Still bugs.....

It's been awhile since the change over and I still get issues all the time.
I get logged out, for no reason at all....randomly.
When I'm not logged in I can't always see the preview image for password protected galleries, even though I've chosen a photo to use as the preview.
Sometimes when I'm in a gallery, and choosing a photo link to share, and exit out of that screen it takes me back to a blank page, no photos showing, but it still says I'm in the gallery.
The html loader doesn't always open, I have to select "choose another loader"...I choose the html loader and it opens.
Not sure why these things are happening and I can't believe I'm the only one these things are happening to.
I get logged out, for no reason at all....randomly.
When I'm not logged in I can't always see the preview image for password protected galleries, even though I've chosen a photo to use as the preview.
Sometimes when I'm in a gallery, and choosing a photo link to share, and exit out of that screen it takes me back to a blank page, no photos showing, but it still says I'm in the gallery.
The html loader doesn't always open, I have to select "choose another loader"...I choose the html loader and it opens.
Not sure why these things are happening and I can't believe I'm the only one these things are happening to.
Always lurking, sometimes participating. 

DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
I've laid low for awhile, hoping things would get worked out, but apparently there hasn't been much improvement, if any. The old SmugMug worked great....this one, not so much.
However, I think, in general the UI is fully functional and quite stable as well and everyone who is willing to take some time playing around (fear is always a bad advisor, you only learn by doing) will get a new look and site.
Till now, I had not the slightest (technical or other) issue at all since day 1. Not the slightest at all. Everything went flawlessly. I played around for an hour (or two) to understand how the new UI worked and what the 'templates' looked like. I then quit to draw the look of my new smugmug site (which galleries, which style, what colors etc...) and started customization some hours after that. The bottom line is that after some preparation time, I had a new site after 1.5 days and everything went without any glitches, issues or whatever. Till now, still no (technical or other) issues...
Now anxiously looking forward for the next updates, features and additions.
I hope I should not feel guilty and I cannot imagine that I'm alone having no issues at all.
Couldn't agree more, especially on '...... but I still have the impression most issues are personal ones.' - which has been the case since day one. Remember there are many thousands of Smugmug users and these forums are not exactly hard to find if you have or even think you may have a problem. And yet the concerns and anxieties are being exhibited by very few people, many of whom are yet to even unveil. I would suggest that the vast majority have no real issues, or certainly no issues they cannot live with because they are minor and will probably be solved eventually anyway. Those with overly complicated 'scrapbook' sites with banners and flags and 10,000 keywords etc etc will probably not be able to replicate all that on the new Smugmug design and may have problems adapting but for the rest of us who just want a modern, simple and effective way to show our photographs this is a much bigger improvement than I imagined it would be after all the years of talking about it. So no Luc, you are not alone!
I do wonder if one difference between those who seem content and others is those using "collage sites" (like and those using galleries, with thumbnails and previews).
I actually dislike the collage look and don't use it anywhere. I have Smugmug style galleries with thumbnails pretty much throughout save for maybe two or three galleries but they don't use the collage style either. My galleries look very similar to how they did on my legacy site but everything just works properly and looks as I always wanted it to, at last. It was very unsatisfactory before despite all the hours of faffing around with CSS and Javascript and always looked very much like an amateur site whereas now I would feel much better about directing a potential client there knowing a, that it all works and b, that it looks professional.
I had no problem searching through the different templates, finding one I like, and going live with it, but the bugs I reported here are not made up, not related to 10,000 keywords, and aren't an issue related only to me, therefore I would hope that SmugMug continues to correct these issues, even if the issue is on one person's sight.....since none of us are any more or less important than the other. I pay for a service, I expect quality in return. The issues I have now were not present with the old format.
To those that have no issues....good for you, but don't think for a minute that just because you're not having issues someone else isn't. There are many different templates with many different options, and bugs may not show up unless A B C and D are done or A C E and F are done.
If someone can tell me why I can't see my preview photos when I'm logged out, viewing as a visitor would view, I'd be one step closer to happy.
The specific problems the OP listed are common ones. And logging in & uploading, 2 of the most common things we do, should be virtually glitch-free. Sure, many people don't complain about them because this is what happens when you bring up problems around here-- someone (often more than one, often including a hero) is often ready to jump in & tell you why it's not an issue. Or offer solutions that aren't solutions. (like, oh, the color correction isn't working? Well, just do it on your computer.)
