Recent photo not picked up if updated
I just noticed this behaviour yesterday. If you upload a new photo and then after examining the upload, decide to make a change and replace the recently uploaded image with a new version, the new version will not be picked up by recent photos even though the original load date is newer than some of the photos on the list.
Workaround is to delete the the original uploaded image and upload the new version as a new image. But this can screw up sort order, captions etc.
Workaround is to delete the the original uploaded image and upload the new version as a new image. But this can screw up sort order, captions etc.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Do you still have that problem? I remember that i had that also long time ago and your comment just brought this thing back to me so i just made some tests.
I cropped an image, i changed some keywords and then uploaded a new photo. The modified photos do not appear on my recent photos but the latest uploads do so.
Just a guess that this odd behavior has been fixed, at least i can not reproduce this at the moment.
I haven't had the problem of replacement photos showing as recent photos in quite a while. This was the case for a couple of weeks at the beginning of August but I haven't noticed it since.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Sorry for the confusion. I don't want updated photos to show up as recent. The situation I was describing is this one,
1. I loaded a new photo. It should show up in recent.
2. As soon as it finished processing, I looked at it and decided it looked slightly over exposed.
3. I adjusted the exposure and replaced the original image. This is less than ten minutes after the initial upload.
4. The replaced image did not show up as a recent photo, although others uploaded at around the same time did.
5. I'm not sure if this is the desired behaviour. Obviously if the initial upload is days or weeks ago then yes it should not show up. If the initial upload date is newer than the last image on the recent list then it should display, even if replaced.
What is puzzling is that the photo showed up in the recent photos the next day.
I was trying to point out that replacing an image shortly after upload may keep it off the recent list but I'm not so sure now as the photo showed up the next day. Perhaps it was a lag in populating the list. I also noticed that the recent photos list was somewhat scrambled on Sunday with lots of missing photos but seems to be back to normal today. I limit the number of displayed images to 26 so it's pretty easy for me to notice funny behaviour, although that is not the reason for keeping the list short.
Anyway this may have just been an aberration.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
I use the SM Upload tool and the option to replace duplicates. The only downside is you lose the title and it has to be re-entered. But that's a known issue and it should be fixed shortly. I never noticed the replace under the tools. I'll have to try it next time. Thanks for that.
Photo Blog
Thanks for pointing out the replace option under the tools. It's works well for replacing photos with a file of a different name (unable to rename files in SM). Keeps them off the recent photos list and preserves links. I have quite a few files to rename and this will help.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)