Smart Galleries not working
Smart galleries still aren't working for me.
Since Smugmug hasn't responded to my emails since August 14, despite numerous requests for a follow up (ticket#504821 ) I feel I have no choice but to post here and hope someone responds. If I try to make a smart gallery rule that pulls images from an existing gallery, I only get my OLD hierarchy from legacy Smugmug. Unfortunately when I unveiled the new Smugmug I changed my hierarchy, so now I can't create the smart gallery rule.
For Example my new Smug hierarchy is Clients>Wedding>Couple my old hierarchy was Client Login>Couple . If I try to create a smart gallery that pulls from a gallery created SINCE I upgraded it will not let me choose it in the rules since it only gives me the choice to pull from "Client Login". It's like the new gallery hierarchy doesn't even exist (in smart rules anyway).
Now I have to upload images multiple times to multiple galleries, using more bandwidth and more importantly (to me anyway) more of my time. And the fact that Smugmug has not given me an update in 5 days (other than the initial "we reported this") despite numerous emails is absolutely terrible customer service. I realize glitches happen, but to be ignored by support is quite a different thing and much more frustrating. Poor form. Please respond Smugmug.
Since Smugmug hasn't responded to my emails since August 14, despite numerous requests for a follow up (ticket#504821 ) I feel I have no choice but to post here and hope someone responds. If I try to make a smart gallery rule that pulls images from an existing gallery, I only get my OLD hierarchy from legacy Smugmug. Unfortunately when I unveiled the new Smugmug I changed my hierarchy, so now I can't create the smart gallery rule.
For Example my new Smug hierarchy is Clients>Wedding>Couple my old hierarchy was Client Login>Couple . If I try to create a smart gallery that pulls from a gallery created SINCE I upgraded it will not let me choose it in the rules since it only gives me the choice to pull from "Client Login". It's like the new gallery hierarchy doesn't even exist (in smart rules anyway).
Now I have to upload images multiple times to multiple galleries, using more bandwidth and more importantly (to me anyway) more of my time. And the fact that Smugmug has not given me an update in 5 days (other than the initial "we reported this") despite numerous emails is absolutely terrible customer service. I realize glitches happen, but to be ignored by support is quite a different thing and much more frustrating. Poor form. Please respond Smugmug.
Rockford, IL
Rockford, IL
Rockford, IL
Yes, we are aware of this, and our working on an update. My sincere apologies!
Photo Blog
Rockford, IL
Rockford, IL
At first I didn't understand what you meant in your first post, so I went to my Organizer to try to add a rule "from a particular gallery" Like you said, the file structure seems to be the legacy structure, with the exception, that I now have a category called "Smug Preview" and that is where ALL my new galleries are ending up. So if I choose the gallery from that list, all works fine, but it definitely an inconvenience to have this weird file structure that does not match what I now have in my Organizer. Check your's again and see if you have a Smug Preview category and if your desired gallery is in there.
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Rockford, IL
Apparently I can only make smart rules that look for source galleries in folders that existed at the time of the migration preview.
I can make new folders, but if they are at the top level of the site, I can never select them in a smart rule for "in gallery" bc the folder doesn't show in the gallery list.
All you can chose are folders that were there pre-migration, or one called "Smug Preview".
Smug Preview contains all galleries created during the migration preview as a flat list - duplicate names, too (but none of the folders) it's pretty difficult to find the right galleries to chose from if they aren't uniqely named. But any galleries created outside of the pre-existing folders won't show at all.
Please put this on the front burner of 'to fix' if you can.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
I'm broken too. I have to uploading second versions of my galleries as a workaround. I really hate it.
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For some reason, this work-around doesn't seem to be addressing leturner's problem. I don't completely understand, but maybe you can. It seems that the workaround maybe only works if you're adding galleries to a folder / category that already existed in Legacy? Maybe that's why it's working for you, but leturner is wanting to add galleries outside the pre-existing folders / cats? Idk. Here's his/her post:
Also, I know what he/she means about the flat list. That's a big problem in Legacy as well, when you want to choose a gallery to move a photo to. The flat list has no clear organization, although it's sort of listed in some category-based order, & newest galleries show up as last for a few days. But like leturner says, if you have same-named galleries, there's no way to tell them apart. In Legacy, you can't even tell a Smart Gallery from an Original gallery, so I had to add codes for myself. Lots of people would have same-named galleries under different categories / folders, so the flat-list thing is really impossible to use. Anyway, I wouldn't go calling any of these work-arounds "working fine" because then it will surely never get fixed!!
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
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ceasley, I'm glad it's not a problem for you. But it is a significant one for us. And an unreasonable bug for anyone to have to deal with given that we used their transition tool EXACTLY as they told us to - and now we can't get out of the problem.
We are a small school that used smugmug as our school archive and gallery - For each school year, 13 classrooms with similar organization, - an intentional and necessary structure to make it usable for everyone in the school.
But with this bug - EVERY new gallery is dumped into a flat list under 'Smug' Preview. Going forward this makes SMUGMUG useless to us. We can make a folder for a new year, new classes, new galleries but any new smart gallery won't find that structure. It will only find a Smug Preview folder with a growing 'Flat' list of similarly named galleries. Particularly galleries named by month.
Maybe this screenshot will help folks understand the mess better. This bug needs to be fixed.
Perhaps the title of the main post makes it hard to pick out the issue.
The problem is essentially:
Gallery heirarchy is broken in Smart Album settings for old-to-new style Smug Mug folks who used the SmugMug preview process.
(at least that's my scenario - possibly for others as well)
I can't make any new smart albums that need to draw from albums created since I updated to the new Smug Mug format. It's actually gotten worse because they've improved scrolling speed of the gallery drop list. Since ALL new gallerys just get added to the "catch-all" Smug Preview gallery (see image further up) the list just gets longer and longer. It's now impossible for me to even try to select anything between the top and bottom of the list.
If there's no fix for this, we'll have to find something else. It won't be possible to set up galleries they way we need to use them for the next year.
A real shame, because everything else is wonderful.
Strange! I'll get back to you on this one.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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This is a smart gallery -- -- and there are five more photos that I keyword yesterday that still haven't shown up in the gallery, including this photo -- .
The Railroad Photographer
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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Former SmugMug Product Team
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DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
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