As to "scrapbook sites", just bear in mind when you pooh-pooh them that not everyone has the $$$ to have two sites. I would LOVE to have a second site, one for just my better & more artistic photography, That would be grand. And back when the fees were much lower I contemplated it. Or I'd like a better way of "walling off" one entire part of my site so that it would mostly just be for family. But that can get very complicated too, worse than having a "scrapbook site". Right now there are such a multitude of issues with passworded sites (Old & New) that I'm not encouraged about that route for now either. But anyway, there are lots of very excellent reasons why someone may not want to have the same kind of site you do. When family is scattered far, and now that everything can be digitalized, the easiest way for people to see "snapshots" etc. is to view them on their devices on their own time. So I'm quite aware that it may not look perfectly pretty to you or someone else, but until I have plenty of $$$ to throw into a second site, I can't worry about that.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
True and this is precisely why it is taking some time to solve all the little issues some people are having but I do think they will get there eventually. Having said that it will be impossible to please everybody and there will be some things you want to do or could do before that you just can't do anymore. I do think it would be good for Smugmug to acknowledge that sometimes rather than just stay silent.
Anna Lisa, your rambling posts make up a huge percentage of the concerns and issues voiced here in these forums! Seriously, the amount of time you spend telling everyone that the sky is falling, you could have had your new site unveiled weeks and weeks ago and maybe helped to solve some of the problems rather than be in a state of paralysis just in case any of them might actually affect you. And I don't understand your point about a second site at all. What are you talking about? You get a terabyte on Flickr for free for goodness sake, why not use that for the snapshots and use Smugmug for the good stuff? Or split your Smugmug site into two folders of galleries, one for the family snaps and one for the serious stuff - that would be so easy to do! You seem to be determined to think yourself into a corner and over complicate this. I can't see you ever unveiling as I think you will always find a perceived obstacle somewhere and it's such a shame when it's all so unnecessary! Take the leap!
To your other "points" (not really), um, yeah, obviously I already have a bunch of "folders" (stupid new Smug word, because who keeps photos in "folders"? But I digress...) better known as cats & sub-cats. In that way, it's not even complicated. People who wanna see the Family or Friends stuff, they can just hit that NavBar tab & presto. So it shouldn't really even bother people like you who don't wanna see it. I have a Portfolio button, so there you go.
Another site would be a highly painful "option" at this point. I have all my archives here. Flickr has so many deal-breakers I don't even know where to start. The last I knew, you couldn't even upload PSDs there! I upload TIFFs, PSDs, & Raw. Maybe that doesn't bother you, but if all my archives are here, then all I have to do is copy a photo from archives to any other gallery here, even outside of my archives, public or private, on my SmugMug. It already has all its parts intact. Flickr strips out a bunch of stuff, changes your filenames, all kinds of crap that would be a real pain. And the printing options, which family & friends want, are evidently rather abysmal? Anyway, why do I even bother.... to each her own... how 'bout we help the OP.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Below are some of my biggest headaches. Some of these are just annoyances, but they have made me lose confidence in Smugmug's ability to make sensible design decisions. And they've contributed to my sense that I have to workaround problems to manage and use my site. And yes, Smugmug has corrected a handful of the design decisions I found most annoying, but it seems like nothing much has happened since the first batch or two of bug fixes.
Keywords that contain an apostrophe are broken. This may seem like an edge case to you, but I'm a birder/natural history buff, and many bird species (as well as many other plant and animals species have names with apostrophes -- think "Swainson's Thrush", "Wilson's Warbler", etc. This broke in legacy smug as well after it had been working...
If I want to publish a "friendly" URL on paper, the URL is unlikely to work because of the new case-sensitivity. Yes, I know I can customize my own 404 page.
If I want to get a "persistent" gallery link to publish elsewhere, there is no easy way to get one like there is in legacy smug. Yes, there is a kludgy workaround the Heroes have recommended that involves getting the album key from the "batch buy" process and building your own link.
Anonymous comments are not allowed...just a serious bummer...because I enjoyed reading comments and know that I won't be getting them now.
The "keyword" page only returning 255 keywords (I use my keyword page to find photos associated with a keyword and quickly launch a "virtual" gallery. The new search results are suboptimal since they don't generate a "virtual" gallery. And yes...there are many ways of working around this and I'll get used to them. The search results in legacy smug would return "keywords" matching the search argument, so this was another easy way to get there quickly that is now gone.
