Filenames Now Displayed In Organizer

We heard alot of feedback from our passionate Dgrin Community about showing the filename while in the organizer. Well, I am happy to announce, as of this morning, that is now possible! Simply toggle the filenames on/off using the switch in the upper right hand corner when in the gallery.
As always, let me know if you have questions or feedback!
As always, let me know if you have questions or feedback!

Ditto, thanks makes things a lot easier!
Thanks! Sent the feedback off, but that would probably be a much larger project. I think this experiment shows me that I need to make shorter, custom filenames that have something to do with the photo (ie: Cambodia_145)
Photo Blog
Thx for that...
Well... good old legacy SmugMug ;-) See Screenshot below. The editor for captions and keywords shows the complete filename. And this is where i need it.
The reason why i rename all files on import with date/time, camera, lens and other things is that SM once did show the wrong date (date modified instead of date taken). With the photo info button people always get the correct date no matter what SM currently displays (ok, this is fixed... for now).
When i add the keywords i do not have to check the exifs for each photo, i just have a look to the filename which already includes most of my relevant keyowrds. So the naming scheme me is currently using is part of my workflow.
Naming all photos like Cambodia_145.jpg might be good for traveling. But the gallery on my screenshot above list animals in a zoo and there are thousands of it. If i name them animal_145.jpg this would not be very helpful since i generate the caption out of it.
I think there are a few others also have long filenames so i think working on it might help some others also, but really not a high priority.
If you have a closer look to collage landscape and collage portrait with titles/captions shown in a bottom bar, you will notice that when using landscape captions titles are cut off also. This is why i use portrait for this gallery. It shows a larger caption (at least the complete animals description i need, i still don't use titles since the organizer-tool/editor doesn't support it) so i can copy+paste it when edit captions for newly uploaded photos. I would not have a problem with the organizer offering an option to show icons in columns instead of grid just like collage portrait.
Another option might be single column/photo list that shows more info then filename only. I applied a second screenshot below which is my filemanager with enabled preview mode.
Just ideas to improve it...
That would indeed be sweet!
Well, but how do I CHANGE a file name?
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--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I do recall having seen it working once before, but it isn't working for me now.
Sony A7r4 with a selection of Rokinon Cine primes that I'm really enjoying learning how to use.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Not any more. Those boxes do nothing.
Sony A7r4 with a selection of Rokinon Cine primes that I'm really enjoying learning how to use.
My earlier screen shot was grabbed from the Edge browser after I saw your post this morning. I just checked the latest releases of Chrome and Firefox on Windows and they both show the file names in Organizer if requested.
What browser are you using?
Have you tried an alternative browser?
Have you tried clearing the browser cache?
Maybe the smug heroes have something else to try or knowledge of an environment where this feature is known to show a problem.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Sometimes when icons are not clickable, it's because I have changed the zoom on my browser window, off of 100%. If you check that, does it fix the problem?
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