that pops up. Any action mentioned in the box has been worked with and it doesn't fix the problem.
i have no problem , and my graphic card is 6years old
what brand card you have ?
and , more important ; you sure you have the correct driver ?
basically you have 2 options
-let Windows Update do it for you
-download latest driver from the manufacturer of the card
since i dont trust Windows Update , i usually use the second option
just make sure you use the correct driver
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Thank you both for your help. The graphic card in my computer is the AMD Radeon HD 7700 series. They are replacing it with a nVidia GeForce GTX 660. All my other computers with Dell have needed a nVidia card to run photoshop smoothly. Odd I know, but it was did the trick.
All drivers (windows, photoshop and video card) were updated and the issue still continues. I will uninstall photoshop and install Adobe Air first and see how it works. I did check out the link to the graphic cards tested. I don't see either cards I've mentioned on the lists
use the latest driver strait from nVidia site
the new drivers have an option for clean install , this option cleans old driver-settings
i think the Radeon also should work normally
you connected a power-supply cable ?
that is nessesary for cards like this
If all else fails, perhaps upgrade to PS-CS6?
If you should decide to upgrade to PS-CS6:
Go to this page:
Choose either Photoshop CS6 or Photoshop CS6 Extended and click the "Buy" link. This should bring up some options including:
I want to buy: "Full"
... is default, but if you click the little down arrow you can select "Upgrade".
When you choose the "Upgrade" option and the product you are upgrading from you should see CS6 Upgrade for US $199.00 and US $399.00 for PS CS6 Extended Upgrade.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Interesting that you get it with CS6 on win7 and I get it with CS5 on win 8. Opposite since Ziggy said CS6 works good on win 8. My CS5 ran beautifully on win 7.
If things run okay when you click it off - do you miss out on an editing options? Does it effect any edits you may make? Also does it effect how one sees a photo? I don't have a clue what GPU enhancements are. I probably should check that out.
you installed a driver ? or Windows did ?
you should go to manufacturer site and download the driver from them
select the correct ! card and Windows-version ( 32 / 64 bit ) and download + install
edit ;
i dont like the "auto" stuff
i always select manually instead of let these site make a choice for me
What color space are you processing in? (Adobe RGB or sRGB, typically.)
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
All drivers were installed from the site - nVidia after the computer arrived to me. Last night there was an update to the graphic card and I installed that. Still the same issue. Maybe a faulty graphic card?
Thank you for your help
I'm set to sRGB - 16 bit.
Here's a photo showing what I see and maybe you can tell me if you see it too - Photo has not been edited. There is smoothness to the hair that looks like the photo has been run through a denoise software. There are color tints to it and there are areas where it looks like it's been over processed in the dark area. On the Windows 8 computer I see all this when looking at photos. On W7 I don't see anything other then a nice photo with good color that needs some basic editing.
What happens when you copy a JPG file from one machine to the other? Does the same file just look poorer on the newer machine?
Edit: How does this file look on each dispaly?
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Photo looks fine using the same monitor. Photo just looks poorer on new machine. Do you see it? I'll check out your links now.
Ziggy I'm going to have to set up the other computer to see how the photo in the link looks. That will take me some time to do. But I will do it
go to
Control Panel\All Control Panel Items \ Colour Management
in Devices tab , you can check if the correct display is used
in advanced tab , you can calibrate the display
I just checked this and both top bars are set to default sRGB. Tried to get back into it and forgot how I found it the first time. Things in W8 are so easy to find, but so hard to too :cry
in control panel , set "View by : ...icons , so you see the whole list
I have no start button on W8. But I played around till I found it and did a calibration on the monitor. It helped somewhat. Now I just need to get my monitor calibrated with my i1 and then I'll be okay .. hopefully. I'm waiting for Trend to get to me on why it's blocking my download for the i1. My i1 is really outdated and I should by a new calibrator.
hover the mouse to bottom left corner ( where it used to be in the past )
the button pops up
if you right-click it , it gives you lot of functions / options
You are correct. I just didn't see that as the normal start button. From there tho I do a whole lot of hunting to find what I want
Seems I need to calibrate. I messed around with my color settings on my monitor and the photo I posted of Annie is starting to look better.
let us know if you solved it
I figure the first place I need to start is to be able to calibrate my monitor. I'm looking at a new one to buy. Right now I have the i1display2. If I could get the softward on my computer I'd still use it. I will keep trying, but want one sitting ready to buy. I've looked at this one and this one which they say is the one I should get to replace my i1display2. Any suggestions would be appreciated
you use the original that came with the device ?
i checked their site , and latest version ( win7 ) should work for you
No I can't get the software to install. My Trend is stopping it. I'm working with Trend right now to figure out the reason. Thinking of taking Trend off and reinstalling.
then , after installing is done re-enable Trend again
it is just blocking the .exe
Ok I'll give that a try. Thank-you basfit
Thanks Again!!!