The fact that the default, when you search, is "photos" and not "photos-videos" and that there is no indication that only photo results have been returned except for the very subtle heading "12 images."
That the slideshow you get when you click slideshow from within a smugmug gallery no longer displays captions (and has no option to do so).
Have you customized the gallery view?
I haven't done much customization, but I intensely dislike the default gallery view. There were bugs (for over a month, ones that affected everyone, including the lack of updates on window resize), but even with those resolved, the current views have tons of blank space and the text below the image moves up and down by a couple of pixels every time a portrait image is refreshed). And, frankly, I haven't seen a site I liked yet, so haven't found it worthwhile to work hard on customization since I have nothing to emulate. I'm still waiting and seeing, but right now what i see in my smugmug site is a downgrade.
I have no guilt whatsoever about what I want -- it is precisely a scrapbook site. I do not sell my images. I use smugmug to host images for my blog (mostly read by family) & to share pictures with my family and friends (including my kids' sports teams, schools, and other activities). Smugmug use to work reasonably well for that.
Smugmug used to work for that purpose at a reasonable price and with sufficient privacy. I just don't feel like that I have that anymore.
Honestly, there's almost nothing in the SmugMug style galleries that really looks better to me (except for the smoother gradations), and they certainly don't seem to work better. May be good having both titles & captions, IF they take them from the correct box in PS; otherwise that will create a huge mess for me too. So yeah, hard for me to be all-excited about stuff that actually looks worse to me than my already-customized site, so I can't help but chuckle at some of the insistence. Well, I guess what you don't notice doesn't bother you. When you're trained to notice, and/or you were born noticing, then what may be of little importance to the unobservant is highly important to you. Honestly, I really & truly can't figure out how some of the New design got past whatever visual QA people they have at Smug. I try to understand, but I simply don't. I don't get either why we'd want to emulate Flickr styles... such a low bar.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
For the love of all that's holy, please migrate your site so that your wonderful photography will be much better presented than this.
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DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
prettier that they downsized the thumbs and main photo in Smugmug style. It's now an ugly page to
look at.
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It's actually easy to have two completely different sites in one on the new SmugMug. Actually 3, 4, 5...If you get a little creative, you can have many brands living on one SmugMug site.
Photo Blog
Heya Jeff,
I would love to help trouble shoot these issues with you. Can you direct me to specific galleries and step by step descriptions to recreate your experience? I have just taken a test drive around your site and everything seems to work.
Photo Blog
You mean like having to enter the password to get into the family galleries almost everytime I try to look at one (while logged out, like a visitor)? And the fact that most of the previews are not showing.....
But then if I go to another gallery the thumbs are there.
I still hate having to use a password to get into the folders, to see the password protected galleries too. Legacy didn't require this. It seems the biggest issues are with password protected galleries.....but then there is still the logging out, the loaders not opening and the occasional other odd ball bug.
Support Hero
Um, Anna Lisa - it's a SCREENSHOT via evernote, of your site which is in legacy, looks confusing, way too much going on, New SM would be so much cleaner and beautiful and would show off your work much more better. But if you want to stay with ye olde, that's your choice. This is the page I screenshotted.!i=1037746197&k=bnWCgMm
Why or how could I do anything to make it look different? That's crazy.
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Can I ask where you trained?
The saddest most pathetic part (but ironic too) is that you chose to pick on a memory gallery for one of my dearest friends who died a couple yrs ago. She was a folk musician, and the gorgeous song she wrote has a play button there in the gallery description. Well, from what I've read here, that won't be possible in New Smug. Also, you have no idea how many thanks I've gotten from people for that gallery & my other memory galleries. But carry on, with whatever disrespect you want. I don't really care. You already know my obstacles to migrating.
It's amazing how much energy people waste here in their insistence that they know how wonderful it would be for me to migrate, instead of helping the OP with real problems. Oh, we want to ignore them, do we? What a surprise.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
and smaller main photo. Those R/L page chevrons take a huge area stealing from making images
larger. It looks plain ugly with all the wasted space. Blowing up to full screen on a 24" monitor is the
only way I get larger thumbs. I work in windows so full screen is out of the question.
The slideshow and buy buttons need to be moved up to the right end of the breadcrumb line.
Releasing 100% width for the gallery description. Pure ugly now.
Need three side by side div's below main photo.
Left div, share and photo nav. Center div, caption. Right div, tools and other icons.
Current comment area looks totally gross.
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DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)