Photo Hover Information
Whenever I hover over a photo on my site I get a box that appears with the name of the photo. Is there a way I can block this hover box from showing on everypage of my site?
Example of the box that appears when hovering the mouse over the Waterfalls & Rivers Folder.
Example of the box that appears when hovering the mouse over the Waterfalls & Rivers Folder.

For now we are stuck with this destructive, out of date, related to poor programming practice function.
Java and Javascript are very different things. Smugmug allows neither, but if they allowed Java as you implied, that would be the poorest programming practice imaginable from a security standpoint.
In reality I don’t need any access to remove something what shouldn’t be present on photography site, it simply shouldn’t be there.
It is only my personal opinion but taking in consideration majority of photography hosting/sharing sites I’m not alone.