RESULTS for Mini-Challenge #182: Reflections

Well, this was really, really tough. So many great works to choose from! After much internal debate and also consultation with my wife, Gretchen, here are a few Honorable Mentions and then pictures of the Top 6 selections. Remember, if #1 cannot assume the next challenge then #2 must step in and so forth.
Honorable Mentions:
puzzledpaul - horses eye
1magineer - November Riverbend
grandmaR - 20yr old selfie
jPope42 - sky boat
marionette - waterlily
Alans Grin - swan reflecting
sapphire73 - Morning Light on the Maroon Bells
chandlerja - eye to eye
billseye - wetter days
Really, depending on the judge and individual preferences, obviously any of these honorable mentions (and a few others to boot) could easily be judged the winners. But I must decide now, so here we go:
5th Runner Up: crevest - reflections. such a unique idea! makes one think. probably should be on the cover of a math book somewhere

4th Runner Up: kscooper - sandpipers pre-dawn. kind of hard to tell which birds are flying and which ones are reflections - very cool - great sense of motion.

3rd Runner Up: kdotaylor - beach and rocks. this is just a fantastic shot. beautiful colors and the reflections, although subtle, really make the piece work.

2nd Runner Up: Earache - me, myself and I. You know, it took me a few looks to realize what I was actually seeing. I assume this was done with composites - clearly you put forth quite a bit of strategy and effort on this one and the result is terrific! Intriguing and one of the photos I found myself really looking at for a long time. Thought provoking.

1st Runner Up: shawnc - Last Rays. I love the fact that such a small puddle makes such a huge impact on the photo. I think there is actually more color in the puddle than there is in the main subject. Very creative use of what was available to you. Well done!

WINNER: jwear - a peli can do it. Well, what can I say here but WOW. Super sharp image, perfect reflection of a high speed subject, the wingtip in the water adds great interest. Just a great work of art all around! Now, to reward you for your efforts, you get to host the next round! Good luck!
Honorable Mentions:
puzzledpaul - horses eye
1magineer - November Riverbend
grandmaR - 20yr old selfie
jPope42 - sky boat
marionette - waterlily
Alans Grin - swan reflecting
sapphire73 - Morning Light on the Maroon Bells
chandlerja - eye to eye
billseye - wetter days
Really, depending on the judge and individual preferences, obviously any of these honorable mentions (and a few others to boot) could easily be judged the winners. But I must decide now, so here we go:
5th Runner Up: crevest - reflections. such a unique idea! makes one think. probably should be on the cover of a math book somewhere

4th Runner Up: kscooper - sandpipers pre-dawn. kind of hard to tell which birds are flying and which ones are reflections - very cool - great sense of motion.

3rd Runner Up: kdotaylor - beach and rocks. this is just a fantastic shot. beautiful colors and the reflections, although subtle, really make the piece work.

2nd Runner Up: Earache - me, myself and I. You know, it took me a few looks to realize what I was actually seeing. I assume this was done with composites - clearly you put forth quite a bit of strategy and effort on this one and the result is terrific! Intriguing and one of the photos I found myself really looking at for a long time. Thought provoking.

1st Runner Up: shawnc - Last Rays. I love the fact that such a small puddle makes such a huge impact on the photo. I think there is actually more color in the puddle than there is in the main subject. Very creative use of what was available to you. Well done!

WINNER: jwear - a peli can do it. Well, what can I say here but WOW. Super sharp image, perfect reflection of a high speed subject, the wingtip in the water adds great interest. Just a great work of art all around! Now, to reward you for your efforts, you get to host the next round! Good luck!

As I've mentioned, fantastic images by all, and a great turn-out too!
Kent, no editing other than crop and B&W conversion - the image is a double reflection in two parallel, mirror-windowed, building walls.
No talent or strategy involved - but thanks for thinking so
Thanks for liking it!
FYI - the selfie was taken 56 years ago - I was the one who was 20.
"Conventional thinking is the ruin of our souls..." ~Rumi
My SmugMug Galleries
No composite? Now I am REALLY impressed!
Eric thank you again Grandma Thank you 1magineer thanks Alan coming from you means a lot and again Kent this was a very good theme and I cannot come close? I have to think, please give me a bit I will try to come up with an idea tonight. However just like you had to work hard to pick the winners, you make it difficult for me to come up with a good idea for a theme that all can play . My love is wildlife but I have done it before . Thank you Dgrin for making me a better shooter but I am still not a better writer . Jeff
Looking forward for the next challenge
Everything is a matter of perspective
And thank you again, Kent, for giving us a great mini and for the honorable mention on my shot of the Maroon Bells. I appreciated the "push" to process those....
My SmugMug Galleries
One of these days I'll have to figure out what my "style" is..
Good going especially to Jeff and Eric.
good gear; not enough time
Thank you Kent for the efforts you(and your Wife) put into this challenge.
It was a great topic, one that I think most photographers look to embody in many of our photos when available.
Thank you also for allowing me to share my photo of "Last Rays".
I hope it conveyed the same emotion in each of you as it did when I captured it.
Looking forward to the next challenge Jeff.